Broken Pencil = A Bad Omen

So, I’ve been carrying a notebook, mechanical pencil, and eraser with me to work.  I’ve never had a chance to use it since I’m always busy.  Don’t make it known either because people then ask me to tear pages out.  It’s a Tolkien Moleskine, so that ain’t happening at all.  Well, I did get a moment today and took out the pencil with notebook.  The lead wouldn’t come out and then I realized the tip was snapped off.  It was enough that nothing would come out until I shook things around and got all of the leads to fall out.  Tossed the pencil and went back to the Arcade room in defeat.  Pretty sure this is a sign and I’m not liking it.

Work was really busy for the most part, but the big event was going to a Mets game on Thursday.  (Yes, I know there are people who don’t like them, but that’s not the point here.)  It was my son’s first visit to any sporting event, so I’m happy that I got to go with him.  Didn’t spend the whole game with him since I had to help out other kids and do my job.  The whole experience overwhelmed him at first because he didn’t know where to look, especially since we were directly across from home plate.  Great view and it wiped away his interest in his lunch, so he got a lemonade ice instead.  It’s fine for a day.  We did try to get a baseball helmet full of popcorn, but they were sold out by the time I got a moment to take him to the food counter.  So, his souvenir is a plastic bag with a Mets symbol that his cotton candy came in.  By the end of the game, he was cheering and yelling like the other kids.  Had no idea what he was cheering for, but that’s not the point.  The Mets beat the Padres 4 to 0 too.

In other life news, I found out that I can’t get the TA Level 3 just yet.  I have to put in for a renewal of my current certificate though, but I have a few months to get that done.  Still going to do it ASAP once a few more expenses go through.  What might those entail?  (He asks to create a bridge to the next section.)

My son’s birthday is tomorrow, so we’re going to be throwing a party.  It’s double-digits time and he asked for Chuck E. Cheese.  It’s the first birthday since the divorce too, which has a bit of extra tension.  Hoping everything runs smoothly, but there are some guests that I haven’t interacted with since they chose a side.  I’m going to do my best to make sure things work out.  My gift to him was a new bike and the party.  The big thing will be from my family who bought him a Nintendo Switch and Super Smash Bros Ultimate.  I had to get myself a controller, so I got a Legend of Zelda Gamecube one.  It arrives tomorrow before he gets the present, so I’ll say it’s for camp.  I’m sure he’s going to have a great time with everything.

The coming week is going to be lower key than previously, but that doesn’t say much.  I have to repeatedly move between three rooms.  Not to mention I have pool duty on two days unless it rains.  Doesn’t look like it will on either day next week.  That’s always draining.  If I’m lucky, I’ll have some energy at night and can start in on a few November posts.  If not then I have the puzzle and I’ll be using next Saturday to try to do some writing.  Nothing big, but I want to get through more ‘outlines’ for the fantasy tip book.  I might save either ‘Jessica Jones Season 3’ or ‘The Boys’ for that day.  Leaning towards the latter since my son won’t be home and that’s a really violent one.  I’m trying to be optimistic, but I also know the reality is that I can easily come down with something or get shanghaied for another project.  Ever since I stopped being a full-time author, people have acted like I’ve totally given up and actively get in the way of me going anywhere near my notebooks.  We all know this song and dance by now.

Can’t think of anything else, so here are the goals:

  1. Make it through the work week.
  2. Stay hydrated.
  3. Enjoy son’s birthday.
  4. Not play his game when he’s with his mother.
  5. Hopefully get some outlining time in.
  6. Puzzles.
  7. Sleep.
  8. Watch more anime on Netflix.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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10 Responses to Broken Pencil = A Bad Omen

  1. L. Marie says:

    Hope your son has a great birthday! How nice that’s he’s getting a great party.

    The Boys gives me a Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths meets Watchmen vibe–only more graphic based on the trailer.


  2. Glad you had the outing with your son, and he enjoyed himself. Hope his party goes well.

    Good luck with the rest of the goals for the coming week too.


  3. Alien Resort says:

    I don’t remember ever quite bonding with mechanical pencils. I don’t see any advantages except for a draftsman or artist.


    • It’s not so much bonding, but it was my last one. It was also that I finally got a moment to write and found that it was broken. Although, I prefer mechanical pencils since they’re easier to carry in my pocket without stabbing myself when I sit.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lived with mechanical pencils for decades as a surveyor and draftsman. They had the big leads, so you needed a sharpener specifically for them. I love that you went to a Mets game. I wish we had options like that around here.


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