WIP Update!


Danielle Taylor tagged me in her ‘WIP Progress Update’ post so, in the spirit of what I’ve read about the game of tag, it seems I am ‘it’! Be sure to stop on by and check out Danielle’s page to find out what literary trouble she’s been up to!

1. What is the name of your current WIP?

I’m writing Legends of Windemere: The Compass Key, which is the 5th in the series.  Books 2-4 are awaiting cover art and final edits.

2. Ready to do a cover reveal?

Not for the 5th book.  2nd is close.

3. How many words are you into it?


4. Goal word count by the end of the week?

I don’t go by word count.  My goal was to write 2 chapters by the end of the week, which I accomplished.  Doesn’t look like I’ll go over that.

5. Goal word count for the entire manuscript?

20 Chapters

6. What genre does your work in progress fall within?

Epic, Badass Fantasy

7. When would you *like* to publish this project?

This one will probably be early next year.

8. Go to page 5 of your manuscript and pick a sentence at random to share with us!

The Lich turns to her and grins evilly. “Think shorter, happier, curvier, and blue hair, your highness.”

9. Will this WIP turn into a series book? 

It’s #5 of the series.

10. What has been the hardest challenge in working on this WIP?

Getting used to writing shorter chapter sections and writing my first large scale battle scene.

11. What has been your favorite part of working on this WIP?

I’m getting to flush out some new characters and learn things about a few of the old ones.

12. Any special treat planned for when you finish the final draft of your WIP?


13. Tag three people to complete this WIP meme!


Briana Vedsted

C.N. Faust

Victoria Grefer

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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17 Responses to WIP Update!

  1. Hi Charles, Good luck with your WIP. What is the average length of the other 4 novels? I use the the chapter approach as well and I find that my chapters tend to run around 4000 words. Do you have a deadline to finish the first draft?


    • I don’t have a deadline on this one because I’m so far ahead in the series. I’m hoping for end of June, but it will probably be closer to mid-July. Too many other things going on, so I can only do 2 chapters a week instead of 3.

      The other novels range from 312 to low 500’s. The later ones have more characters and subplots than the first book.


  2. Sam says:

    “Epic, Badass Fantasy.” Haha, you just put a name on my favorite genre. Why can’t the “official” labels be so accurate? Life would be so much easier if I could just meander to Amazon and browse the Badass Fantasy category.

    Also: I like the title.


  3. Oh dear! You didn’t! Oh well, looks like I’m ‘it’ now. 😉 Thank you Charles!

    P.s. I liked the genre you picked. Well put.


  4. Pingback: WIP update | When I Became an Author

  5. MishaBurnett says:

    I am tagging myself, and you can’t stop me. Bwaa-ha-haa-ha!


  6. Pingback: WIP Update | mishaburnett

  7. Pingback: Work In Progress Report – Meme | Jade's Jungle

  8. Pingback: Work In Progress Report – Meme | 1WriteWay

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