I’m Tired

I’m tired
Uttered repeatedly
Yet never understood
Energy is questioned
Told to nap
Or have a snack
As if I’m simply sleepy
Too many utterances
Result in doctors
Blood tests
And eventual frustration
My yawns are deep
Of neither body or mind
The soul is sluggish
Dragging my mood down
Leaving me tired
With no other words to use
I cannot say more
For I am too tired
I cannot explain
For I am too tired
All I can do is say
And pray you understand

This came to me a long time ago.  Many times, I’ll feel drained and say that I’m tired, but get some unhelpful reactions.  I’ve been told to take a nap, have some fruit, see a doctor, exercise, or that I’m always tired.  That last one hurts the most.  If you know someone who is constantly saying they’re tired then you might want to consider that it isn’t a physical ailment.  At least, not that alone.  People will work themselves very hard to the point of physical exhaustion, but this also means they aren’t taking care of their minds.  The stress remains and any mental health issues get bolsters, so they develop a mental fatigue that leaves them listless.  Free time?  Confusing and wasted because one is too tired to take advantage.  It stacks and turns into a horrible fatigue that even a week long vacation with no stress can fail to erase.  I find myself always coming back to the edge of this place, especially on weekends.  Will it ever change?  Hopefully, but I think a big part is getting the people around me to realize ‘I am tired’ is a declaration of being at my mental limits and not that I had a bad night’s sleep.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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40 Responses to I’m Tired

  1. Hi. Charles,
    This is a great poem of honest expression. Thanks for sharing and take good care!❤️ Cindy

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You expressed it well, and I understand. Too many times I’ve been told the same thing. The nap one is especially frustrating…

    Me: “I’m tired.”
    Other person: “Take a nap.”
    Me: “I’m not that kind of tired.”
    Other person: “If you’re tired, go take a nap.”
    Me: “But I don’t need a nap. I just said I’m not that kind of tired. A nap won’t help.”
    Other person: “Now you’re getting cranky… Go take a nap, since you’re so tired.”



  3. Bia Bella Baker💗Proud author of: HECCTROSSIPY book 1 The Legend of the Land says:

    Have some fruit??? Seriously??? Who the hell gave you that advice? I never heard of anybody getting their Energy fully recharged by eating fruit, unless it’s someone with type-1 diabetes. 😪”Oh, I can’t function during the day, without my morning kumquats.” I hope it wasn’t a doctor that gave you that advice.


  4. I wrote a Haiku about the mental side of rest. We all need it. Thanks for sharing, Charles.


  5. This describes my life pretty well. I feel for you and if I had any advise I’d take it myself.


  6. C.E.Robinson says:

    That’s a hard one, Charles. Being at your mental limits and people not getting it. They just keep pounding away at you. And you can’t avoid them. What’s the answer to that? People, it’s not a nap or a vacation I need. Back off! That’s what I’d say. 😠😖 Christine


  7. Deskraven says:

    Beautiful. I find this sadly relatable. So often people mistake fatigue for depression. Are they related or similar? Perhaps. In many ways I think fatigue is much worse. Stay strong my friend. Take care of yourself.

    – Jaymie


    • Depression can definitely cause fatigue and vice versa, but people assume the physical part more than the mental. It’s like napping will solve everything. I wish it did.


      • Deskraven says:

        Very much so. I live with Bipolar Disorder myself. I often describe my depressive or suicidal states as feeling “so tired.”



      • I have bad anxiety and mild depression. It’s exhausting keeping it together. That’s what many don’t seem to understand.


      • Deskraven says:


        I definitely understand how awful and draining anxiety and depression can be. Do you mind if I ask, are you taking anything?



      • I’m not taking anything. I tried and people keep suggesting that I do. The problem is that the side-effects hit me hard and would have made working a little difficult. I’ve been doing therapy and various meditation techniques when I feel an episode coming on. I did find a non-drowsy allergy med that handles some of the physical effects, which helps me get my head together. A friend got me a weighted blanket as well, which has been helping me a lot. Probably not the answer people want to hear, but it’s how I’m making it work.


      • Deskraven says:

        I completely support natural remedies. I’m someone who didnt want to be medicated long term either. I was just long enough to get through therapy and develop my coping skills. I love meditation and weighted blankets. I also use both. Also, hydration is so important for anxiety. I never leave the house without a bottle of water. I’m glad you’re finding things that work for you.


      • Deskraven says:

        You might also check out essential oils and yoga, if that’s something you’re into.


      • I have an oil thingy that turns it into mist. Had it to help with sleeping. Not sure what to get for anxiety.


      • Deskraven says:

        I have a diffuser too! Lavender is great for anxiety – just dab it on your wrist, and peppermint on the back of the neck for migraines. Fish oil is also a great natural supplement that fights depression. It helps. Hang in there, Charles. You’re not alone.


      • Keep forgetting to drink a lot of water. Need to fix that. It’s hard now because I need to take my mask off to drink.


      • Deskraven says:

        Yes, water is so important! I’m a tea drinker too which helps me keep my fluids up. Yogi brand is great if you enjoy tea. 🙂


      • I drink seltzer since I like the bubbly effect of soda. With the oils, I tried fish and I just couldn’t take it. The taste and burps were killing me. I’ll have to get some lavender though. Not the biggest fan of it, but I can’t find any other options.


  8. L. Marie says:

    I relate to this poem in so many ways. And I know I have uttered the words, “I am tired” more than once in the last week.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. with love, t. says:

    It amazes me that so many people are in this situation. I’m happy I’m not alone. Great poem btw.

    Liked by 1 person

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