Another Dark Day

Did I rise too high
Glowed too brightly
Voicing the positive dreams
While you focused on the horrors
Preaching mediocrity
Because my goals are beyond you
Reminding me of failings
As if they should shatter all I want
As if I am the only one to blame
Not the broken one
Not the decades
Of telling me my faults
Gods forbid I grow my wings
And crow about my victories
After all
I’ve had so few within my span

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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20 Responses to Another Dark Day

  1. Wow, sounds like life is getting to you a bit, don’t let it win.


  2. Oloriel says:

    What you describe is so relatable, and true and false at the same time. Don’t let it get to you!


    • Oloriel says:

      False, as in, people should stop being wounded by another success. They should show support instead of trying to turn that persons world to complete darkness.


      • I agree. I think it’s rather ridiculous in many cases. What do you do when a person says that they hope you succeed, but refuse to acknowledge your victories? It’s mixed signals that makes one think they’re not really supportive.


      • Oloriel says:

        It’s not mixed signals for me, as much as it is demeaning and disbelief, and it is for everything.
        My own father doe not believe I personaly wrote a single poem I did. He thinks it is the Devil taking possesion of my body and writing for me or something -ok, if it would mean that, but what he is actualy trying to say is that he denies each and every of my emotions and desires, especialy writing.
        I was also demeaned for wanting to be a chef, not only that, but also denied education for it and put in a random gymnasium against my will.
        Lots of other closest people can read my stuff and give thumbs up for my writing and wanting to publish, but for example when I say I started my own magazine,I am doing it, I am publishing – it is like yeah,yeah..

        Knowing that support was false is what hurts the most, because, for me at least, I am not inspiring to be a drug lord, I am doing something wonderful, and it is, by the closest ones, represented to me and others around me as something dreadful. And I can’t just understand, why?


      • I’ve being trying to figure out the why for years. I can see the demeaning part of it from what you describe. I come from a family where there’s always been a bigger interest in telling me what I did wrong than what I did right. A 95 on a test was a ‘good job, but what did you get wrong’, which I never understood.

        The thing is that I feel some people do this to ‘help’ the target. That whole for your own good BS, but it gets taken too far. If a person is always told that they’re a failure or only their flaws are pointed out then it isn’t a wonder that they lose the ability to have faith in themselves. This in turn brings out the scolding of being a downer or too negative about life. Then again, I might be talking more about myself on this one.


      • Oloriel says:

        I think it’s a general thing, because darkness spread from a mouth or hand can only yield more darkness, we don’t have nature’s perfect balance as humans.
        I think we all experienced the “what you did wrong?” thing, as well as scolding for negativity, but how can you act when all your soulful intentions and victories get shut down emmediatly…


      • Exactly. It amazes me that some people think a person will be positive if they’re treated like a constant failure.


  3. Wow, powerful, but I hope you are ok?


  4. sknicholls says:

    Shattered wings before the flight. That’s a tough mission. Hugs and hoping things get better.


  5. Even though it may be quiet, some words printed on a screen can still scream. May things let up soon.


  6. Ellespeth says:

    I hope you grow wings as colorful as a peacock’s tail! So now I can’t get the “I Want To Crow” song from the Peter Pan movie out of my head ๐Ÿ˜›


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