Goal Post: Let the Summer Break (1.5 week) Begin

Last day of the 23-24 school year was Wednesday and it was crazy to the very end.  So much to do before the year ends and summer school begins.  You also had goodbyes to those retiring or leaving for a variety of reasons.  Honestly, it’s only been 2 days since the ‘break’ started and it feels like I’ve been away from school for months.  Can’t figure out why that is.

Well, one reason could be that I had apparently been running on survival mode this entire time.  After our last meeting, I hit the park for some Pokemon Go and figured that would wake me up.  Instead, I nearly fell asleep on a bench.  This was a bad sign, so I got back in my car and drove home ASAP.  Thankfully, I wasn’t that far away.  My plan was to go right into resting, but my bed had tools and other stuff on it because the cable boxes were being replaced.  Probably spent about 2 hours fighting to remain conscious, which is where I made the mistake of having a glass of whiskey.  I was fine for a while, but then I had to crawl into bed.  Didn’t pass out, but my body definitely decided to let me know that it was being kept together by toothpicks and gum.  Feel asleep at some point and felt somewhat human the next morning.  Guess I just needed a good slumber.

I’m still running out of steam fairly quickly, but that’s caused by the heat too.  I can’t get myself to sleep beyond 6:30 AM, but I did have an appointment on Thursday.  Maybe I need a day to force the issue.  I’ll try tomorrow since there’s a big Pokemon Go thing going on today that I wanted to be a part of.  Figure I needed more sleep before I go into the heat and try my luck.  That’ll wear me down, but I don’t think I’ll be out for the same length of time as yesterday.  On the other hand, I should try to build up my stamina and heat tolerance since I’m working summer school.  Yes, many teachers and TA’s work during the time people think we’re just sipping margaritas on tropical islands.  In total, I get 3 weeks of break with summer school being in the middle.

Speaking of vacations, I finally took the big step and reserved a hotel room in Oswego for late August.  It’ll be a solo trip where I’ll work on either editing or notebook stuff.  I really just want to get away and relax before the next school year begins.  Not that I’m going to fully relax.  I’m really nervous about this trip because I’ve never done a solo drive for longer than 2 hours before.  This will be about 6 hours without counting breaks.  I figure I’ll stop a bunch of times, but I don’t know how many stamina will be without someone to talk to.  There’s going to be the radio, but singing along won’t be the same.  Come to think of it, I’ll be alone in the room too.  That means I won’t be speaking to anyone unless I can get together with some friends.

At least I’ll have my characters to keep me company.  I’m still trying to decide on if I want to edit a Darwin book or work on notebook stuff.  Darwin & the Avenging Elf edits will be done before I pick my son up on Tuesday, so I just have to type those in when I have time.  I might be well into Darwin & the Demon Game by that point, so I might as well bring it along.  It’s 2 chapters longer, which means I might finish it right before the trip.  My laptop isn’t portable, which would mean I’ll be up there working on ‘Phi Beta Files’ and maybe hop over to another idea.  Best to play it by ear.

With this being summer break, I don’t have a lot of plans.  There’s a big July 4th show coming up, so we’ll go to that.  Happens right after a Pokemon Go event, which will make things a bit difficult.  Might have to drive to the park for that, go home, and immediately walk back.  Besides that event, my son and I aren’t really planning much else.  Might be a zoo trip, but that’s going to be tough with the holiday.  Weekends are always crazy, but we might have to risk it unless we put the trip off until after school and camp.  Nothing else is really going on, which is probably a good thing because I need the down time.

Well, that’s really all I can think of.  Finished all of the September posts and I’m tinkering with monster posts for October.  Probably need to stop that and hunker down for more editing before Pokemon Go starts around 12.  At least, it’s supposed to.  This special event is apparently going off with a bunch of hitches.  I might get out to the park to find nothing going on or it’s in a different location.  Means I just walk around for a bit and then come home for more editing.  Nothing wrong with that as long as I get some daily fresh air, sun, and exercise.  I’m usually getting over 10,000 steps a day as long as the weather holds and I’m not dragged into a bunch of events.  Might as well enjoy it before winter hits and the park is closed by the time I get home from work.

List time!

  1. Finish editing Darwin & the Avenging Elf.
  2. Print out Darwin & the Demon Game.
  3. Pokemon Go for exercise.
  4. Time with son once he is here.
  5. Lego sets when I need a break at night.
  6. Sleep longer.
  7. Hydrate!
  8. Contemplate society’s stance on various emotional states and how they are frowned upon when admitted to by certain groups.  (I will not explain.)
  9. Watch some movies with my son.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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14 Responses to Goal Post: Let the Summer Break (1.5 week) Begin

  1. noelleg44 says:

    All sounds good. Why did you choose Oswego?


  2. A week to myself sounds wonderful. It would be great to not do dishes, cook, tend pets, etc. I hope you go, and have a great time with a little productivity mixed in.


  3. Resting takes some time to work in. Hope you get a lot of it.


  4. Jennie says:

    Relax at last.


  5. davidprosser says:

    Whatever else Charles, Have a great Summer and Relax. Hugs


  6. I hope you get to do all those things, Charles. Don’t feel guilty about taking the vacation you want to! I myself am still dreaming about school occasionally.


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