Goal Post: Almost Forgot This One

This week was so crazy that I nearly forgot to write this post.  Woke up at 6 am and realized I never took the time last night to do it.  This is what happens when I have a busy week and then Friday off.  I’ll share what I can because a lot of the chaos was drama that I can’t share here for a variety of reasons.  Mostly, I don’t want to anger certain people in my life who are working my last nerve.

Well, my parents left for a trip last Saturday, which means I’ve had the house to myself.  It means I had to do all of the house and yard work such as watering, vacuuming, dishes, mowing, and remembering garbage/recycling/lawn stuff pick up times.  This is on top of all the craziness of work and appointments, so I didn’t get a lot of relaxing until I was off yesterday.  Not that I didn’t spend most of Friday doing errands and chores, so I could enjoy my 3-day weekend with my son.  There really are times I feel like being convinced adulthood is cool and you have freedom was a trap that we need to stop feeding kids because they’ll just be disappointed.

I did manage to finish typing in the hand edits for Darwin & the Halfling Hunt then print out Darwin & the Avenging Elf.  Won’t be able to tackle the latter until next weekend because there’s a lot to do this week.  Still, it was some progress in spite of having so much else to do.  The flickers of free time I got during the week were used to make July and August blog posts.  I’m hoping to get those mostly done soon in order to free up the summer for editing on top of work.  Yeah, I’m doing the summer session, which means I get 1.5 weeks of break before it starts and after it ends.

Unfortunately, I got very little fun time with me son this week.  Monday was a big homework day and Tuesday was only slightly better.  Me having to do all of the cooking and cleaning impacts this as well.  I’m trying to juggle it all, but him getting distracted by certain people and things ends up throwing everything off.  So, I’ll be sitting there with a finsihed dinner while he’s stuck on the phone or still trying to do homework.  This all adds to my frustration since my son and I don’t get a lot of downtime with each other these days.  It’s primarily homework and then other people end up scrambling to spend as much time with him as possible before he’s back with his mom.  This really eats away at my morale and mood.

With cooking, I’ve been trying 6 new recipes and I’m going to add a slideshow to next Saturday’s post with all of the meals.  This includes the tried and true ones I’m sticking with, but not the take out.  So far, I’ve tried 3 of the new recipes and only one of them has been a disaster.  The other two have been highly successful, so I hope the other 3 follow in their footsteps.  Tonight, I’m going to try to make ‘Restaurant Style Chicken Lo Mein’, which is going to be work intensive.  Put all of the non-frigerated ingridents on the counter last not and there’s a lot.  Probably the biggest recipe I’m going to attempt and one that I won’t be repeating very often if successful.  Fingers crossed.

The only other big event that I can talk about is how our students did with the Unified Basketball Championship.  Our team was undefeated for the season, but this was a difficult game.  The Life Skills students had a big field day trip earlier, so they had already spent about 3.5 hours in the sun and heat.  So, they were tired and reaching their limits when the game started.  The adults who were on the trip weren’t doing much better and the other team showed up to win.  It was a physical game, but our students won 31-30 to clinch the championship.  Really proud of them for working hard, keeping it together, and showing good sportsmanship.  A well-deserved win and nice highlight of a difficult week for all of us.

The next three days are going to be spending time with my son.  Helicopter landing and event in the park this morning then haircuts before Pokemon Go.  Tomorrow is a Pokemon Go event and then we have dinner with my sister, brother-in-law, and neice.  Monday is going to be relaxing and possibly more Pokemon Go if he still needs to get things done, but maybe someone will have a BBQ for the holiday.  After that, it’s back to school, work, and appointments.  Can’t say I have anything exciting planned beyond finishing those blog posts and making some dinners.  Trying to finish a puzzle in order to clear the table for a summer of big Lego sets.  Probably need to decide if I’m doing a solo trip to Oswego in August too.  Kind of scared about doing a long drive on my own.

Okay . . . My computer just crashed and had to reboot with no explanation as to what happened.  Monday might require getting a new machine.  Let’s get to the goals and put this post out there.

  1. Spend time with son this weekend.
  2. Possibly buy new laptop.
  3. Get haircut.
  4. Cook dinners to avoid starvation.
  5. Puzzle time.
  6. Pokemon Go time.
  7. Work on summer blog posts if computer functional.
  8. Sleep when possible.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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10 Responses to Goal Post: Almost Forgot This One

  1. ospreyshire says:

    Hopefully your 3 day weekend goes well despite whatever drama is happening. Congrats on that team winning the championship at your school! I can relate to the planning posts thing because I stopped sky hiatus on my main blog even though I’m still not ready to do stuff with my film review one yet.


  2. Lo Mein is a lot of work but well worth it. Hope you have a good week.


  3. Jennie says:

    Cheers to the basketball championship! I hope you won’t need a new computer. Enjoy the weekend, Charles.


  4. I think my old Mac is on its last legs right now. I don’t use it much, but need it for some tasks. I also got a haircut, but won’t be doing any cooking. I have a few plants to tuck into the pots this afternoon. Congrats to the kids for winning their game.


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