Goal Post: Yeah . . . Everything is Blurry

This is a week that felt like every day lasted a month and all of the events have become fairly blurry.  I remember looking into Masters programs and realizing that I need to take the GRE first.  Signed up for a class in February that will get me certification in working with autistic students.  Looks like my summer might be one of writing, teacher certification, and Masters preparation.  This means no money coming in, but I’ll clear things off my plate for later in the year.  All of these are faint memories with a few things sticking out.

I didn’t get any writing done this week like I thought I could.  Not sure why I believed otherwise, but I did get the March posts done.  Have a list of April topics and hoping to figure out some for May to get those started.  We have a 3-day weekend and my son is with his mom, so I might get another 2 chapters done.  Getting together with friends tonight, so we’ll see what effect that has on things.  Sunday might be more relaxing and laundry, but I have a simpler chapter section to ease me into the day.  The difficult thing here is that I’m going to be stopping right at the beginning of the big stuff then I can’t get back to writing until February . . . March?  Crud muffin.

This has become the biggest headache for me this week.  In four weeks, Winter Break will start and I get my son for half of it.  The half that he’s not with me was going to be devoted to writing and taking that autism certification course.  Well, that hope has been either crushed or hampered because I’m losing my space again.  Remember how I had to move all of my stuff out of my room in late December for the walls to be painted?  Well, I have to do it again and clear out my son’s room because we’re pulling up the carpeting to put down wooden floors.  Don’t worry though.  My bed will be staying in my room, so I can sleep among the wreckage.  I’ll be helping with this project to some extent, but it still means I have to take my room and my son’s room apart then put it back together.  The heavy lifting has already begun too.

I think this revelation combined with people demanding that I take on some kind of job during the summer is what caused me to have some rough nights.  I was happy during the day when I was at work or with my son.  Once I was alone at night, I began feeling sad and had a few crying fits.  The thing is that it feels like people have less faith or respect for me writing than ever.  Almost all of the support and understanding that I get comes from you and a handful of friends, but all of you are contacted by computer of texting.  Most of those who are physically around me don’t really accept that I need time and space to get these books done.  I have a job and eventually classes to add into the mix, which makes getting to the things that help me relax is even harder.  Yet, they become so much more important.  Needless to say, my anxiety wasn’t doing too well at night.

There isn’t much in the way of patience for this and I can’t find an outside area to write in where I feel comfortable.  It was suggested that I work in a place that is freezing this time of year, but put on a stove for warmth.  It’s still not that comfortable and I have to be bundled up.  Ever try to type with gloves?  Not doable.

Funny thing is that I have to do a chart for coparenting classes, which shows how I take care of myself.  I’m dreading this thing since I have to share it with the ex-wife.  I never have time to consistently exercise, my diet isn’t that great because I’m so busy, I’m guilt-tripped for resting, and I’m still feeling the sting of loneliness.  I’m better than I was last year to some extent, but I have a long way to go.  Not an easy path to take when the people who seem to understand you the best are miles away instead of within reach.  I’m tired of trying to explain myself too.  How hard is it to understand that an author needs peace, time, and privacy?  Can’t write a book when I’m given an hour in crowded room after being lectured about my life choices.

The whole carpeting thing kind of overshadowed everything else.  The rest of the week was fairly normal and nothing that I would or can share.  Next week should be more interesting and possibly some productive writing if I’m lucky.  At the very least, I might be able to do all of the write ups for the fantasy tip book.

Goals of the week:

  1. Write 2-3 chapters of War of Nytefall: Ravenous
  2. Finish prep work for War of Nytefall: Eradication release in February/March.
  3. Start April posts.
  4. Figure out some May topics.
  5. Decide on how detailed monsters for Keys of Eden will be.  Maybe that’ll be a Sunday post down the road.
  6. Do more for fantasy tip books.
  7. All the usual stuff.
  8. Continue moving things to the basement.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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17 Responses to Goal Post: Yeah . . . Everything is Blurry

  1. All I can say is… Good luck with the coming week.


  2. L. Marie says:

    Sounds rough. Sorry. 😞


  3. Job, childcare, household… and try to find time to write. That sounds so familiar! If it helps (and I know it might not) almost all of us go through that. Just try to tackle things one at a time, I guess.


  4. I feel for you, and the only thing I can think of is finding somewhere else. I keep thinking if I ever get to that African Adventure story, I’m going to find a place Near the lions at the zoo to hack out a few chapters. I actually thought about finding a nice quiet mausoleum to write a paranormal tale, but it’s probably damned cold there right about now. Can you “forget” your phone and steal away to the library for a couple of hours?


  5. ospreyshire says:

    I hope you were able to complete those goals.


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