To Rise Above

One of those times
The world seems mad
And chosen me to vent
Odd events
Reaping stress and frustration
Chipping at my mood
Forging it into an asp
Dripping venom that I know so well

Told to rise above
Let things roll off my back
As if it has not crumbled
Holding the world’s weight
For longer than it wished
At best I can push on
Trudging through the slop
That amassed around my knees

Will I ever fly?
Hard to imagine clouds
That do not strike for the heart
But the future is fickle
Just as a moment
Filled with joy can rot
One with pain can fade
As long as one endures


I have no idea why this poem came to mind when I listed to this song.  Probably has to do with my mood latching onto the title.  Wishful thinking?  Feeling lost?  Not really sure.  All I do know is that I’m tempted to do more of these music video influenced poems in the future.  Maybe a week of them in December before I end the current schedule and limit my time here.  Still feels strange thinking about that period looming.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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8 Responses to To Rise Above

  1. Like that line, “But the future is fickle.” 🙂


  2. As you think of limiting your time here you might have to find an outlet that might not be as inexpensive.


  3. Ellespeth says:

    Music is wonderful that way – so inspiring. I could just punch people who say ‘just let it roll off your back’…
    sometimes limiting time here – or on any social media probably – is refreshing.


    • I might be hitting a point where I take a day of not visiting other blogs and only reacting to comments on mine. I’ve done it before I tend to feel bad by the end of the day.

      I never liked the ‘roll of your back’ line either.


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