Changed Plans: Forget What I Said Last Saturday

The original plan was to use this past week to fix up all of my series and get them organized.  Then I would tinker with the next notebook entry until the weekend.  A nice, relaxing week since I only had 4 days to work with.  Well . . . that failed a couple hours after my post went live.

I happened to look at the calendar and realized my son finishes school soon.  In the back of my mind, I knew this was coming, but I thought taking a week to focus on other projects would be okay.  Once I saw that I had 3.5 weeks, I didn’t think so any more.  The plan changed from tinkering to editing because I have to work on Path of the Traitors and Warlord of the Forgotten Age back-to-back.  These stories run alongside each other, which means I want to make sure I have the timeline the same.  If Trinity in Book 14 is moving faster than the champions in Book 15 then things won’t mix well.  This meant I had 3.5 weeks to edit 38 chapters and I don’t get much work done on the weekend.  My top speed without getting sloppy is 3 chapters a day, but only if nothing else comes up.  I did manage to pull that off this week, so 12 of the 18 chapters for Book 14 have been edited.  This is good because editing that last book might still be rough since it’s another step toward this adventure ending.

A quick aside: I still need to get the final ducks in a row for The Life & Times of Ichabod Brooks too.  That will be a July release if I can pull it off.  Busy, busy, busy.

In Bedlam news, Protecting Bedlam will begin getting posted tomorrow.  This will be a Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday posting until the story has been told.  I wrote it like a full book, so the posts will be bigger than normal.  I chopped it down as much as I could, but putting a mid-section cliffhanger for a decent post wasn’t working out that often.  Keep in mind that I’m still nervous about this too.  I typically try to avoid getting topical and political, but I couldn’t resist due to the original idea.  Far too close to reality before it became reality.  Anyway, I will do the usual warning that this story will include: Violence, Cursing, and Non-Gratuitous Sex.  Not really sure how else to explain that last one since I don’t write sex scenes, the naughty bits aren’t mentioned, and it’s mostly just open discussion that it happened off-screen.  Again, Bedlam is my more adult series compared to my fantasy stuff.

With all of that going on tomorrow, I might not be around for the onset.  It will be my 12-year anniversary.  We’re celebrating by going to see Wonder Woman for a matinee and then a nice lunch.  I just have to say that getting the tickets was nuts.  I had been checking for it to turn up on Fandango and it wasn’t there Wednesday morning.  At least at 5 am when I just happened to wake up.  At 7:30 am, I checked again out of curiosity and it was there.  Not only there, but 1/4 of the seats were already taken for the showing we wanted to get.  Now, we have to get tickets beforehand because if we miss the showing we’re aiming for then our day gets wrecked because of babysitting and other stuff.  So, I was racing to get the tickets before my son’s Wild Kratts ended and the bus showed up.  Easy?  I wish because I kept getting sent back to the beginning.  Every time, I found that the seats I tried to get were taken.  Not sure what was going on, but I finally got them during the ending credits and it looked like at least half the theater was claimed.  To explain, we’ve been looking forward to this movie ever since it was announced and more so when we realized it would be our anniversary movie.

That’s the adventure of the week.  At least the stuff I can share.  The books have been selling decently, but Ritual of the Lost Lamb hasn’t returned to the Top 100 stuff for a while.  Feeling like it might be the last Windemere book to be there considering it barely scratched the surface and fell a few hours later.  Yeah, I know it’s a silly thing to focus on, but I think it will be cool to say all 15 books hit a Top 100 list outside of the New Release section.

So, what’s the plan for this week?

  1. Finish editing Path of the Traitors.
  2. Start editing Warlord of the Forgotten Age.
  3. Watch Wonder Woman.
  4. Continue reading One Piece.
  5. Prep chapter 2 of Protecting Bedlam.
  6. Avoid freaking out over the blog only book.
  7. Cooking dinner as usual.
  8. Settle my mind on next new writing project in time for next Saturday’s post.

By the way, feel free to volunteer for the Book is Live announcement for The Life & Times of Ichabod Brooks.  I have the long-term volunteer list, but I need to remember to mention it in case someone else wants to help.  Enjoy the weekend.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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26 Responses to Changed Plans: Forget What I Said Last Saturday

  1. Good luck on the week. I’m looking forward to Bedlam.


  2. Hope I’m on your list for the ‘Life & Times of’ promo, Charles 😎


  3. We’ve been bogged down with commitments and company. I still need to see Pirates then WW. All the reviews are pretty positive for WW.


  4. Glad you managed to get tickets. Hope you enjoy the movie. I generally prefer to watch movies at home, so I’ll wait until I can do that when it’s out on DVD or something.

    Good luck getting the editing done on time, and with checking everything else off your list.


  5. I would be glad to help, Charles.


  6. Yeah, I’m a school resource teacher and the end of our year is coming up super fast! But put me on your list to boost Ichabod’s book. In fact, if there are any dragons in it, I’d love to post an excerpt for you.


  7. I’d be interested in helping with your book is live bit, what does it involve?
    Glad you had a decent week. I’m sure your next book will get in a top 100 list.


    • It’s just posting a pre-made blog post that I would send when everything is ready. I usually do an HTML so it’s only a copy/paste deal. Fingers crossed on the future books. Been reading that the categories and Top 100 lists are a mess. Too many people have found ways to game the system or simply add as many unassociated labels to their boos as possible.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’ve got a book review blog that I’d be happy to post it on, it’s small, but I do get a few people visiting it.
        I wouldn’t put it on my main blog because everyone expects that to be humor, I’m afraid people wouldn’t realize your book was real on that blog.


      • Cool. I’ll put you on the list. Thanks. Yeah, I’ve noticed that books that don’t match the theme of a blog don’t always hit the mark. Nothing can be done about that. At least until I finish a machine that makes everyone interested in fantasy . . . I can see so many ways that can go wrong.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Build that machine! It sounds like fun! Maybe it could also make every politician think he or she is a wizard, hero or vampire too!


      • Wizard, hero, and vampire are too dangerous. I’ll set the machine for human and see if that fixes things. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Ellespeth says:

    Happy Anniversary!


  9. Pingback: Writing Links 6/12/17 – Where Genres Collide

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