Unseen Friends

From Wandering Writes

They live close to our heart
Though we have never met
Friends from the ether
Connected by words
Read off the screen

Somehow we found each other
And decided to hang out
Creating bonds of virtual light
That dot the social landscape
Of the world of cyberspace

We share our pains and joys
Console the grieving and the sick
As if the distance is not there
Celebrate victories and milestones
With the sincerity of friendship

A family of the unseen
Is what many have become
Joined in words upon the screen
Which is enough
To forge friendships strong and pure


I get into a discussion with the older people in my life about how on-line friends aren’t like real friends.  I disagree.  I have seen people share their pain and joy on here.  I have seen people console those that they may never see in person.  There is a bond that one can make through words alone.

I’ve been in WordPress for over 6 months and there are people here that I can’t get through the day without saying hi to.  I genuinely worry if I notice a blogging friend of mine has disappeared for days.  Maybe I’m just a special type of freak, but I think I can live with that.

So, to all of my on-line friends who are celebrating, suffering, laughing, struggling, smiling, crying, and whatever else you’re doing on your side of the computer, this poem is for you.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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124 Responses to Unseen Friends

  1. TamrahJo says:

    So true! But I never had the depth of feeling regarding online friendships in any other venue that I’ve feel have been forged here at WordPress – apparently, I just hadn’t visited the right “town” before! 🙂


  2. TamrahJo says:

    Reblogged this on The Good, Bad and Ludicrous and commented:
    I really, really appreciate my WordPress Community!


  3. Mohamed says:

    Thoughtful post, powerful poem 🙂


  4. Isn’t amazing how mere words connect people and resonate within us when they are written with affection. I feel exactly the same way, my computer friend

    I love this I just might have to reblog this just like my friend TamrahJo with a tip of my hat to you, of course


  5. sknicholls says:

    You spoke my thoughts amazingly well! I have only been around a couple of months and already i feel like I would be lost without ya’ll!


  6. tjtherien says:

    it is odd comparing real world and virtual friendships… I have a lot of theories regarding this stemming right back to the dark days of the chat room…regardless friendship is something unique shared between two people… virtual friendships can be just as valid as real world ones… and both kinds of friendships have their pros and cons….


    • Well said. I think a lot of people that don’t use social media look at virtual friendships as empty and fake. The truth is that I’ve probably been involved in more insincere real world friendships than virtual. That might just be me though.


  7. It is amazing how that happens. Nice poem Charles


  8. ioniamartin says:

    You are a special kind of freak. I like it. But I’m still staring at you. 👀


  9. jadereyner says:

    Great poem Charles and I kind of get what you mean. It’s funny how we get to rely on feedback and conversation from certain people whom we have never met, nor are likely to ever meet, but still they form an important part of our day. I have to say that having only been on here for a few months, I have been completely overwhelmed by the friendliness and support of the community that I have come into contact with so far. I only wish I’d found blogland sooner! 🙂


  10. I love this post. I have been thinking about this for quite some time now and I agree with you, I find the people here on WordPress that I communicate with on a regular basis or just follow because I love what they do to be my friends. I am genuinely interested in how they feel and what they are doing. I worry about them as you do when I don’t see anything from them for days. Aren’t these some of the things most of use define friends? The fact that we haven’t met face-to-face has little bearing in my mind. Many of you I speak with more frequently than I speak to friends I have had for years. I feel honored to know all of you and look forward to many more years of getting to know you better. Thanks Charles for a really great post.


  11. It’s beautiful Charles and I agree completely my friend!
    Hugz to you!


  12. ladysighs says:

    All true and so much more.


  13. I would be lost with out my internet friends and the support people give you when you open your heart and tell people your struggles. They have been wonderful thanks Charles needed this today.


  14. Frank says:

    Well put Charles.


  15. loquacionist says:

    I’ve only been blogging on WordPress since this past January and only in the last week have I started to branch out from my own blog to comment on others. I had no idea how kind and gratifying the reaction would be. It really is a warm community. Funny how, when not seeing one another, hearing one another, and so on is a part of the relationship people can be so open hearted and sweet to one another. Wish it happened as much in the physical realm. Great post!


  16. Reblogged this on Wiley's Wisdom and commented:
    What true and beautiful words.


  17. Nikitaland says:

    What a wonderful blog post and I agree with it wholeheartedly. I have been blogging since 2010 and through the years, have met some of the most incredible people in the world. They mean so much to me and I cannot start my day without reaching out to them, or anxiously waiting for their post to hit my inbox. The feelings that gathers in your heart from their kindness is the most wonderful feeling in the world. I started my blog because we rescued a puppy from the APL, and through the years I have shared my daily life with everyone and have such a bond with so many wonderful people from all around the world. My advice to everyone is to reach out to others and say hello, start commenting on other blogs, make new friends, it’s easy! Stop by my blog today and say “hi” at http://www.nikitaland.wordpress.com – we’ll leave the light on for ya!


    • Thanks. Blogging since 2010 is amazing. You’re right that people should wander and say hi to others. That’s the best way to make friends.


      • Nikitaland says:

        When we first start out blogging, we don’t know what to do, how to setup a blog, but we learn. I asked a lot of questions to people I bumped into on my blog and they helped me along the way. I too, wonder if anything is wrong when I don’t see a post from a fellow blogger when I know I should have – I always check in with them to see if they are ok. The friendships I have made through the years is precious. By the way, thanks for subscribing to my blog too! You have a lot of catching up to do Charles! LOL (I’m Valerie, by the way!) 🙂


      • I’ll try my best. I’m writing a book while blogging and trying to market the one that is currently out, so I scramble to keep up with current blogs.

        I was lucky because my wife started blogging first and she showed me how to set things up. Then she got annoyed that I blew past her with followers and views. I couldn’t win.


      • Nikitaland says:

        Blogging should come to you easily then, with you being a writer! Would love to hear all about your books when you get the chance! Tell your wife not to fret, blogging is not a competition! LOL


      • She’s a competitive person, so it’s hard to get her to understand.

        Well, my first book is up on Amazon for .99 cents and the sequel should be up in July. I’m working on the 5th book of the series right now. Telling all about my books might take a couple years since I have this series and about 40 other series in the wings. It’s predominantly fantasy taking place in my world called Windemere.


      • Nikitaland says:

        Very thrilling! I am so glad I found YOU and your blog! 🙂


      • I’m glad you found me too. Like making new friends on WordPress.


  18. Shandra says:

    So true!


  19. Ellespeth says:

    This is so true, Charles. People who aren’t involved or haven’t been involved in internet friendships find them difficult to understand. I liked the poem…”A family of the unseen…” – you have certainly become a member of mine.


  20. gita4elamats says:

    “The happiness of one’s own heart alone cannot satisfy the soul; one must try to include, as necessary to one’s happiness, the happiness of others.”
    ― Paramahansa Yogananda


  21. howanxious says:

    A lovely poem.. I think friendship sees no restraint, be it the cyber one. I have been successful in making more online friends than the real-life ones in the last year. So, I could definitely relate to your poem.


  22. Pingback: For You, the FRIGGIN’ AWESOME BLOGGER (FAB) AWARD! Why? Because I Can! | The Arkside of Thought | Poetry, Politics, Philosophy, Life

  23. friends are favoured over family,
    the best ones make you smile,
    friends like you inspire us,
    we never feel on trial,
    For you look out for everyone,
    ask after the absent,
    day and night, you read and write,
    but love more than a parent,
    we can be open and honest,
    never have to pretend,
    Charles, dear heart, never depart,
    In you we love our friend.

    I’d copyright it for Baldypoems but this one’s for you, pal. Keep smiling and keep writing, kind regards from Baldy 🙂
    YOU are an inspiration, sir.


    • Thanks. I’ll copy and save it right now. You can copyright it though.

      Now, is this a welcome back? I tried to find your blog again, but it’s gone.


      • No, the blog is gone, I really stuffed up. I may return to blogging again in the future when I have my head sorted (or in a better state of mind at least!) I could not abandon the talented and kind peole I have discovered completely though and realised I can still read and comment so would like to do so from time to time. I just started a new job so time is a comodity in very short suuply with that and the children! You are a gentleman and a scholar sir, I shall continue to check back in once in a while and let you know if I return in a more active way. Keep smiling, Charles, and keep writing! Kind regards from Baldy 🙂


      • Thanks. Good to know you’re still with us in some form. I hope you’re still working on that fantasy world too.


  24. Bastet says:

    Yeah…loved this poem, it is so true. I’ve also had some interesting conversations with people who would have me believe that cyber friends are not real friends…I really disagree! Thanks for the share and the poem! 🙂 Oh and I’m reblogging this!


  25. Bastet says:

    Reblogged this on Bastet and Sekhmet and commented:
    A great poem, about cyberworld friends! Lovely!


  26. melissajanda says:

    Love this! So true. Very touching poem Charles 🙂


  27. 1WriteWay says:

    I started my blog in November 2007 and it was very lonely then. I made a few connections and even did a guest post, but it was very quiet for me. I knew my blog was being read but I rarely got comments and had few followers. So I wrote my last post in January 2010 and just went AWOL. I often thought of taking the blog down completely. But one day this past February, I reread some of my posts and decided to give it another try. It had been three years; maybe things would be different. To say that blogging is a different experience for me now than it was a few years ago would be an understatement. I have never before felt so unconditionally welcomed. I am continually moved by the generosity and support I receive every day (well, at least everyday that I get online which right now is every day :)). My husband, who is a bit anti-social media (he’s proud to say that he has never and will never have a Facebook account), sometimes asks me, “How do you know these people are real.” To which I say, “How do they know that I am real?” I’ve worked with sociopaths and know first-hand that just because you can see and touch another person, that doesn’t necessarily make them “real.” Every week day my husband and I both work in an environment where some physical beings are actively trying to f**k up our reality, so why shouldn’t I take comfort and pleasure among a group of people I’ve never met but who are accepting of me and my reality? And it’s reciprocal. It’s like the more I give, I get back in doubles or triples. I only wish I had more hours in the day to spend reading and commenting and generally “Liking” all the wonderful people that I now consider friends. Thanks for the poem, Charles, and for so eloquently expressing what many, if not all of us, feel.


    • I get the ‘are they real’ question a bunch. Sometimes you just know someone is real after a while.

      Do you think the blogging world has changed since you started and that’s why you’ve had a different reaction this time around?


      • 1WriteWay says:

        I think some of the change I’ve experienced is due to WordPress. It’s much easier to follow and share and comment than it was when I started. Some of the change is due to me. I was very narrowly focused the first time around. I didn’t deviate too much from blogging about writing resources and editing, and I only followed blogs that did the same. And I viewed those who I followed and who followed me more as colleagues than friends.

        I don’t know if the blogging world in general has changed or I just got lucky in meeting you and Ionia and Bradley and Sarah and John et al. You all (aka the RCC) really made the difference for me. Yes, I’ve made quite a few other friends outside of RCC, but I think your (our) group has taught me a lot about how to build community in the ether.


      • I did notice an increase in friends when I deviated from my original purpose. Poetry helped me out a lot and I still enjoy throwing it out there.

        Where did you start blogging? I started on Livejournal back in 2002. Haven’t touched it in ages.


      • 1WriteWay says:

        I started with WordPress, and I tried Blogger. Since I was thinking of freelance editing, I thought having ads on Blogger would be a good idea, but I never liked how the ads came out. I still have a knitting blog on Blogger, but haven’t touched it in ages. I’ll probably download it to my MacJournal and remove it. I’ve WordPress to be the easiest to work with so far.


      • WordPress definitely is the easiest. I don’t think I could run multiple blogs either, so I haven’t tried to wander off.


  28. 1WriteWay says:

    Reblogged this on 1WriteWay and commented:
    An eloquent tribute to our friends in the ether.


  29. WyndyDee says:

    Reblogged this on Wyndy Dee and commented:
    I love my online friends!!


  30. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:


  31. Saunved says:

    Beautiful poem Charles. Thanks for the dedication 🙂

    Online friends are well…online friends and you can’t change that. They mean so much to me!! Like, Kira has gone off on an adventure, Ionia is on a holiday, Shane was sick and now he is recovering…it all makes a difference somehow…and if someone tells you otherwise, I get really angry!

    Cheers guys! Cheers Charles 😀


  32. L. Marie says:

    Man, I had to scroll way down to get a comment in. That’s great! And what a lovely poem. And you know, Charles, it’s so true. People online have shared more of their joys and pains than some people I’ve known for over 20 years.


  33. Charles, I am very fortunate to have met such a genuinely kind person as you. Luckier still to have come out of the deal with a friend.


  34. Papizilla says:

    Reblogged this on The Ranting Papizilla and commented:
    This one goes out to all of the WordPress community. Charles said it perfectly.


  35. ‘Creating bonds of virtual light’ – lovely! Fantastic poem and beautifully said.


  36. Pingback: Fickle Friday | The D/A Dialogues

  37. keladelaide says:

    I agree completely but if people start posting about their bowel movements or other such issues, I’m off.


  38. Pingback: Just a Note: 17 June 2013 | Bastet and Sekhmet

  39. Pingback: The Squirrelies! | kiralynblue

  40. adelineoh says:

    There are people who pray for me and my husband and I’m praying for people….whom I have never met face to face or they, I. There is a friendship, and however one may call it; virtual or unreal; the truth is that it is about people connecting and reaching out to each other. Whether we will all be kindred spirits, as Anne of Green Gables will say, it matters not. What matters is that we are all trying to connect with each other and in that process, we share and learn from each other.


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