Goal Post: Crazier Week Than Expected, But I Made It

As the title says, this was a really rough week, which was the last full one of classes for the local schools.  It also meant last time for field trips, beginning of world language tests, and a whole slew of reasons for people to be busy.  That meant we had to cover others, so I was working for 9 periods straight for almost the entire week.  Had to wolf down a lunch when there was a lull in a period like with our meditation time.  I was really thankful when someone said pizza was in the faculty lounge.  Snagged a slice and ate it while hurrying back to my class.  By the end of the week, I was wearing a Snoopy t-shirt and running off fumes.  My brain can’t even comprehend all of the things that happened.

My son had his first ever regents exam, which was in Algebra.  Won’t know what he got for at least another week.  Really hoping that he gets into the 80’s.  The only other regents exam is Living Environment (formerly biology), which is Friday.  That’s a bigger challenge even though math is his weaker subject.  A lot of information to absorb and we heard that this one gets factored into his final grade.  He’s usually really good at science and we’re studying for half of this weekend.  The other half will be Pokemon Go, sleeping, and some food shopping.  The main goal today is to find his weakest topics, so tomorrow will be more focused.

Let’s see . . . My son got an award for participating in All County Chorus.  Can’t really say more about that one since it’s pretty straightforward.

As far as writing goes, I managed to edit 3 chapters of Darwin & the Avenging Elf.  I was hoping to do more, but I went out to enjoy the weather longer than expected.  A big part of this was caused by the Cricket World Cup tournament that has taken over the nearby park.  If I saw it was open, I went there to walk around for an hour to enjoy the good weather.  This weekend won’t be the same since it’s a lot of big games, so I wanted to get my exercise and Pokemon Go time in when I could.  Didn’t always go smoothly since I got blockaded into a parking lot that was open when I arrived.  An out-of-towner went in for a jog and they closed up his exit too, so I had to tell him where I knew he could get out.  It’s a mess with helicopters overhead, cops everywhere, bad traffic, and feeling like I’m banned from a section of my own town. All of that to say that I hit my minimum goal of editing 3 chapters last weekend.  I’ll get more done once the school year winds down and might even finish editing the whole book by the end of June.

I did get some good news in regards to my health.  Stress, anxiety, and everything else aside, my sleep apnea is practically gone.  This is only because I use the CPAP machine every night, so it isn’t like I’m cured cured.  Still, this means my blood pressure has gone back to healthy levels or only goes a point or two higher.  I don’t wake up feeling like I almost died or wondering if I have Covid.  My energy is better as long as the heat and other factors don’t wear me down.  At least it isn’t the same time of tired that I used to feel, so definitely improvement.  For numbers, I used to have nearly 200 apnea events per hour and now I usually have less than 1.  The doctor was really happy with that.

With everything going on at work, this week was primarily about survival.  Just glad to make it to the weekend.  My back, shoulders, knees, and lower intestines aren’t in great shape, but we all made it.  I’ll be fine for when it’s time to go out and catch some Pokemon or do the food shopping.  Weather is in our favor too.  Need to cook dinner for us and multiple lunches for myself too.  Figure I should get it all taken care of tonight since I’ll be cooking one thing already.  Not very exciting, but it’s adulting and I need to do it.  Things should get easier after this coming week.

I won’t be able to touch Darwin & the Avenging Elf until Friday.  Not ideal, but I might get more time with it during weekedays after next weekend.  So, I’m going to finish up the August posts and maybe even start in on September.  Found some interesting post ideas with one of them being able to span 2 weeks.  As usual, I’m not sure what to do about Tuesdays, so I might just revive the teasers.  Sunday will be either animal posts or holidays for the rest of the year.   Might throw in a few other topics if they come up.  This isn’t very exciting.

Oh, the only other victory I had this week was figuring out what this mystery CD I’ve been listening to in my car was.  It’s a burnt one from my college days and there was never a name put on it.  Finally remember to look up a lyric, which led me to ‘Have a Cigar’ by Pink Floyd.  Only it wasn’t Pink  Floyd singing it.  Thought it was the Primus cover, but it ended up being Foo Fighters.  This whole thing resulted in me learning that CD #6 in my car’s player was a burnt copy of the ‘Mission Impossible: II’ soundtrack.  Not sure why I didn’t realize that when the first song was Limp Bizkit doing the them song.  My brain is just not braining this week.

So, goals of the week:

  1. Help son study for tests.
  2. Cooking food.
  3. Finish August blog posts.
  4. Pokemon Go fun.
  5. Try to finish puzzle to make space for summer Lego work.
  6. Enjoy good weather.
  7. Get through work.
  8. Continue sleeping well.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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21 Responses to Goal Post: Crazier Week Than Expected, But I Made It

  1. Solid goals. Maybe take in a game of cricket?


  2. I’m glad you’re at least making progress on some things.


  3. noelleg44 says:

    You made it through! Bravo! And good luck to your son in his tests.


  4. Great news about the sleep apnea events. A good night’s sleep is very important. Congratulations for keeping on the machine. Best wishes for next week.


  5. Jennie says:

    Great news on the sleep apnea! I think we teachers are all running on empty these last weeks of school. Hey, you got pizza and meditation- wow!


  6. ospreyshire says:

    Congrats on combating the sleep apnea! Glad you’re felling better despite everything else. What kind of world language tests were happening. The timing was interesting because I had my Japanese and Swahili classes today.


    • Thanks. The tests are basic high school languages like Spanish, French, and Italian. My son is taking ASL though, which isn’t as common.

      Liked by 1 person

      • ospreyshire says:

        You’re welcome. I figured Spanish and French would be the standards. Italian does make sense since there’s a big Italian population in the NYC metro area. Good on your son for learning ASL. That could definitely be useful. I actually have a friend who’s studying that language and has been doing deaf/auditory-impaired ministry at the church she’s at. I wish I did more language learning even though I had to take classes at a community college during my latter high school years since my school didn’t have Japanese classes. Wish I stuck with it more, but at least I’m taking Japanese online classes as well as Swahili which have been great. However, I found out Duolingo had translation errors when I brought up mistakes to my Swahili teacher.


      • I wish Japanese was an option when I was at school. Though I’m terrible at learning new languages. Just don’t have the ear and mind for them.

        Liked by 1 person

      • ospreyshire says:

        Same, and that’s why I went to a community college outside of school to do that. What languages do you have fluency in outside of English?


      • Just English, drunken English, bad English, and cursive English. 😁

        Liked by 1 person

      • ospreyshire says:

        Hahaha! There’s a joke somewhere about dialects in how you described it. I feel like learning other languages has helped build confidence and knowing I can talk to other people if I just work hard at it. However, I struggle with Kanji when it comes to Japanese besides numbers and the Swahili grammar system is tricky (saying nothing about some of the alliterative system or finding out what some words really meant).


      • Both of those sound tough.

        Liked by 1 person

      • ospreyshire says:

        There’s over a thousand Kanji out there and even Japanese people have trouble memorizing some of the symbols or in Japanese literature, some symbols use hiragana subtitles to show what word it actually is since there can be multiple pronunciations or words depending on the context of the sentence. Swahili has its own noun classes which determine which grammatical lettering will be used to make the sentence correct.


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