Fireworks? Eh, That’s Old News. Time for Goals

Seriously, there have been fireworks going off almost nightly for at least three weeks. If I didn’t have a son, I wouldn’t have noticed them any more.  Doesn’t look like any official shows are going on, so we’ll probably head out to the front or back yard to get a look at the local stuff.  Nothing else is planned, which is a shame because this is the first weekend we’ve had together since late February.  Low key fun will be had and that’s fine because we enjoy chilling.  Tomorrow’s post will show one of the things we’ve been up to, so I hope people swing by for the creative display.

This week has been a roller coaster of madness.  One thing that is truly bad news is going to be left off the blog.  Just won’t go there and I think I’m only writing this because my soul requires that I acknowledge it in some fashion.  Beyond that, I got the rest of my graduate school admissions set up, so that will start in September.  Summer job stuff is limited, so it’s not much to talk about there.  This week was a lot of setting up of future things while trying to get blogging, writing, and kid time in.  The third thing took precedence, so I didn’t get to touch any writing since Tuesday.  I’m fine with that.

I did get to socialize a bit last weekend in a safe way.  A friend invited me over to his place for a BBQ.  Small group and we knew that everyone was being safe, so it was a fun outing since I’d been left to fend for myself for dinner.  Had a fun chat about teaching and we played a game created by the vikings.  It’s called Kubb and it involves throwing dowels at blocks.  There’s a kind in the middle that you can’t knock over until you’ve eliminated all of the blocks of your opponent.  Whatever you knock over gets tossed onto the other side and the opponent has to get them before moving on to your originals.  I’m not very good at explaining this.  We had to do 2-on-1 matches.  Oddly enough, I managed to win when I was on my own, which was hilarious.  The eastern European Jew beat those with viking blood . . . I retired as champion.  Sure if my friend reads this, he’s going to get some type of revenge.  This was actually a lot of fun and much needed outing to calm my nerves after some other stuff.  Helped me get further into writing when I wasn’t sweating too much to move.

Writing-wise, I got things set up for Do I Need to Use a Dragon? (Fantasy Writing Tips) and then I had to put it aside.  My plan was to write while my son was in summer school for the morning.  It didn’t work that way.  He’s in it for a bit, breaks to do a writing assignment, reads until he has to return, and then is done in another 30 minutes.  That’s not enough time for me to do the well-crafted blog post type of thing I need for the tip book or a chapter section for War of Nytefall: Anarchy.  I promised him that I would read when he did too.  He’s beginning the ‘My Hero Academia’ manga and I’m going to start in on a non-fiction book called ‘Funny, You Don’t Look Autistic: A Comedian’s Guide to Life on the Spectrum‘.  Just need to finish a manga I started first.

So, what have I been writing?  I’m working on blog posts to get August and September taken care of.  This frees up more time for the books when I get it.  I have a post going up on July 12th to ask about things for October too.  The more I can get scheduled, the easier life will be when I have to juggle grad school, work, parenting, and writing.  That last one is where the hits are going to strike.  I’m done with the first 7 of 18 chapters of War of Nytefall: Anarchy, which is a good thing.  I might be able to get into the teens before August.  It’s going to be tough since I promised a few other things.  This weekend is out unless I retain energy from playing with the munchkin.  Not likely considering we’ve been busy.

With school, my son and I get the afternoons, which is fun.  We were invited to a family friend’s to use the pool, which is big enough for us to be away from each other.  I don’t go swimming often and get nervous about being in public without a shirt, but I was happy to get out of the house to have some fun.  We went shopping for a digital camera because I haven’t had one in over 10 years.  Got a nice Canon Proshot that has a lot of stuff I won’t use, but I’m going to love the Black & White and Super Vivid color modes.  Especially if we ever get back to the zoo because I’m going to love using that second option on the tropical birds and tigers.  Been having storms on and off, so not much in the way of outings, but we’re hoping to go to the park at some point this week.  School and other things come first though.  I know I’m forgetting something, but it might be a lot of lounging around and resting inside to avoid the rain and heat.

So . . . I’m not making any declarations for the week.  I’m just going to do a list:

  1. Fun with the munchkin.
  2. Blog for August and September.
  3. Maybe write more War of Nytefall: Anarchy.
  4. Puzzles at night.
  5. Biking in the morning.
  6. Laundry.
  7. Barnes & Noble trip tomorrow.
  8. More of what you’re going to see tomorrow on the blog.
  9. Maybe watch Star Wars Episode 2 and 3.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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8 Responses to Fireworks? Eh, That’s Old News. Time for Goals

  1. Have a good weekend.


  2. Oooooh, Star Wars Episode 2 and 3.Luckyyyyy. Sounds like it’s going to be a good week.


  3. Sounds like a fun and productive week. At least mostly. Hope this week is going as well, if not better.


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