Questions 3: Put on Your Hero Pants!

Namor (I said put on some pants!)

Namor (I said put on some pants!)

Pretty sure the title explains it all.  The questions today deal with being a hero, a protagonist, a good (ish) guy, the one that people are supposed to root for, etc.  If you want to connect it to the world you made then go for it.  If not then go for that too.  As usual, just have some fun.  Answer in the comments or on your blog with a link to this post.

  1. What kind of hero would you be?
  2. What would be your mission, quest, and/or goal for duration of your adventures?
  3. What is the most important thing to hero you?

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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22 Responses to Questions 3: Put on Your Hero Pants!

  1. L. Marie says:

    Here are my answers.
    1. What kind of hero would you be?
    Though I usually come up Superman on superhero quizzes, I wouldn’t be an invincible hero. Flight would have to be one of my super powers. I like flying heroes. I don’t think I’d want super strength either. Every time I see Wonder Woman or Superman lifting buildings I think, “Do they ever deal with hernias?” I’d want the ability to control water somehow.

    2. What would be your mission, quest, and/or goal for duration of your adventures?
    If villains attack by water, I’d want to ability to decimate their forces through the use of water. But I wouldn’t want to cause a tsunami.

    3. What is the most important thing to hero you?
    An awareness of others’ needs. I disliked the ending of Man of Steel because of the extreme devastation of the fight. That seemed ridiculously excessive. Even Superman didn’t seem to care about the people who were hurt or killed when Metropolis was destroyed.


    • So you’d want something similar to Hydroman or Iceman? The thing with super strength is that it typically comes with an equal level of superhuman durability. So the body is able to handle the pressure of heavy lifting.

      I’m getting a ‘Protector of the Beach’ vibe here. Desert will not be your friend.

      I finally watched Man of Steel and I whole-heartedly . . . disagree. (Rant warning) I was so ready for it to be terrible and then I was confused on the uproar. Most of the devastation happened because of the machine, which Superman was trying to destroy. People say he didn’t care, but he killed Zod because innocents were about to be killed. I think a lot of people ignored the fact that Superman was a new hero in that movie, so he hadn’t evolved to the one we know from the comics. This was the catalyst for him to do better like Uncle Ben for Spider-Man. As far as the level of devastation, I think it made sense considering the power behind the combatants. Finally, why does nobody have the same complaints for Avengers 1 & 2? All 3 movies had a lot of destruction and death.

      Liked by 1 person

      • L. Marie says:

        It wasn’t a terrible film. I loved a lot of it. I didn’t love the fight because it dragged on way too long. After awhile buildings getting knocked down become boring, unlike in Godzilla films. But you expect that level of destruction. Those films are campy anyway.

        I’m glad you liked it. I found like the fact that in Avengers 2 people were appalled at the level of destruction. At least they addressed the issue. Their fights at least aren’t boring. Superman’s fight with Zod grew tedious. I’m glad at least they will address the issue in the Batman/Superman movie (starring Wonder Woman).

        Though Hydro-Man is a supervillain, yes. His skill set.


      • I didn’t see many people complaining about the destruction in Avengers 2. Those that were mostly asked why Marvel gets a pass and DC is crucified. I think the Zod fight got a little boring because Zod kept developing his powers as they battled. It was a bit sloppy, but I still got some fun out of it. My main worry in the next movie is that Batman will be the dominant force. I’m kind of sick of him beating everyone.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Dean says:

    I like this! Gonna put it in the reserve pile


  3. L. Marie says:

    I agree with you about the vilification of DC. I’m not sure why that is the case.


    • Because Marvel created multiple cinema superheroes while DC remained in the safety of Batman. For some reason, people are more sensitive about the casting for DC heroes too. Nobody got upset with Paul Rudd as Ant-Man and the fury against the new Spider-Man has been oddly mild. At least compared to the vitriol aimed at the new Wonder Woman and Affleck as Batman.


  4. There are so many ways I could answer this question, so many heroes I want to be! But right now, the thing which springs to mind – I would be someone like Black Widow, with a bit of Daredevil mixed in! I love the way Matt uses all his senses, and it would be great to hone in on people in need/danger. I would serve my community, totally kicking ass (when necessary of course) and helping those in danger. A lot of people are afraid to walk the streets at night, so the most important thing would probably be to make people feel safe again 🙂


  5. I have to opt out since my hero outfit came back from the cleaners and was shrunk.


  6. I think I’d be a clumsy hero fighting to protect the world from itself (and myself as well) as I accidentally set free some super villain, and honesty would be most important to be.
    I’d probably goof up and think the bad guys were good now and then, but I’d be able to knock them out and save the world just by being clumsy.


  7. Well my hero would definitely have his pants on! 🙂


  8. I would be a psychic hero with telekinesis, teleportation, that sort of thing. My power effects would be invisible, so I could tweak people’s brains to make them forget what they were doing, or think suddenly they’re really too tired for all this… and nobody would ever know it was me!

    I might work somewhere in the criminal justice system, because my psychic abilities would let me know who was truly guilty or not and who needed mental health treatment instead of jail. I would want to work from the inside to make people’s lives better. A Super-Therapist, if you will.

    Most important to me would be fairness and justice, rather than following a strict definition of the law.


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