Error: No Post Title Found

This week has been busy with the kid going back to school.  It starts earlier than the regular school year, but I’m up at 5:30 AM anyway.  Gives me an hour to get email and social media done before I wake him, get him dressed, make his lunch, make his breakfast, write a note for his teacher, find socks, and schedule the day’s tweets.  Then I get him on the bus and either get to writing or hop on the bike.  He comes home earlier too, so I don’t have as much time as I normally would.  This is why I picked Chasing Bedlam as the summer project.

The writing has been going slow because I have to check maps and the characters have had a year to grow.  Lloyd isn’t as wild as before and he’s having trouble coming up with pop culture references, which frustrates him.  Cassidy is a lot more cunning and unhinged than last time.  So, it’s almost like I’m rediscovering them now that they’ve established themselves in my mind and the world.  This story is getting a little raunchier for some reason.  At least the third chapter, but that might be because of what’s going on.  Sex is a focal point of the issue here, so this will probably pass.

The heat and humidity have been rough, which has made working even tougher.  Morning isn’t too bad, but working upstairs gets difficult by the afternoon.  This is the hottest area of the house and I’m trying to focus while not sweating onto the laptop.  People might be saying ‘use the air conditioner’, but I try to hold off until the kid comes home.  That and I’m not the one who pays the electric bill.  Others might be saying ‘you complained about the cold and now the heat?’ and I respond with ‘YUP!’.  I’m a moderate temperature creature.  I don’t like sweating just by standing still and I don’t like shivering when I have several layers.  Give me spring or autumn without these extremes that power companies use to yank more money out of you.

Next week will be the same and I realized I still have to make a menu for dinners.  Being the cook takes a lot out of me sometimes because of the planning.  Before I get to the list, a little reminder:


So, what’s the goal?

  1. Continue writing Chasing Bedlam.
  2. Continue with social media presence.
  3. Reading time with son for library program.  75 minutes a week minimum.
  4. Biking and showering.
  5. Cooking.
  6. Possibly seeing Tarzan next week.
  7. Pondering stuff.
  8. Throwing imaginary darts at the superhero stories because they’re driving me nuts again.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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8 Responses to Error: No Post Title Found

  1. I’m accepting that Summer is just a different time of year for a writer. Family obligations increase, sales slow down, even blogs slow down. I managed to fix the sink, but I’ll be damned if I can hook up the stopper linkage the right way. Still need to get to my critiques and my editing. This afternoon is all about fertilizer, another bath, and date night. I just stopped in for coffee.


  2. Liking Bedlam a lot. Enjoyed the Cassidy Howitzer bit last night.


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