The End is Nigh!

This is going to be fairly short because I’m away for the weekend.  Not much of an Internet connection and I’m around family, so I have to avoid being dubbed anti-social.  I’ll do my best with the WordPress app that loves to crash, but I might only be active in the mornings and evenings until Monday.  I’ll be home tomorrow, but I’m getting back just in time for the Giants to take on the Steelers.  We’ll see what happens in general.

On Wednesday, I showed off a rough sketch from Jason for The Spirit Well cover.  It looks awesome.  My hope is to release the book by next weekend or early the following week.  This time of year is full of events that play havoc with my schedule.  It also means I’ll be delaying the ‘character interviews’ by a week.  Part of it was to promote the new book, but I need it to be released for that to make sense.  Not that I don’t enjoy promoting other authors, but the initial plan was to get my own work some hype.  It changed to be a shared endeavor, so I want to keep it there.  Worst case scenario, I’ll promote one of the bundles.  The thing is that the first one scheduled deals specifically with Dariana whose big book is The Spirit Well.

Aside from packing, seeing ‘Moana’, and dealing with an insurance issue, I made some progress on Warlord of the Forgotten Age.  The champion prophecy has really been turned on its head with all these revelations.  Finally got things to settle as the big battle kicked off and all, but one secret has come to light.  I’m aiming to finish the battle and move on to the final chapter and acknowledgement page by Wednesday.  I’ll be doing a test run on that last part next Thursday.  It’s still weird thinking that this is the end and every finished section drives the point home.  Suggestions have been made to keep the series going, but I know this is how it should be.  Dragging something on until it’s lost its luster and nothing more than a husk doesn’t feel natural to me.  The champions will be retired here and appear only as cameos or mentioned in passing.  I think after nearly 19 years of activity, they deserve the break and another cast should get my attention.  At least I have a year before I publish it though.

In case you were wondering, the name of the blog will remain ‘Legends of Windemere’ even when I move on to another series.  All of the other heroes are technically legends of this world, so I think it still fits.  Next year will certainly be interesting with me trying to find projects for my time.  January is definitely going to be a gear shift period where I outline Clyde’s series and consider the next step.  Can’t forget about Bedlam, Ichabod, and Dawn too.

Goals of the week?

  1. Finish writing Warlord of the Forgotten Age.
  2. Possibly publish Legends of Windemere: The Spirit Well.
  3. Blurbs for Chasing Bedlam.
  4. Keep reading ‘Fairy Tail’.
  5. If possible, start editing Chasing Bedlam.
  6. Consider responses to Thursday polls.


This is a belated announcement since it made no sense to make a post that would only be a few sentences long.

December 1, 2016 = 4 Year WordPress Anniversary

I’ve managed to stick around here for 4 years.  Wow.  Time certainly flies when you’re writing, putting out books, and repeatedly revealing you’re a nervous wreck that’s in dire need of padded walls.  Enjoy the weekend.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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21 Responses to The End is Nigh!

  1. You are but one of only a few bloggers that I am truly amazed at. How you keep up and forge ahead despite many conflict amazes me. The grandkids are coming over at noon and will likely be here through noon tomorrow. I’ve already given up on the possibility that anything will get done.


  2. noelleg44 says:

    You are an inspiration, Charles. I couldn’t do what you do. By the way, what did you think of Moana?


  3. Congratulations on the four years. I think we have all enjoyed the ride with you. ;-D


  4. Four years is a long time in blogging years. I haven’t been around quite as long, but I’ve seen a lot of good blogs come and go. Feel free to put my post off, just warn me as to when it will be so I can share it.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I hope you had fun!

    I just released the final Pearseus book this weekend (and now have to write the post officially announcing it). Feels weird.


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