Poetry Day: Even When I Win, I Lose

Earl Tyrant from Final Fantasy Unlimited

(This one probably happened after I was forced to go to something and then got lectured because I didn’t look comfortable.  Yet, I chose an activity and the people I was with didn’t take it seriously.  So, it left me wondering why some people ruin events others planned and then get upset when the same is done to them.)

I get to choose the restaurant
But everyone decides to cancel
Leaving me to eat alone

I choose the movie that we watch
But everyone decides to talk
From previews until credit reel

I get to choose the sport we play
But everyone stays on the bench
Forcing us to stop the game

I get to choose the vacation spot
But everyone cries and whines
Never trying to have fun

If I am not the one who chooses
I am demanded to behave
Why can you not do the same?

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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6 Responses to Poetry Day: Even When I Win, I Lose

  1. L. Marie says:

    How sad and frustrating!


  2. A lose-lose situation for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds manipulative.


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