Monsters, Magic Items, and Thingies from Jackie and Katie

Hope everyone is enjoying this series while I’m tackling the toddler during Spring Break.  Working from the phone isn’t as easy or fun as the laptop.  First clutch of critters and creations are from Jackie Mallon:


Hiding within the clouds is this fluffy creature.  It hates the cold, but it can’t leave in anything warmer than freezing.  It resembles a cloud with bare arms, hairy legs, and seven-toed feet. The Jiggywiffle’s mouth is on a stalk coming from the top of its head and it sucks in cold air to absorb the food particles within.  Part of its name comes from the way it moves, which is a strange dance that resembles a fast-paced jig.  It has been known to land on plane wings out of curiosity, but disappears once it is seen.


The holy relic of the Tribe Whose Name Goes Unsaid.  This item is made of ten cylinders of quartz, which have been bound with dried lion gut.  It is held by the Grand Priestess who is forbidden from talking as long as she has it.  Once a year, she is allowed to hand the Hushbundle to an acolyte and use her voice to sing praise to the Gods.  That acolyte must not speak a word or they will be struck dead on the spot.


Found in the southern region of Yerg, this is a local style created by the men who grow very long chest hair.  It is trimmed short around the top of the chest, but the bottom is grown long.  The record is a man named Terbuck whose Chestmullet grew down to his ankles. He died of broken heart when it got caught in a closing bus door and had to be surgically removed by a professional.  (Mrs. Terbuck left him for the surgeon.)


A very peculiar and highly prized plant that stands at eight feet tall.  It has a dark yellow stalk with bloated pods hanging off of it.  The pods are different sizes, which range from the size of a pea to the size of a watermelon.  This is because it’s possible to find a watermelon or a pea in the pod.  Sitting in the middle of Farmer Crocker’s land, the Plantopods have been naturally created by the winds mixing all of the crop seeds and pollen.  One never knows what kind of plant will be in the pod.  Warning: Poisonous mushrooms are a possibility.


A type of deer found within the Anktodo Forest.  Standing at about 4 feet tall, they have short blue fur and antlers that twist out to the sides. A swishing tail can be grown within minutes by the rear Rundlebender, which erases their trail. They travel in herds of 20-30 with an alpha male who is in search of the perfect place to die.  Seriously.  The alpha male is born with the desire to find the perfect resting place and will fight to survive until they find it.  Reports of one-legged alphas limping on have been reported.  Once they find the spot, the females immediately go into heat and breeding commences.


An addictive plant that grows among pine trees and resembles holly with silver berries.  It smells sweet to attract squirrels and birds, which will chew on the leaves.  This gives them hallucinations and they leave in a mad rush.  Pollen from the Mogleaf is leaked through the pores of an infected animal.

The next set is from Katie Sullivan:


Much like the Rundlebender, this is a type of deer and is found in the same area.  It is a carnivorous loner with no antlers.  The creature is about 2 feet tall with brown fur and a stump of a tail.  Sometimes it can be found lurking within a Rundlebender herd in preparation for the females to go into heat.  If it impregnates one, the child is born a full Fizzybender.  The name comes from how it eats.  It can stretch its mouth large enough to swallow a bear cub and its elastic stomach is filled with quick working stomach acid.  A fizzy sound can be heard for an hour when the Fizzybender has eaten and it releases foam from its mouth.


A mad scientist attempted to make a creature that could be killed for bacon and breed quickly.  So he combined a pig with a rabbit.  The result is this long-eared, pink-furred creature with a snout and whiskers.  They hop on all fours and have trouble with turns, so they crash into things.  The Hogelpheffers live in Castle Xindro where they were created and people go there for daily hunting.  As of yet, there has been no dent in their population and the scientist has not been seen in a decade.


Named for two lovers who disappeared in the lake, this large fish is a recent discovery.  The red and blue scale pattern resembles two people embracing.  It has a large fin on its back that it raises to ward off predators and can grow in size by sucking in water.  The whiskers on its face leads people to believe that it is a type of catfish.  It is rumored to be a messenger of eternal love, but it appears that couples who see it end up dying together instead of leaving together.  There is currently a petition to have the lake exorcized or the fish removed.

Waxlenoggin & Wagensnoz

An alcoholic combination of the Pyrup Islands that each child goes through on their thirteenth birthday.  The Waxlenoggin is taken through the mouth and held there without swallowing.  It is said to have a sour taste.  The Wagensnoz is poured through the nose and is a very spicy alcohol.  It mixes with the Waxlenoggin where the tastes combine into a sweet, honey-like mixture.  The child’s prestige and reputation are determined by how long they can last without swallowing or spitting out the alcohol.  Longer you last, the more respect you earn, but there is a limit.  Lasting for an hour results in the child being forbidden from drinking anything other than water for the rest of their life.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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32 Responses to Monsters, Magic Items, and Thingies from Jackie and Katie

  1. You are incredibly imaginative


  2. K. A. Brace says:

    Charles, this was a great idea of yours to create interest in your fantasy world. I’m sorry to sayu such fiction does not do anything for me but I think it is brilliant your describing your ‘world’ to readers. I hope you have been gettinmg some play out of it. >KB


    • Thanks. It’s been fun. Though I’m not sure if any of these things are going to make it into the books. They’re really nothing more than off-the-cuff ideas from the fake words people sent me. Maybe I’ll find a home for them in a later story.


      • K. A. Brace says:

        How can you not? You should try doing this same thing with characters in your books. A short bio that will raise interest in your characters–perhaps gear it to both fantasy and non-fantasy readers. >KB


      • I did bios of my characters early in my blogging. It worked well, but I’ve hit a point where bios risk major spoilers. For example, a hero that appears in book 4 hasn’t even been mentioned on my blog. It’s a downside to writing a series.


      • K. A. Brace says:

        Hell, I think people like to be teased. Whenever I start a new book I always read the first and last page. >KB

        Charles, be different, be outrageous, do things no one has ever done, break all the rules–people will notice and admire you for it. Stop playing it safe guy–you only get one shot in this life make it count. >KB


      • I do teasers, but character bios at this stage are a lot more than that. I’d be spilling major plot points. That’s a problem.


      • K. A. Brace says:

        Why? I think small pieces of the future would make people curious. Don’t be afraid of the all holy plot, you are a writer, be concerned with that. Make your book alive before anyoine gets them. Hell if they are good enough don’t you think people will want to read them again even though they know what is going to happen. Think like there isn’t even a box to step out of. >KB


      • Small pieces are one thing and bios worked well for the opening characters. Again, the problem is that I’m far enough into the series where a decent character bio would reveal several of the interesting plot twists. Those are parts that can be used to grip a reader and get them to continue reading. If most of those parts are known then they’re less inclined to get into the story. The mystery and suspense of the adventure is gone. Part of the quality of what I write are the surprise experiences of the characters. For example, I could write a bio for Luke Callindor that comes up to the 4th book, but that would reveal a major chunk of book 3 where his past is finally shown. I can do a teaser, but that’s just about it.


  3. L. Marie says:

    Very cool! I feel like a jiggywiffle since I could stand to lose a few pounds. I’m curious about planes as well. 🙂
    I’m so glad that you take the time to dream up creatures and items. I need to do more of that!


  4. sknicholls says:

    There’s some really cool stuff here that could justifiably end up in one of your books 🙂


  5. So creative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. Reblogged this on The Community Storyboard and commented:

    Part 3 of the nonsense word fun!


  7. M T McGuire says:

    I’m insane with envy for not thinking of this before you did. 🙂 loving it.




  8. I first read the words “wife” and “husband” as parts of the first two names. Poor lillycastox.


  9. Bastet says:

    What a run my friend…the initiation beverage is interesting…and what happens if they swallow the beverage?


  10. Bastet says:

    Reblogged this on Bastet and Sekhmet's Library and commented:
    More creatures…you can also find all of Charles’ creatures reblogged on Community Storyboard this week if you want to read them all in proper order…I haven’t reblogged the first series for example and it was really cool…go have a look!


  11. Adam Ickes says:

    Did the surgeon have an impressive chestmullet himself? That’s why she left isn’t it?

    Hogelpheffer was good too. Trouble with turns was a nice touch.


    • Thanks. I have a similar creature in my third book, but this one is a lot funnier.

      I was thinking of going with the ‘she left him for the surgeon’, but I thought it was too easy. Besides, a chestmullet might make surgery difficult.


  12. These are hysterical – nice job, Charles!


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