Goal Post: Winter Break as a Teacher (Assistant)

Where to even start with this week?  Well, I took my son to see Lego Movie 2 last Sunday, so we’ll start there.  Not as good as the first one, but still very entertaining.  I like how they incorporated both worlds this time.  It’s more musical than its predecessor, which isn’t a bad thing.  They had fun with it and there are some fun twists.  We went to the Lego Store afterwards to pick up some sets since you can’t take a kid to a Lego movie and expect him to not get some afterwards.  This was a great way to end last weekend . . . and step into a really odd week.

Very early Monday morning, my son got sick and it resulted in me spending most of the night doing laundry.  Of course, he couldn’t go into school and I wasn’t able to get anyone to change their schedule to watch him.  My first time taking off from being a TA and I really didn’t know what to do with myself.  Felt so bad about not being there, especially since the next day was a snow day.  Not for my son, but for my school district.  I just kind of sat around working on War of Nytefall: Rivalry posts.  I wanted to work on my book, but the snow day call came at the same time as my alarm.  The combination just threw me off, so I wasn’t sure what to do with myself.  The rest of the week went somewhat smoothly.  Learning that things don’t always go as planned when dealing with teenagers, which I’m sure I knew beforehand.  If a nine-year-old is a challenge then an older kid isn’t going to be any different.  Part of the fun and challenge.

What else to talk about?  I didn’t get any writing done on War of Nytefall: Eradication because of time and tiredness.  Barely getting any sleep at the start of the week did a number on me.  That personal issue I’m unable to talk about sapped my strength too.  Honestly, we should just assume that that event is talking a lot of energy and attention from me.  Ended up earning a new health issue, but it isn’t anything to be too worried about.  Either caused by going from cold to warm temperatures or stress, I get a full body itch around the end of the day.  Half a dose of Benadryl helps, but I’m getting things checked out today.  Had the doctor’s appointment anyway.  My hope is to get one chapter done this weekend, but we’ll see what happens.

I do feel weird about my writing time and ability.  Since I’m still trying to get into the swing of things, I don’t do much during the week.  I probably could if the itchiness and cold weather weren’t draining me.  At some point, my schedule will adjust itself to let me do biking between getting home and my son getting back too.  To be honest, I started War of Nytefall: Eradication about a month and a half ago and I’ve only done 3 chapters.  That’s out of 18, which used to take me about 2 months.  That’s what happens when you get a day job, which takes priority.  I’ll figure this out eventually.  I’m getting things together to apply for a summer camp job too, so I won’t get those two months off and they might be busier.  If I can, I’m going to work on Ichabod Brooks stuff during that period and maybe Nytefall will remain a school year project.  Using weeknights to prepare blog posts after my son goes to sleep helps too.  I’m getting ready to start scheduling April posts and I’ll be asking for topic suggestions tomorrow.  Though, I’ll be focusing mostly on my vampire series.

This week is Winter Break, so I’m focused more on having fun with my son.  I don’t get to play with him as much as I used to, so this is a treat.  He still has some appointments, but we’ll figure some things out.  We’re seeing ‘How To Train Your Dragon 3’ on Friday and I would like to do an animal-related outing at some point.  That second one is going to be tough in the winter, especially since he has appointments.  The weather might be gross too, which means playing inside.  Trying to avoid video games as much as possible since he’s become a little obsessed.  We still have a few science projects in a kit that he got over the holidays, so I’ll try to talk up one of those.

Oh, this happened at 8:04 PM EST with Legends of Windemere: Beginning of a Hero:

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #2,953 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)

Seems the freebie ‘sold’ 21 copies and shot up the ranks.  I don’t know if it got any higher since I’m writing this Friday night.  Seriously, nothing is really going to happen between me finishing this post and it going live.  If the numbers get better then that’s great and I hope it has an effect on the rest of the series too.  Not sure what caused this either.

Considering this is Winter Break, I’m not really going to bother with goals . . . Yet, I really should do something:

  1. Spend time with son.
  2. Rest up for return to school.
  3. Write some of War of Nytefall
  4. Finish the blog tour posts.
  5. Biking would be nice.
  6. See ‘How to Train Your Dragon 3’.
  7. Watch more ‘Seven Deadly Sins Season 3’.  I like Escanor a lot more than I expected.
  8. Really should request more books from the library.  Down to two.

That’s really it.  Hope everyone has a fun weekend.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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13 Responses to Goal Post: Winter Break as a Teacher (Assistant)

  1. I think some time with your son will be enjoyable.


  2. Jennie says:

    Happy school vacation week, Charles!


  3. V.M.Sang says:

    You certainly seem busy, but I’d put spending time with your son number 1 priority. Good fun for you both.


  4. L. Marie says:

    Congrats on that ranking! That’s great! I hope it provided some encouragement. I know it doesn’t take away the pain of what’s happening. But I’m glad to see some encouragement for you.

    I’m glad these family movies are out and you can see them with your son. I saw a bunch of kids at a LEGO event at Target the other day. Great strategy on their part. The kids happily played with LEGOs set out on a table, thus inspiring the parents to head over to the LEGO section and buy some sets. I am sure a How to Train Your Dragon event will happen next week!


    • Thanks. It was a curious and unexpected surge that I hope means even a handful of the new readers will continue with the series. I’ll be happy even with 1 person who goes through to the end.

      I keep looking for LEGO events, but I think that was last week. Although, I should find something that is How to Train Your Dragon related. The only place where stuff like that happens tends to be Build-A-Bear. He already has a Toothless. Maybe his Toothless needs a girlfriend.


  5. That’s a great ranking for one that is an older work. Hope it gets people to keep going. I need to get on with our post too. I’ll dedicate some time to it this afternoon.


  6. Pingback: Seven Links 2/23/19 Traci Kenworth – Where Genres Collide

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