Goals Achieved? Now What?

First, I’m happy to announce that they caught the injured stray cat.  Took a week, but it finally walked into a trap and got taken to the vet.  Prior to this, the cocky beast would lounge on top of the trap and leave without investigating.  Guess it finally got hungry enough to explore.  Don’t know what will happen to him now, but I hope he gets healed and might even find a home.  Before anyone suggests me adopting him, half of this household is majorly allergic to cats.

In other arenas, I met all of my major goals this week.  March posts have been prepared and a list of some for April to hopefully promote Legends of Windemere: Ritual of the Lost Lamb has been made.  The personal project has been prepped, but I’m finding myself falling out of excitement with it.  I like the heroes and the world, but the villains aren’t coming out well.  I’m trying to alter them, but the majority are nearly carbon copies of each other.  There’s a reason I can’t stray too far or alter too much.  Part of me wonders if I should and just change the pieces that prevent me from publishing.  Although, that would mean this one doesn’t get much of a priority.  Don’t you love the vagueness.

All of the outlines for War of Nightfall have been made, which was rough.  My notes on this one were terrible because it’s a series I thought I’d always remember perfectly.  Clyde being one of the Big 4 in my head made me arrogant here, which might stem from his personality.  Going over the outlines, I’m seeing that Clyde isn’t always part of the action and I have to get used to that.  It’s become another ensemble cast, which I like.  Yet, it’s one that doesn’t have destiny pulling the strings and there is still a hierarchy with Clyde being the leader.  Some of the outlines look ugly too because I already marked them up with merges, additions, swaps, and replacements.  These are also coming in shorter than the Legends of Windemere books by about 5-6 chapters.  Closer to Bedlam length, which might be what I do going forward.  I can think of one other series that will have long books, but the rest might not be as hefty.  Guess we’ll see what happens when I sit down to write the first one . . .

So . . .

I have no idea what to do next week.  Part of me wants to simply take it easy and watch TV before tackling the Ichabod Brooks short stories.  I really do think I should make that the next project since I want to release it in the summer.  My estimate is that it would take 24 days at 3 sections a day to get it done.  That’s going by my novel writing though, which is overestimating.  Ichabod sections tend to be much shorter and concise.  Doubt I can write one short story a day though, but it would be nice to get it done by the end of February.  That leaves March for April post set up and editing the last two Windemere books.  Then I can . . . Well . . . I mean . . . I really don’t know where to go.

Here is basically what is on my possibilities list once I finish Ichabod and editing:

  • Derailing Bedlam
  • Private/Special Project if interest remains
  • Stand Alone book that stems from the Legends of Windemere finale.  Can’t publish that until next summer.
  • Dawn Addison story for October
  • Start War of Nightfall

Doesn’t look like much, but they all feel so daunting.  Part of it is because I’m back to getting asked on a weekly basis if I’m ready to get a real job.  That really takes a toll on my focus and self-esteem.  Aside from stressing me out, it makes me feel like what I’m doing now isn’t considered a real job.  All the time, work, and effort I put in is nothing more than a hobby.  This is the crap I don’t need when I’m in a state of creative vertigo.  You know what happened when I finished the final outline for War of Nightfall?  I started to cry because it was an ending.  Call me stupid, weak, or foolish, but it’s looking like coming to the end of Legends of Windemere did a bigger number on my psyche than I realized and I haven’t even gone for the editing.  The added blows from those that have no fucking clue what I’m trying to do or what I’m going through don’t help.  So I find myself staring at this list and wondering where to go because part of me fears that it won’t amount to anything.  If the pushes continue and the outsiders win then I find a ‘real job’ in 2018 and most of my free time goes to my son.  This always makes me wonder how many stories have been lost to cubicles, mind-eroding tasks, and a push for the safe path instead of letting the imagination flow.

Normally, I’d leave a list of goals for the week, but I don’t have any.  I’m solo-parenting today while the wife and parents go to NYC.  Means I won’t be able to think much about what I’m doing.  Maybe I’ll do a little more work on Sin’s series while I let everything else sink in.  Part of me wants to start on Ichabod Brooks, but I think I need some downtime even though that seems to have been my entire month.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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33 Responses to Goals Achieved? Now What?

  1. I have no idea what you should do. Normally I would go with the TV option but I’m sure you can punch a hundred holes in that suggestion. (Mainly because you came up with it yourself.) Maybe no goals is a goal. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. Don’t let those who don’t take writing seriously get to you. Writing is a real job, and one that requires a lot of work and dedication to perform. They’re probably just jealous because you can write and they can’t, or because they’ve never had the willpower to actually write the book they swear is in them.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. noelleg44 says:

    Charles, I have never known you to be at sixes and sevens for very long (where did that phrase come from?). I’d love to see you tackle a stand alone book. Could be fun! Sort of like Rogue One in the Star Wars group.


    • Never actually heard that phrase before. The stand alone should be fun, but it’s probably better to call it a spin-off. It focuses on a character from the main series and closes up their dangling plot line.


  4. I hate it when the characters start sounding the same, but they can’t be merged. I’m having a problem like that with mentors in my project, but I think I fixed it. Killing some characters will do that. Don’t know what to tell you on the rest of it. You have to write what you’re feeling, and the opposite side of that applies too. I have a lot of ideas I’ve never written, and even use vignettes to put them aside for a time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • All these characters are going to die considering the storyline and world. Part of the problem is that the source material is rather . . . repetitive? I think me being elusive on this one makes it so much more difficult to explain. This idea has been outlined and the characters are listed, but not flushed out like normal. Doesn’t feel like I should put that much planning effort into it. Maybe I’ll just shunt it down to the bottom of the list.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Jean Lamb says:

    If your household has enough money and your wife is ok with everything, screw the real job stuff. She wouldn’t be able to go to NY with her parents unless you were doing the solo parenting thing. If it’s someone else making the suggestion, ignore them. Writing is a real job, especially the way you’re doing it.

    But you might want to do something besides watching TV during an empty week. If you can, go out for long walks (weather permitting) or put some music and dance. Writers are notorious for letting their bodies slide while their minds are busy (looks in mirror). Read something you’ve meant to and haven’t got around to. You do need some down time, I am really impressed by your schedule, and if the household finances are ok, keep on keeping on.

    Although this sounds weird, I was actually more productive writing when I had that part-time job at the library–I had to get up and move around and interact with people for part of the time, and had that blessed peace and quiet for the rest (kids were older, though, that helped). And while I was at the library, my writing mind kept busy in the background, so when I was home, I did more actual writing than goofing around (though you do very little of that). Not a suggestion–but some history from my own life.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My wife is fine with it, but money has always been an issue. Whenever we think we’re making headway, something goes horribly wrong. Car dies, someone gets sick, unexpected job loss, etc. Been that way for a decade, which is another reason I’m writing. Got very tired of the floor being constantly ripped out from under me. Not much of a dancer and I do 30 minutes/10 miles on a stationary bike 3 times a weak to combat the flab. Honestly, the reason I’m looking at TV as an option is because I need to sleep. Think I’m slightly deprived there.

      When I had the full-time job, I found that I could think and outline a bit. Yet, I never had the time or energy to do more. All of my jobs have been retail or office work, which can be rather exhausting. Especially the ones where my boss wasn’t exactly a gem.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Next time someone asks you if you’re going to get a ‘real’ job, tell them yes, as soon as you hire a maid, a chef, a baby sitter for your son after school and a gardener/handman/jack of all trades to mow the lawn and the other things you do, that might get them to thinking.


    • I tried that once and got called overdramatic. The thing with my son is that a lot of people think I can just put him in a program and get him after work. With how he is, I don’t think that would be a good idea. Means he’ll barely see either parent outside of breakfast, bedtime, and weekends. This is why I never believe anyone who says our society/country puts family first.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Our society doesn’t put family first, but you do and you deserve to be respected for that.
        Some of us are lucky, my mother stayed home to raise me instead of working and I think I’m better off for it. I’m sure your son will thank you when he’s older and understands.
        Keep on fighting for your family values, hopefully the rest of society will wake up and agree someday soon.


      • Thanks. My mom stayed home until my sister and I were old enough to be home alone. It seems that’s the better system for a kid because they’re with family. That’s just me though.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Time to take up crocheting


  8. Oh, Charles, HUGS. A lot of people still don’t understand what’s taking me so long to get published, why I don’t earn a $200k salary like this freelance writer they saw on TV. I mean writing is so simple anyway, right? Stick with your heart. Your wife supports you, that’s what counts.


  9. Ellespeth says:

    Since you’re a couple, as long as your wife supports your efforts I’d not worry much about other people;s opinions. You have produced an enormous amount of work just since I’ve known you these last 3-4 years. You are taking care of your son during the day….after school now but there were those years he was not in full school. Think of that! Not only did/does that save tons of money but it also allowed this wonderful bond between you and your son.

    These are both very important jobs. Applaud yourself. I am applauding you.



    • True, but the wrinkle here is that we’re not talking about critics I can avoid. So I get the comments no matter what and their timing tends to be trrrible. One of the bigger sources of my emotional downswings last year was getting hit by this at vulnerable moments. Times when I already had doubt and was exhausted from working hard. So it has an impact no matter what.


  10. Pingback: Writing Links in the 3s and 6…1/30/17 – Where Genres Collide

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