Another Busy Week: Goals Rolling Over

Much like the previous week, this one kind of a blurred.  Things happened on Monday that felt like they occured months ago by the time I hit Friday.  Not that it wasn’t fun since they had this week long Battle of the Classes event.  So there were activities all over the place and a few alterations to the schedule.  My evenings weren’t any more relaxing since I had a lot of stuff going on at night.  Might as well get into that.

I do feel bad that I can’t make the long, detailed goal posts from way back when.  I hope to get back there at some point, but it isn’t right to publicly talk about some aspects of my job and that life event is still going on.  The weather is starting to warm up and we changed the clocks in the bad direction (lost an hour) too.  Both of those things tend to throw me off, so the combination left me drained by night.  I did a few blog posts for the future including one on mental health for tomorrow.  My energy was really lacking, so I tended to crawl into bed and turn on Netflix around 9 or 9:30.  Finished watching ‘Daredevil Season 2’ and am starting ‘JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’.  Not sure what to think about that second one since I’ve only seen one episode.  It’s . . . Bizarre really is the right word.

You might notice that I didn’t say anything about writing.  Sadly, I couldn’t fit any in because of the busy schedule.  I kept finding that I was out of something and had to do late evening grocery runs.  My biking was delayed until 8 PM a few nights and my son had two late nights as well.  Had to take care of taxes as well.  Last weekend was when I got a chapter done, but it was a slog because of a rough Saturday night.  Not sure what happened, but I wasn’t feeling well and that threw me off for a few days.  It’s amazing and frustrating how one night of bad sleep can derail you for a while.  Probably becuase it’s really hard to counter it, especially when you wake up at 5:30 in the morning.  You need to either sacrifie a weeknight or push to the weekend.

Sadly, I don’t see much writing this weekend either.  Tomorrow has a morning appointment right in the middle of the time when my son is out, which means I can’t do anything.  Then, I have to get a haircut and get myself looking presentable for an interview next week.  School isn’t in session during the summer, so I’m hoping to get a camp job.  No rest for . . . whatever I am.  Maybe I’ll get some writing in at night, but I’m thinking it might be more blog posts.  Locking April in will be helpful, especially since I’ll have a length of time to write when Spring Break hits.  Not much, but maybe 3 chapters will get done.  I do need to use my writing weekends better to get 2 chapters done instead of 1, but it depends on energy.

I have to admit that these long breaks between writing sessions have me worried.  I’m used to digging in and working hard during the week then taking time off on the weekend.  That’s only a 1-2 day break, but now I’m looking at 2 weeks at times.  My fear is that the continuity is shot and that I’m not remembering things.  It’s frustraing and aggravating after years of being fairly prolific.  Maybe things will improve in April when a few activities end and the schedules loosen up.  If I can get even 2 sections written during the week then I’ll be okay.  Considered becoming a Word Count author too, but the one time I had to stop in the middle of a section drove me up the wall.  Took me 15 minutes to get back into the flow as well.

The lack of sales and questioning the usefulness of Twitter hasn’t helped my mood.  Does anybody get anything out of Twitter?  I schedule one post for every day and then I pin it after I wake up.  I get a lot of retweets, but it’s clear that sales aren’t coming from there.  I think I might make it one post every week unless I have a new book to promote.  Maybe I’ll have this be a post for next Sunday to get opinions.  Social media in general doesn’t appear to be helping me and I don’t count blogging in that category.

Can’t think of anything big going on next week, so I can’t talk about it.  Tomorrow is a big day with us seeing ‘Wonder Park’ and hopefully beating that T.M.N.T. arcade game.  Then it’ll be a lazy afternoon/evening, which isn’t a bad thing.  Sorry that we’re hitting the boring part of my life.  I’d like to talk about work, but being a one-on-one T.A. means I do a lot of things that are personal to my student.  What kind of teacher would I be if I threw their life onto the Internet?  Seeing as I spend most of my time there, the subject matter here is rather scarce.  Let’s just get to the goals:

  1. Work
  2. Biking
  3. Blogging
  4. Writing
  5. Sleeping
  6. Continue one word pattern here
  7. Crap
  8. Mistake!
  9. Give up!

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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15 Responses to Another Busy Week: Goals Rolling Over

  1. You are the only one I know who does a goal list as a stream of consciousness. Pretty funny. Twitter and book sales are not in any way related. Imagine if you will someone seeing a book on Twitter and then dropping everything to go buy it. Doesn’t happen. I’m not sure what Twitter does for an author either. Best wishes for a good next week.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks. I’m really lost on what Twitter does for an author now too. It used to help with promoting books, but now I don’t see anything happen. I can see someone scrolling through authors and seeing a tweet that gets them to the Amazon site. At least, I remember it happening a few times years ago.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t see social media helping much at all. People want interaction there. If they like you, they may check out your work at some later time. I’ve known this for years, but I just don’t have time for that. Most of my accounts are to direct people back to my blog, which I take time for.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. L. Marie says:

    I hope you are able to meet your goals and return to a writing rhythm that is really satisfying.


  4. Staci Troilo says:

    Mae Clair loves Twitter. I never got it. Then again, I don’t get social media in general. It’s fine for making contacts, but it’s never helped me win readers.


  5. Here I am, hyper-cheerful: “So what if you forget continuity! That’s what revision is for.” Take care care, Charles.


    • I take continuity very seriously and I’d like to make as few problems for myself down the road as I can. Hate rewriting things because that usually results in me trashing the entire manuscript and quitting for a year. With all my planning, I can’t accept that I could be so sloppy that major plot points are forgotten and screwed up.


  6. I could be wrong, but from what I can tell, all social media really does is give you a place to connect with people. In other words, it’s great for people who want to have another way for their fans to connect with them – especially if they have time to be very social and interact on there – but doesn’t do much to guarantee sales. Then again, what does these days?

    Love the goal list… Good luck with it. I especially hope you manage to get the sleeping part done. The writing would be great too, but you need the sleep most.


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