The Squirrel Story

Ionia has requested that I tell the squirrel story.  I have a few, but I believe this is the one she’s talking about.  If anything, this is the one that comes to my mind first.

In college, I was in charge of the fencing club.  Trust me, this is part of the story.  We had finished a meeting and were heading to the dining hall for the delectable college cuisine that undoes any exercise you did that day.  Now, one of our members was a good, authentic New York redneck and he knew how to hunt.  He also didn’t want the college food, so he was talking about hunting something down with his bare hands.  Anyone else, I would think he was joking.  This guy meant it.

Enter the squirrel.

This chubby grey squirrel was sitting by a dumpster, minding her own business.  She made the mistake of not running away when the first members of our party came close.  Our hunter saw the opportunity and swore he could catch it with his bare heads.  He explained the catch and kill to us.  The twins of our group said he couldn’t do it.  The rest of us weren’t really paying attention.  We turned around to see the hunter stalking the squirrel.

Ever see something happen and it takes a few seconds after the event to process it?  Well, that happened here.  The hunter ran around, the squirrel was gone, and one of the twins was doubled over in pain.  I had no choice, but to stand there and say ‘What the hell just happened?’

What happened was comedy.  The hunter chased the squirrel and thought he had it cornered against the dumpster.  It bounced off the dumpster, soaring out into the air where the hunter could snatch it easily.  The only way to save itself would be an impossible mid-air turn.  Well, it accomplished this by ricocheting off one of the groin of one of the twins.  Yeah, he got groin-kicked by a squirrel.

So, there we were with our fencing gear.  An annoyed hunter yelling at an escaped squirrel, a guy whimpering about get low blowed by a squirrel, and the victorious squirrel sitting in a tree watching us with disdain.

That’s the squirrel story.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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44 Responses to The Squirrel Story

  1. Bastet says:

    OMG! That was soooooo funny! Full points for the squirrel! 😀


  2. And was there beer involved?????


    • Surprisingly not. Maybe some post-fencing adrenaline, but this guy was always trying to catch squirrels for food. The dorm had a warning sign that we put up outside the kitchen if he was cooking his catch.


  3. sknicholls says:

    I don’t think I could eat a city squirrel…not to sound prejudice or anything. I was shooting squirrels off my Grandmother’s front porch with a .22 before the age of four. We would skin them and flour them and fry them up for breakfast. I have been an avid hunter most of my life. Those plump squirrels were fed out on tree nuts, pecans and peanuts, not garbage.


  4. L. Marie says:

    This tops any squirrel story I’ve heard. Amazing! And I thought my friends’ story of the squirrel that broke into their apartment was good. No. This is better!


  5. Oh, the mental image of this has made my day! Thanks for sharing! 😀


  6. Hopefully that was the last of his big game hunting. LOL! Foiled by the Jackie Chan of squirrels. Great story. 🙂


  7. Ninja squirrel strikes again – that is a great story! Thanks for sharing, Charles!


  8. Okay let me process this. Some guys in fencing gear decide to capture a squirrel and one is taken out by Ninja Squirrel. The story is funny but the real funny part is how this story came up in conversation between you and Ionia? Huh….readers want to know. I mean were you talking fencing, squirrels or nuts? Huh


    • We didn’t have the on. We were leaving the class and everything was packed away. Well, the hunter guy was wearing his gear for some reason. He always did.

      We were talking about squirrels.


  9. ioniamartin says:

    Pamela made me do it. She asked me.


  10. Tuan Ho says:

    Groin-kicked by a squirrel.

    That would make a great title for a novel.



  11. Ninja squirrels FTW!


  12. keladelaide says:

    That’s the equivalent of us aussies eating possums. Maybe some do but I’ve never heard of it.

    All squirrel comments from now on will have even more meaning.


  13. melissajanda says:

    Ha! Love it! Glad the squirrel was the victor.


  14. That’s a crazy story and crazily funny 🙂 Had a good laugh !!


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