Numbers In My Head

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This must be revenge
For hating algebra
Claiming letters
Should not be found in math
Now I find numbers in my trade
Rankings and sales
Addicted to simple addition
Or discovering the key
To give these digits sense
Sell one to leap ahead
Sell four to take a dive
Standing still
When six have found new homes
It makes no sense
Yet I cannot look away
Expecting it to guide my path
And pat me on the back
Still a literary child
Who needs numerical assurance
That he is doing the right thing


This is a new goal for 2014:  Get to the point where I no longer care about the rankings and sales.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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16 Responses to Numbers In My Head

  1. There is a difference between “no longer care about the rankings and sales” and “monitoring said rankings and sales multiple times a day and stressing out about it.”


    • True. Though, I would like to get to a point where the fluctuations don’t worry me. For example, I was away all day. Now, I’m back to see Allure of the Gypsies has be rather quiet. It’s made me a little panicky. I’d like to get to the point where I simply shrug and go ‘only an off day’.


  2. Its going to be just as hard to get away from caring about rankings as it will be to get away from math…nearly impossible.


  3. Gede Prama says:

    Thank you, I truly enjoy your blog and hope many more stop in to read. Again Congratulations. Gede Prama 🙂


  4. sknicholls says:

    Math is not my forte…never has been. Nothing to do with rankings and sales makes sense to me after spending an entire week studying books and reviews rankings on seller platforms. I saw books in the #800,000 with over a thousand good reviews, and I saw books with 50 bad reviews ranking at #68 in their genre…I am enlightened in many ways after this study, but more confused than ever.


    • I know. It makes very little sense. The reviews always confuse me too. I’ve see a few books with nearly 80 5-star reviews and a few 4-stars. Yet, they rank very low for some reason. I wonder if many of the reviews are from people who got free copies, so the sales are low. Again, math is confusing.


      • sknicholls says:

        I saw books with literally thousands of stellar reviews which ranked low (as low as #800,000). All I can figure was at one time they sold like hotcakes, but presently they aren’t moving.


      • Guess everything cools off at some point.


      • sknicholls says:

        Yesterday my book paid off the pizza delivery guy’s tip, and today it bought me a (cheap) bottle of wine…I am not complaining. That’s my assessment of the math. I am concerned that it isn’t getting reviews…but best be careful what I wish for…LOL


      • I’m waiting until after tax season before I start using my royalties for anything beyond advertising. We’re hoping we can start paying the cellphone bill with it by late spring.


  5. Love it. 4,361 sales + 83 reviews = too much stat tracking. 🙂


  6. L. Marie says:

    It’s so hard, isn’t it??? So glad you were able to be creative, despite the anxiety, and produce this poem!!!


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