Goal Post: Phoning It In on the 31st!

Well . . . this is the finale to 2016.  I’m not really sure people will be paying attention today, so I don’t know what to say.  People that come here often already know my woes and . . . wictories?  Heck, I could reveal that Cassidy is really *guess in the comments if you dare!* and not that many would notice.  We’re all getting ready for either parties, quiet nights at home, falling asleep in front of a TV, or whatever happens before it turns in 2017 and we start writing the wrong date on stuff.

I’m not really sure what else I should talk about here.  A lot happened in 2016 and 2017 is still up in the air.  I have 5 releases planned throughout the year, but still not sure what I’m going to write.  Aside from Ichabod who is one of the 5.  I’ll have another Bedlam book to write and maybe one that will stay with me.  Dawn will get another run in October.  That sounds like a lot, but you’ll see it’s missing something.  2017 is the first year since 1998 I don’t do an outline or a first draft with Luke Callindor in it.  The others showed up in 1999 just in case you were wondering.  At least I have editing, but it isn’t the same.

The whole thing starts next week too.  The wife and kid are off vacation on Tuesday, which means I struggle to get back into the swing of stuff.  January is still a prep month to see if I can add any writing stuff to my repertoire of editing and lamenting.  So, what’s the goal for next week?

  1. Finish characters and outline for Derailing Bedlam.
  2. Start editing Ritual of the Lost Lamb to make sure it’s where I want it to be.  This might take a bulk of my time since it’s nearly 300 pages.
  3. Contact cover artists for Bedlam and Windemere projects.
  4. Get back into biking.
  5. Organize (and locate) all notes connected to War of Nightfall . . . wait a second . . . Done!
  6. Figure out what I did to my right thumb, which hurts around the joint.
  7. Organize pictures and topics for the February posts.  Might do March as well to make sure I have no interruptions when writing the Ichabod stories.  The kid has a break in February, which will throw things off.
  8. Admit that this post is longer than it should be and stop it . . . Done!

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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34 Responses to Goal Post: Phoning It In on the 31st!

  1. Man, sorry about your thumb…a hand injury is not good for a writer. Feel better soon.


  2. 😱 Thumb – Repetitive Strain Injury – Gripping something too much for too long – like a phone 🤔
    Have a successful, productive, healthy and prosperous 2017 Charles 🎉🦍🎶


  3. Karen says:

    Ice for the thumb, coffee for the soul, and a wonderful 2017, Charles.


  4. Were you hitchhiking in the Galaxy? That is hard on the thumb. Have a Happy New Year and I look forward to more in 2107. (More what?) Good stuff that is.


  5. C.E.Robinson says:

    Charles, Happy New Year! Glad the thumb is better (from your comments). Yep, 2017 is up in the air. Glad 2016 is almost over. Many setbacks for me with less writing. Goal for 2017 to write every day, even one page will do! Most of the research is done, so I’m ahead of the game. Good health and happiness for you in 2017! 💛 Christine


  6. Jean Lamb says:

    You seem to have your act together for 2017, which is good. But if I were you, I’d spend more time on the writing and less on the blogging. Now, I need to spend more time on blogging than I do (Molly Likes Movies will be up and going this year). But hey, hang in there and have a wonderful New Year!


    • I actually spend less time blogging than it seems. I set up most of the posts a month in advance using weekends and between project times. 2017 will be tough with writing because I haven’t pushed any of the other projects into the first draft stage.


  7. Have a great 2017. Set your goals and work for them, but don’t be upset if you don’t reach them all. Revel in the ones you do reach. I goofed off a lot in 2016, and while I feel like I should have done more, I’m glad for those camping trips and family events too.


  8. Oloriel says:

    I wish you a Happy New Year, Charles, and I really with all my heart wish for all the best for your family and for you, and for you also that you get a year when you can just enjoy the amazing writing you have accomplished and then accomplish some more!


  9. Cassidy is twisting your thumb?
    Enjoy 2017, it’s bound to be a great year!


  10. davidprosser says:

    You seem to have the Year planned out well Charles. I wish you a Happy New Year and hope it treats you kindly.


  11. Good luck with the new year!!


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