Goal Post: Got A Little Done, But Not Much

(Combination of Foo Fighters, Queen (Brian May), and Pink Floyd . . . No wonder I keep skipping to this one in the car.)

This was a crazy week, which should really be my motto.  I’m also writing this after trying Apple Pie moonshine.  Really tasty. Not harsh.  Takes a wee bit of time to kick in and make me forget the chaos of the week.  Have to be careful that I don’t share the more sensitive chaos though.  *zips lips and keeps fingers typing*

Seriously though, this was the last week of classes for my son.  Last week of full days for my students too, but I’m still there until the end of the day until the 26th.  This meant that my son had tests such as the Living Environment (Biology with extra) Regents.  For those outside of New York, the Regents are subject specific standardized tests created by the state to check standards.  Passing them are required for high school graduation.  At least for the second best diploma.  It’s stressful for the students and parents while many teachers aren’t fans.  Still, he’s done and we’re confident that he did good.  He got 100 on his history final.  Not a Regents, but impressive.

For myself, it’s just been getting the students and myself ready for the full sprint to the finish line.  Things were rather rough on a few days too.  Last year, the kids who graduated were the ones who were 8th graders when I started.  That felt strange.  This year, a student I worked with a few years back and watched grow graduated.  He’s become such an awesome young man that I can’t be anything but proud of him.  Happy to see them grow up, but tough to see them go.  I already know which graduating student is going to make me cry next year.  Kids grow up too fast.

I didn’t get to Darwin & the Avenging Elf until last night, but I’m hoping to get 2-3 chapters done this weekend.  Can’t do anything tomorrow since it’s Father’s Day and I’ll have my son.  Maybe a bit before I pick him up and more after I drop him back off with his mom.  Editing isn’t my goal tomorrow, so I’ll get a bunch done today.  Balance that with some Pokemon Go and errands should work out.  I have Wednesday off for Juneteenth too, so I can get a chapter or 2 done then as well.  Maybe I’ll get Darwin & the Avenging Elf edited before July 4th.  That would be amazing and give me the whole summer to edit the final 2 finished volumes.  Given that next school year looks messy, I wouldn’t mind that.

All of the August posts were completed too.  Halfway through September to give myself more of a cushion when school starts up.  This means, I’m already thinking about the October theme, which tends to be monsters.  Last year, I took beasts from around the world using a poster from a puzzle.  I was leaning towards American cryptids this year, but I only have 13 days to use unless I stop the teasers and poems.  That still doesn’t give me a lot unless I figure out some categories to use multiple creatures.  Good thing I’ll have the summer to work on this since I always enjoy October being a challenge.

Outside of work, parenting, and writing, I haven’t done much else.  Working on a puzzle as usual, but I’ll be switching to all of the Lego sets once summer starts.  Got a ton of them I’ve been saving for the hot months.  Some of them are pretty big and going to be a fun challenge.  It’ll be a nice relaxation from work and staring at the white paper with words on it while editing.  Looking like summer will be really hot too.  I’ll need the Legos when trying to cool off then.

Wish I had more to share, but it’s survival mode until I reach the end of the school year.  I know it’s going to be a challenge.  Not only with work, but the home life is getting fairly crazy as my son gets older.  Teenagers are emotional even without autism making things tougher.  He’s getting through it, but I’m making sure to keep my own activities at a point where I can drop them whenever he needs to talk.  All of us are exhausted, which is why things are getting choppy.  I’m sure nearly every parent has gone through this, so it isn’t unique.  Growing pains for everyone.  Good thing ‘Inside Out 2’ is in theaters because that might help . . . Unless he wants to watch a comedy or action movie.  Got a few on the list that I think he’ll like.

Storm is coming in (writing this Friday night), so I guess I’ll jump to the list:

  1. Edit more of Darwin & the Avenging Elf
  2. Spend Father’s Day with my son.
  3. Pokemon Go to get fresh air and exercise.
  4. Puzzle time!
  5. Make it through the work days.
  6. September posts.
  7. Contemplate the existence of various things.
  8. Maybe play some Pirate Warriors 3 with my son too.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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10 Responses to Goal Post: Got A Little Done, But Not Much

  1. Life seems to be getting in my way this morning. I’m still committed to new words, but have a couple of chores to deal with while it’s still cool. I get Wednesday off, too. Looking forward to it.


  2. noelleg44 says:

    The rule of thumb with teens is: Be available when they want to talk, even if it’s 2AM. We had a lot of middle of the night discussions!


  3. Last day of school was yesterday for my district. Boy was I ready!


  4. I hope the summer isn’t too hot, but even as I said, I think it is going to be hot. Happy Father’s Day, and it’s nice that you get to spend it with your son.


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