A Trio of Old Poems: Three Different Flavors of Mood

(Just going through an old file and grabbing 3 poems that caught my attention today.  Last one is a fun revisit from February 2013.  Enjoy.)

Golf Ball Prize

Golf Ball Prize

Here We Are Again

Our position has not changed
We are back to where we were
Stress barking at our heels
Evolving into terror
That we are forever trapped
A year of working hard
Dashed by misfortune and despair
One holding to a basic job
The other back at home
All hopes and goals are paused
As the newest pieces crumbling
Revealing the tattered tapestry
That we fought so hard to mend

Orbs of Light and Color

Vivid blues to tempt our heart
Deepest browns to calm our soul
Brilliant greens to enchant our mind
Noble gray to ensnare our sight
Soft hazel to warm our spirit
Rarest amber to grab our curiosity
Our eyes are key to taking hold
Growing deeper with each year
Wisdom shines behind their hues
Purest orbs that twinkle in elation
Or weep when sadness hits
They will see it all until they close
And take their final blink

Bholed Owr Greightness

We R Soupereor
Two all uhthr crechurs
Owr brayns R whyse
And hellp us kreate
We bilt a wurld
Abuhv the uhntamd whyld
Pruving owr soupereorite
Owr citees wil nevr fal
Bkaws we bilt two last
Owr wurks wil b remembrd
Aftr we R gon
The beests nv us
For tha wil nevr rech
The levls that we threyev

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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18 Responses to A Trio of Old Poems: Three Different Flavors of Mood

  1. julz says:

    The first two strike me as right on the button, sorry, but I can’t read the third – nice to go back to old work and find out that it was better than you thought at the time – eh?


  2. Love them! That spelling in the third one is probably going to be spot on in future world too. 🙂


  3. Oloriel says:

    Aesome finds, I love the third one. It reminds me of the way I used to spell everything English on Serbian so I could help my friend learn the language and pass a test in highschool.


  4. ey lked yr thrd won. The others were good but loved the challenge.


  5. Ellespeth says:

    I love these, Charles. Poetry just allows so much emotion to be released. The third one is too silly-good.



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