Today I Turn 34 . . . Yippee?

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I have grown to ‘meh’ my day
Not oohing at the passing time
For it feels just like a Wednesday
No different from the rest

I know not when this started
That my birthday held few sparks
Perhaps from years of mere survival
Instead of living true

I’m sure a cake is coming
People ask what I have planned
Movie and lunch tomorrow
Then an escape when weekend comes

This day always makes me weird
Because I take it so in stride
Appreciating the good blessings
While drifting to the tenth

Maybe I’m simply old
Dreading the birthday that I miss
A sense of mortality I fear
Before my legacy is locked


Typically, I hit my birthday with a Happy ‘Not Dead’ Day poem.  I did that last year.  So I just wrote something on a whim. Don’t get me wrong.  I always appreciate the well wishes and knowing people care.  It’s just that something about gaining another year that doesn’t fill me with the joy I had as a child.  Maybe it’s because I pay bills now and am an ‘adult’.

For the actual day, I don’t expect to do much outside of the Internet.  People work while I go about my business.  Tomorrow is movie and dinner with the wife and Saturday I’ll be ‘hopefully’ heading into New York City to hang with Greg.  The tradition has typically been to escape the family for a day and get some time away from the chaos.  At least I don’t have to deal with Passover this time.  I’ll share that story tomorrow.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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55 Responses to Today I Turn 34 . . . Yippee?

  1. Happy Birthday Charles 🙂 I know how you feel — anything over 30 is underwhelming. I don’t even celebrate birthdays anymore. Anyways, despite your lack of birthday enthusiasm, I hope you have a good day, or at the very least, a relaxing one.


    • That’s around the time it happened for me. Most of the birthday stuff happens after the day though. Weekday birthdays are always ‘meh’.


      • I always have the same problem, my birthday’s at the very end of summer when school starts around here, so either my family are in school during my b-day, or they’re away on vacation and busy getting ready for school. It makes for an uneventful day. These day’s I’m just happy if my family doesn’t make me cook dinner, and I can just -do nothing- all day. lol


      • My son is late July, so he doesn’t get to have his birthday party in class. Thankfully, he’s still too young to notice this.

        I’m happy if I get to relax and not have to deal with dinner being delayed for a few hours. Not sure why that happens.


  2. LindaGHill says:

    Enjoy your celebrations, Charles! I agree, the understated ones are the best. 🙂


  3. sknicholls says:

    Happy Birthday Charles. Fifty is another one. Once you get there, there is this enormous sigh of relief and then a “Now What?”


  4. I love birthdays! It is the one day a year that you don’t have to share with anyone else (unless you are a twin). I’m thrilled for every year I add because I know each one is going to be better than the last. Enjoy your day – at least laugh at the videos


  5. Paul Davis says:

    Happy birthday, man! Don’t go nuts and get all squirrely 😉


  6. Happy Birthday! Enjoy every single second…every one counts! Hugs and smiles


  7. M T McGuire says:

    Happy birthday. 🙂


  8. A Very Happy Birthday to you, Charles. Have a really good time. 🙂


  9. Happy birthday 🙂 In an amusing turn of events, yesterday was my little brother’s birthday — I teased him about becoming an old man, and this morning I woke up to discover I’d thrown my back out and must now hobble around all day in pain. May your birthday be much more fun and far less painful than my day 🙂


  10. Happy Birthday! Yeah, I hit 30 and thought that was enough that birthdays were underwhelming and I could do without them at that point. That’s when they start picking up speed. Each year it feels like a few more days were lost so they can arrive more quickly. 35 becomes an unexpected surprise and then suddenly 40 is staring you in the face. Those between the 5s we tick off as if they were months. The way to slow them down is to not stress about them and appreciate every minute of every day. There’s less time for wasting. Enjoy the week!


  11. tpolen says:

    Happy Birthday – hope you have a great day!


  12. twixie13 says:

    Happy birthday. ^_^


  13. renxkyoko says:

    Happy Birthday !


  14. Happy day. Movie sounds good.


  15. melissajanda says:

    I thought I read that you were turning 33. See? This is what happens with aging. Happy 34th!


  16. Happy birthday, Charles.


  17. I know that I’m late to the party, but thanks to Ionia’s subtle reminders, I would like to wish you a Happy “Belated” 34th Birthday Charles. Remember each birthday year is just a number, its how you feel that matters. I hope that you enjoyed your day. 🙂


  18. Pingback: Celebrate! | The D/A Dialogues

  19. Ellespeth says:

    Hope you have a nice dinner date. Week end plans sound wonderful, too!


    • Thanks. It’s turned back into a lunch date thanks to Captain America 2 getting some earlier showings at the theater. Means we get home in time to get the toddler off the bus. Better weather means we get to unleash him on the backyard, which was hilarious yesterday. He likes helping with yard work, so I watched him follow my dad around with a rake that was twice his size.


  20. lackofharmony says:

    I didn’t realize you were right around my age. I’m so used to communing with people who are nowhere near my age that it’s shocking to find someone that is my age. Happy birthday! ^_^


  21. Jack Flacco says:

    Belated Happy Birthday, Charles. I hope you have very many more! Enjoy!


  22. Happy Not-Dead-Day, Charles.


  23. Kirsten says:

    34…you are soooo young, Charles! 🙂 I could be your grandma! Well, alright – not quite, but close. I hope you are having a good day after, today.


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