Legends of Windemere Campaign on Thunderclap

Help Support Legends of Windemere on Thunderclap! Deadline is OCTOBER 4th!

Please lend a hand and help me reach 100 supporters by the deadline.  It’s a great way for anyone who wants to campaign for anything to get a blast of support, but it only works if I reach or surpass my goal of 100.

If you have Facebook, Twitter, and/or Tumblr then CLICK ON THE PICTURE BELOW!



About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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38 Responses to Legends of Windemere Campaign on Thunderclap

  1. Reblogged this on Poetry by Pamela and commented:
    Great opportunity to help a fellow author


  2. Done! I’ll be interested to see how this works out for you (so I can try it myself!).


  3. estyree says:

    I did! Hope my measly 33 twitter followers helps you out 😉 Good Luck


  4. Reblogging by way of pingback. Good luck!


  5. Pingback: Reblog – Help Out a Fellow Indie Author! | Leigh Michaels

  6. sknicholls says:

    Reblogged this on S.K. Nicholls and commented:
    Help support a fellow author! This may be something you’d like to try yourself.


  7. Reblogged this on Fiction Favorites and commented:
    Here is a way to help expand the message of Windemere


  8. baldy supports! clicked the link and added my support, pal, best of luck and best wishes 🙂


  9. Done Charles – I was just looking at this site the other day, but I don’t properly understand how it works.


    • I’m not really sure either. Not until I finish and discover the endgame. I compare it to Kickstarter where you sign up with your support, but it’s social media posts and not money. Like Kickstarter, your social media doesn’t make the post unless the goal is met by the deadline. If the campaign fails then nothing happens. If it’s successful then the creator gets a social media blast for their project. At least that’s what I think is going on.


  10. This is a fascinating idea. Hope it works well for you.


  11. Pingback: Going-ons | C. Miller

  12. C. Miller says:

    Support shared via Twitter, and I also posted links to all of it in a new post.
    You’ll have to let us know how this works out. Sounds interesting.


    • Thanks. I’m at 39 now, so I’m hoping I get a big push over the weekend. Facebook isn’t being much help. 182 Friends and only the usual suspects turned up and that was probably because of the blog.


      • C. Miller says:

        Facebook hasn’t seemed to be much help with anything lately. The reach on my posts there has been . . . almost nonexistent. That’s just the way it goes though.
        Hopefully you reach the goal!


      • I’ve noticed that too. I still use it because I interact with a few people solely on Facebook. Honestly, I’m just confused on how I’m supposed to use social media these days. I seem to spend more time sharing, retweeting, and reblogging stuff by other authors, but it’s rarely returned. That’s why I kind of stepped back and only returned the favor when someone helped me first. Time issues might be a problem too.


      • C. Miller says:

        I never really know what to do with any of the social media stuff. Don’t want to say the same things in all the different places, so I usually just link up blog posts. Saying anything about my books past what I do on here just makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. I know I need to get over it.
        On Twitter, I’ll usually re-tweet for people who just say hi to me. (Unless I can’t find something in all their re-tweets, in which case I give up.)
        Time issues . . . Yeah. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wondered how in the world you have time to do all that you do. Blows my mind. Seriously. O.o


      • I do the blog posts and the promo posts. I think it makes an interesting variety. I try to do one or two hunts for things to retweet every day. I try searching by genre hashtag or the #IAN1 and #IARTG tags. I get a lot out of using those.

        I think I sacrifice sleep and cooking decent meals to get so much done. At least I feel that way.


      • C. Miller says:

        I remember looking up #fantasy on Twitter before. Some interesting things popped up. Needless to say, it made me a bit hesitant to look for it again . . .

        I know what you mean with sacrificing sleep and decent meals. Seems like something’s gotta go and it’s all a matter of what it is.

        By the way, what all happened with the Thunderclap stuff?


      • Unfortunately, it has that issue. #highfantasy or #epicfantasy could work too. I use those occasionally if I have enough space. The URL and title don’t always leave a lot for other things.

        Thunderclap succeeded and went live last Saturday. No sales happened, but I made a post that night about my experience. Can’t say it was a total waste, but it didn’t stop the slowing down of sales that I can’t seem to undo.

        Totally forgot to eat today. Thanks for the reminder.


      • C. Miller says:

        That would PROBABLY work better, with the more specific hashtags. (Such a weird word (hastag(s)), but I digress.) It would be a scary day if those got overloaded with the same material as the other. Can you just imagine how much worse they could potentially be? Yikes.

        I’ll go back through your posts and find that one. Sorry I missed it. >.<

        You're welcome for the eating reminder. I could've used one two days ago. Time flies when you're busy . . .


      • Yeah. I’ve seen some people use random hashtags on their stuff to get attention. A #highfantasy one a few weeks ago was actually an erotica romance and you could tell by the cover.


      • C. Miller says:

        I don’t really get the purpose behind that. Yeah, you’d get more (and different) eyes on something, but they wouldn’t be the ones you were looking for.
        That’s really strange – the #highfantasy really being erotica. Maybe it was high fantasy with a crapton of sex in it? I dunno what else to make of that, unless the person was completely delusional. >.>


      • Maybe some people don’t know what some of the hashtags mean. They translate #highfantasy as something else like stoner erotica. It’s always a strange thing to run into, but I doubt everyone is up to no good.


      • C. Miller says:

        I was taking a sip of coffee when I read the ‘#highfantasy/stoner erotica’ thing. I almost choked on it.


      • As long as it doesn’t go out your nose. Been there, done that, lost brain cells from it.


      • C. Miller says:

        I’d never had that happen before until about two days ago, and it didn’t even really come OUT of my nose. I mostly just ended up with a bit of water stuck in my sinuses. -_-

        I DID see that happen to my best friend when we were younger. With orange juice.
        I’ve tried to be extremely careful with eating/drinking while watching/listening to/reading anything that could potentially make me laugh since then.


      • Ouch. I’ve never had it happen with coffee or milk. I have had it happen with beer. Twice and caused by the same friend. Both times I didn’t see it coming because we’re always randomly hurling jokes at each other. We try to be careful, but accidents happen.


  13. Gwen Bristol says:

    Thanks for reblogging my post on the free promo of The Night Ones!

    I am going to tweet this thunderclap promo for you now. I hope sharing it on FB brought you some supporters. Wishing you lots and lots of luck!


  14. Pingback: Legends of Windemere Campaign on Thunderclap | Baldypoems

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