What Does the Future Hold? (Goals & Schtuff!)

First, did you guys knows about this?  CLICK PICTURE FOR AMAZON LINK!

Cover Art by Jason Pedersen 3D Conversion by Bestt_graphics

Cover Art by Jason Pedersen
3D Conversion by Bestt_graphics

This has been an interesting, busy, and exciting day due to setting up promo for this release.  The trick is to not use all of my big guns since I also have The Merchant of Nevra Coil coming out soon.  We were on track and then a technical issue turned up, which really proves I shouldn’t be working under deadlines.  Something is always out to kick me in the head.  Let’s leave this upcoming treat alone and talk about the more distant future.

The sun will die, but humans will probably be long gone by then . . . Wait . . . That might be a bit too distant.

October!  Some may remember I had run out of topics to write about for next month and asked for advice.  Well, I got some good ones and came up with another one to add into the mix.  This means next month will see a few deviations.  More details will be in a post tomorrow that includes an interactive request and a poll.  Yet, I should warn people that the blog will be taking on a more Halloween-y mood:

  • Fridays will be ‘Monster Maker’ Days.
  • Mondays and Wednesdays will spotlight a monster of Windemere with its habits, origins, etc.  This is what the poll will be about.
  • Every Tuesday and Thursday at midnight will have a section of Raven’s Hold until the entire story is up.  This is a paranormal thriller and has not been edited.  It’s going to be a ‘blog only’ treat since I don’t want to publish it, but I still want to do something with it.  This might end up going into November.

That is the October plan, so I’ll shift back to present day.

The munchkin started school this week, which has thrown my schedule a little off.  Not in a good or bad way.  He gets picked up from school later in the morning, which gives me time to bike and shower before he wakes up.  I just need to get the wife out of the room and handle the email/twitter stuff.  Still I have an hour for the computer and then an hour for the exercise/shower.  It means I get to the writing earlier, which is good because I seem to get exhausted a lot quicker these days.

Also, the new project requires researching as I go.  Google Maps is becoming very useful as I have my ‘heroes’ travel across the Shattered States.  Though I had the 4th wall breaker point out that the details will become fewer once they get off Long Island.  Overall, this is becoming an interesting and fun story to write.  It can be goofy, serious, tense, and I’m simply having a blast.  Having a world that is broken seems to make me want to make characters who are equally broken.  Crazy scenarios seem to work such as getting stopped on the Interstate by a pair of rhinos that were broken out of the zoo.  The serial killer character is allowing me to slip pop culture stuff in there too.  Having a blast making references without saying the actual subject.  Depending on what happens with The Merchant of Nevra Coil, I might put up a teaser for this book on Tuesday.  Probably just the beginning.


So, what’s the plan?

  1. Continue writing Crossing Bedlam.
  2. Hopefully publish The Merchant of Nevra Coil.
  3. Promote the Legends of Windemere Fantasy Series Bundle #1.
  4. Biking and shower before kid wakes up.
  5. Possibly muck around with the superhero stories that got put on the back burner.  Oops.
  6. Daily panic due to sales not recovering from August.  Crying only permitted for 5 minutes and while nobody can hear me.
  7. Stub toe on something.  Figure if I plan it then it won’t happen because my plans tend to fail.
  8. Finish digesting the Sauteed Calamari with Angel Hair Pasta and Spicy Marinara Sauce.  Twas nummy.
  9. Clean up a mess caused by somebody else in the house.  Always happens.
  10. Continue writing Crossing Bedlam.

Anybody actually listen to the videos I put in these things?

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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33 Responses to What Does the Future Hold? (Goals & Schtuff!)

  1. Dean says:

    Sweet! That bundle looks awesome! If I didn’t have them three books already, I would have been all over that! ^.^


    • I’ve been wondering how much of a hindrance that’s going to be.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dean says:

        I meant to say to you before, from now on to keep me on the list for whenever you’re doing a promo or a teaser or a book cover launch, regardless and I’ll throw it up whenever it needs to go up 🙂


      • Thanks. I should make a list. Though I tend to feel weird sending a promo out going ‘you did it before and I assume you aren’t busy’. I’m just self-conscious there.

        I didn’t have a tour or anything set up for the bundle. It was a special surprise with only 2-3 people knowing until today. Nevra Coil is supposed to have the big push, but accidents happened.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Your October plans sound like fun. I almost never watch the videos that people post. I surf through and I’m always crunched for time. Can’t wait for your serial posts.


  3. C.E.Robinson says:

    Charles, not watching videos, time crunch. Rather read post content. You’re well organized with your plans. Humor a good thing. Intrigued with the Crossing Bedlam book. Always wondered how to include cursing so it doesn’t offend readers. Or is that not important. Cursing is in there for a reason. Chryssa

    Liked by 1 person

    • Funny thing is that they’re music videos, so I’m only putting them there for the songs. 🙂

      I don’t think there’s a way to do cursing without offending someone. The words are showing up only in dialogue when characters are angry or trying to be intimidating. Considering it’s a world where the government has collapsed and people just want to survive, I figured manners and proper language would take a hit. It’s weird how it does make sense for these two to drop f-bombs on occasion. Though it tends to be the female protagonist who does it more.

      Liked by 1 person

      • C.E.Robinson says:

        Charles, good to know. Agree, appropriate f…bombs are the only way to say something. Even have the f-word in Arabic in a script. It works! Holy crap would just not do! Chryssa


      • Yeah. This is going to be a Rated-R book. So having a bunch of violence get followed by ‘Darn’ seems rather insincere. Though I am trying to make sure it doesn’t get used too often and makes sense. If you go too far with the f-bombs then it just loses its effect.


  4. I just love a well-placed cultural reference. It’s like a small wink by the author.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You know none of us listen to the videos since there are no clicks. Don’t know why except I’m usually reading and responding to blogs while in the company of others. I guess I could put on the headset but….wait a minute. Way too much explanation. Looking forward to the future posts.


  6. Ellespeth says:

    Wow! You must be getting up way early to bike AND shower before your boy is out of bed. I’ve never been motivated by mornings.
    #8 sounds well worth the effort. I’ll have some, too. **ellespeth holds out a clean plate**


  7. Jack Flacco says:

    First, I love your cover art to your books. It’s awesome! Seconds, anything with AC/DC, I’m there! Third, looks like you have a busy month ahead. Good luck, as I know what release season’s like and I’m going through something similar, but in a more subdued fashion. Looking forward to your new release. Fourth, so looking forward to October monster month on your site. This ought to be interesting!

    BTW, October is my favorite month ever! Autumn. Blustery days. Indoor hot chocolate. Love it!


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