A Summer Poem Set from the Heart

A summer’s day sweat
As irritating as cold
I want my spring back

Promise of some rain
The graphics are on the maps
Last minute veering

People say shut up
Summer heat beats winter cold
Both can go fuck off

(Yeah.  I’m in a mood and needed to creatively vent.  Summer and winter can hold hands and leap face first into a pit of rusty nails and fire ants.)

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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31 Responses to A Summer Poem Set from the Heart

  1. Silver Threading says:

    LOL Charles! I couldn’t agree more. The summer heat here in Florida is killing me just as much as the cold did in winter! I want utopia… 70-75 degrees every day and 50’s at night! 😀


    • I can only imagine what it’s like in Florida, especially with the humidity. Hope you’re able to stay cool and get some rain to bring the temps down.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Silver Threading says:

        The heat index is 107 – 112 F. with the humidity factored in. I am in my dark (blinds and curtains closed to keep the heat OUT) creative room typing away… waiting for October! LOL!


      • Ouch and ick. I’d hibernate until November just to be safe.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Silver Threading says:

        Lots of writing time… It got so bad that this year we hired someone to mow the lawn. My husband is 10 years older than I am, and if it is too much for me, I know it was killing him. As a matter of fact, that should be the business I go into… mowing lawns is quite profitable!! 😀


      • I was told long ago that one would hire neighborhood kids to mow the lawn. I know the snow shoveling business was around when I was a kid.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Silver Threading says:

        Yeah, our kids mowed lawns years ago. The kids don’t do that (here in my neighborhood). The parents drive them down the block and sit in the car with them so they can catch the school bus! LOL! 😀


      • Not a bad idea in the heat. The bus comes to the house for my sun, so we’re kind of lucky there.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. L. Marie says:

    I had just been about to mourn winter’s chill. 🙂 Personally, I prefer autumn.


  3. I like your moods. We always get a laugh out of the produce. Nice job.


  4. Now that is the way to hold back Charles…I love it. 🙂


  5. Ellespeth says:

    Favorite months – March winds and kite flying…October’s release from the heat. Spring/Spring, right?
    We’re still waiting for rain here 😦 I’m happy, though, that it’s rained down in Southern California. They were so horribly dry, too. Just with their freeway hadn’t washed away with the rain. Yikes! California can’t win!
    Loved the poem, Charles.


  6. I am one who has always said, “It’s better to sweat than freeze” but as with all things, there is a limit. Especially with me starting to get a bit aged. I am finding I am less tolerant of the heat, and less worried about colder weather.
    I do have a theory, though: The sun exploded already, but people “in the know” rightly decided to not inform the general public. It would be better for extinction to come about by natural forces than letting everyone wipe each other out in the panic and riots that would surely follow such an announcement.


    • I think because it’s easier to stay warm with layers, so winter is slightly more tolerable. If it gets too hot then you can’t strip down completely and get any work done. So you have to use fans and the AC, but power companies always up their rates during this time of year. So blatantly greedy.

      An interesting theory. Though one could see it making a little sense to cause the riot, filter out the weak-minded, and then work on finding a way for the stronger survivors to continue. Maybe that’s a bit too evil.

      Liked by 1 person

      • “So you have to use fans and the AC…”
        Unless, of course, the A/C breaks down; as ours did this past weekend. Damn hot outside made for nearly unbearable inside even with fans blowing full speed.

        Riots used as population control. What a concept. But while the military might stoop to such, do you think scientists would?


      • That sucks. The one in my son’s room might be going, which has me worried. As far as scientists stooping to that level, I could see a few, but not all. Yet, the information getting into the hands of a person who would is a possibility. A scientist could simply trust the wrong person.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Speaking of Florida…


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