Just One Really Busy Week to Go!

I don’t know why I think I can get writing done during the week.  Most days, I have work then I come home with just enough time to do my biking then either pick my son up or meet him at the bus.  Then, it’s off to a nightly appointment or activity, so I’m tired by the time I get back.  Usually scrambling to eat dinner or, if missed earlier, do my biking.  I can’t just start writing at 9 PM and stop mid-section at 11 PM.  So, I didn’t really try and settled in more for blogging at night.  April has been set up and I’m moving into May, which is good.  Wow.  I’m just cramming things in here.

The thing is that I feel like I’m sprinting at full speed every week.  The weather being wacky isn’t helping since it sets off my cold-weather allergy.  Another wrinkle is that a bunch of the shows I watch are back:

  • Into the Badlands (Last season)
  • American Gods (Not sure I’ll stay)
  • Big Bang Theory (Came this far, so want to see it to the end.)
  • Bull
  • The Orville
  • Happy!
  • Miracle Workers

That’s not counting Netflix stuff and any comedy shows I decide to check out.  ‘Black Lightning’ just ended for the season, but it’s like everything else is striking now.  3 of the above shows are going to end though, so it’ll be temporary.  I know this is a ridiculous thing to complain about since I choose to watch the shows.  Still, it really makes me feel like there aren’t enough days in a lifetime.  Guess me being too tired or cold or busy at night are the bigger factors though.

All I know is that I’m not thrilled with doing 1 chapter every 2 weeks.  Tried to write by word count, but I kept losing continuity.  That’s really important to me.  If I do an editing run and find that things are out of synch and don’t match up then I feel like I wasted all that first draft time.  Small issues are one thing, but if I have to rewrite 75-90% of what I did off my notes and outlines then I done fucked up.  This is why I hate these long gaps and how I still seem to be writing in spite of my surroundings.  I’m not sure my foreshadowing is working and I worry that the characters are connecting more with my personal mood than the story.  Reading through what I did previously helped a little bit, but that costs me precious time that I don’t have any more.  Not easy going from being able to dedicate 4 full weeks to a project down to scrambling for a little time.

Not much else to talk about since work is going well, my son is doing great, and that life issue is still battering at me.  I’ll get to write this weekend for a little more time, but I have an interview tomorrow for a summer job.  Thinking that I’ll write when I wake up instead of trying to go back to bed.  I’ve got 2 sections of Chapter 7 left and then Chapter 8 is a 4-section piece.  Be nice to get both of those done before Monday.  Probably going to come up 1-2 sections short though.  Seems to always be the case.

Next week is going to be a rough one.  My son has his last 3 review classes after school with each one leading into either martial arts or an appointment.  The two free days have martial arts or an appointment too.  The review sessions have been helping him a lot, but it throws off our dinner times.  So, I eat late and that means less time to do things at night, but it’s worth him getting the help.  He’s much better at reading and math even though he turns on the drama when I ask him to do homework.  He does it, but I have to sit through a few minutes of Shakespearean tragedy.

For anyone wondering, I’m still hoping to release War of Nytefall: Rivalry in April.  I feel bad that I can only hope and not give confirmation, but I’m still getting used to having the new schedule.  It’s the first release since I began working, so there are going to be some hiccups.  Going to make another request for volunteers tomorrow.  If you’ve already volunteered for a post then I hope you’d be willing to reblog the request.  Got a person saying the didn’t think they had to volunteer since the comments showed I had so many people to help.  It was weird.

So, goals for next week?

  1. Lots of driving around.
  2. Try to finish Chapter 8 if I get the time.
  3. Scheduling May blog posts.
  4. Set up War of Nytefall: Rivalry on Amazon.
  5. Biking, eating, sleeping, and the usual.
  6. Watch TV to prevent the DVR from filling up.
  7. (This weekend) Watch ‘Infinity War’ as ‘homework’.
  8. Read more Naruto and Fushigi Yugi.
  9. Work (This is really a given.)

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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15 Responses to Just One Really Busy Week to Go!

  1. David Davis says:

    I don’t know how you can get so much done.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. L. Marie says:

    You make me feel lazy.
    I plan to watch Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse as homework. 😀


  3. Welcome to my world. I’m not looking at any new fiction this weekend. I get three days next weekend and one day should line up for me. Today I wrote one blog post for Story Empire. That may be it for the weekend, but a date night update is usually popular. I used to get up at 4:00 a.m. on weekends for a few hours of writing time. The dogs kind of put an end to that, because they get my wife up. Once she’s up it’s all over.


    • I was going to write today, but got caught up with things. The summer job interview went so well that I’m filling out paperwork and planning a few things. Maybe tonight once I get ‘Infinity War’ out of the way. Fingers crossed as usual.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. No matter your circumstances, there are so many things we want to give attention to that it’s easy to run out of hours in the day to do them all. I know it doesn’t feel like it to you, but you’re doing well to achieve as much as you are given the circumstances, and the fact you’re now having to do it all while holding down a full time job.


  5. Work is going well, your son is doing well, the other thing is not going well… Two out of three, right?


  6. Sounds like a full plate! Glad the interview went well and things are better with your son. Hang in there, and keep doing what you can. You might not get as far as you did before, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have success with your writing.


  7. Pingback: Seven Links 3/30/19 Traci Kenworth – Where Genres Collide

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