New Plan for the Week

Have some laughs with Eddie Izzard.  Need some laughs because all those plans I mentioned yesterday have gone horribly wrong.  One snowstorm throws everything into a meat grinder.  So, I spent today reading The Crimson League and I’m going to work on a few future writing ideas before bed.

Greg’s visit has been delayed or cancelled depending on an event.  This falls into the theory that some all-powerful being hates it when we make plans.  Greg and I have yet to make a plan that goes smoothly if it happens at all.  Last time it almost went smoothly until he slept through his subway stop and I wandered away from where we were supposed to meet.  This time was snow and bastards.

What will I do now?  Well, I’m going to start writing the next Legends of Windemere book and see what happens.  Seems I’ll have tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday to get some work done.  That means I can feasibly get 2 chapters written before next week when the toddler is home.  No idea what’s going on that week, but I do know that we’re getting snow on Monday . . . I despise that groundhog.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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14 Responses to New Plan for the Week

  1. Papi Z says:

    I suggest we go groundhog hunting. You bring the beer, I’ll bring the chainsaw.


  2. Being flexible is part of life. Most plans don’t go according to plan.

    We are predicted to get 8-10″ more tomorrow. Not sure where we can keep piling it. I eke trying to send it your way. Nice to know it finally got there. We had our snowiest ever January and we are looking like it might be the snowiest winter ever. I’m not a fan.


  3. Have to prefer squirrels over groundhogs… 🙂


  4. djmatticus says:

    The groundhog saw his shadow and suddenly we started to have winter weather. I know, I know, the rest of the country is suffering under sheets of ice, but in Southern California we are in a major drought, having record high temperatures, and had severe fire warnings. Good times for winter. I don’t wish any more cold and nasty weather on you, but I am thoroughly enjoying the clouds, rain, and cooler temps we’ve been having this week so far.


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