Another Collection of Art from the Son: All Pokemon

So, I asked my son if he minded me posting more of his pictures here.  I went through a round of questions before he said it was okay.  We’re doing Pokemon right now, so that’s what you’re going to see here.  It’ll probably be that way for a while.  Most of them were done use Art for Kids Hub.  The exception is Venusaur, which was done with Cartooning Club How to Draw.  I’ll be putting some notes down on a few of these too.


This one was actually our first real attempt to do shading.  It was the first time he got to use his black gel pens, but only for coloring in at this point.


This was the first time he used his gel pens to redo the outline, which we weren’t sure would work.  Came out great.  Shading was tough because the video used pastels with blending and we use colored pencils.


This was the first of a 3-in-a-row attempt.  We’re still working on getting angles and dimensions of the body right, but his faces are coming out great.


This was the middle one and I think it’s the best of the trio.  He had hit his groove here and it was probably the easiest out of the three.


This looks good, but it was the last and hardest of the three.  Patience and focus were dwindling because it was more of an action shot than the others.  We were both getting frustrated trying to get the shading right too.  Still, it looks really good and shows progress.



My favorite part of this one are the wings, which came out perfect.  Halfway through, we saw that the body was oddly shaped when compared to the video, but it was too late and it still worked out.


This was our introduction to block shading.  Basically, you don’t fill everything in with one color and put another layer on top.  You fill in sections with different shades of the color, which turned out to be an easier method of shading for him.


This is the one from another ‘How to Draw’ series because the other didn’t have one for Venusaur.  The challenge here was that the video showed how to draw, but not how to color it.  You see a digitally colored version at the end, which we had to pause and examine to figure out how to match it.  My son determined how to do the block shading while I tested and showed him the colors we had.  It looked really weird at first, but it came out looking incredible.

Mega Gyrados

We ran into a small problem with this one.  This was an introduction to guide lines that helped shape the body.  We didn’t realize they what they were, so the segmentation didn’t come out at first.  It took both of us trying different tactics to get the right effect.


This is the one I really wanted him to do because Snorlax is one of my favorites.  I mean, he mostly sleeps and eats, so why wouldn’t I love him?  There were issues with getting the right type of circle and making things look somewhat symmetrical.  We didn’t have the exact color that the video had too.  So, I had to get his Pokemon book to show that Snorlax can be a darker blue and we found this one.


Love how the eyes came out.  This is definitely one of his best shading jobs.  Funny thing is that this required a template, which was a bowl in the video.  I didn’t have a bowl around and the ones I did find were too big.  The entire project started with us hunting for the perfect circle template.  We ended up using the top section of my oil diffuser.  As you can see, it got the job done.

That’s it for now.  We’re still doing Pokemon, but things may slow down once school starts next month.  Hope people are enjoying these.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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38 Responses to Another Collection of Art from the Son: All Pokemon

  1. These pictures are very good, Charles. YOur son has talent.


  2. Tiungaisrael says:

    I like pikachu…Ash’s right hand creature🙂


  3. I S R A E L says:



  4. These are great, Charles. Your son has talent. These have to be fun to do as well.


  5. C.E.Robinson says:

    Impressive, Charles. Your son has an artist’s eye. Great shapes & coloring. What an incredible project for you & your son to share. 🎶🎨 Christine


  6. ospreyshire says:

    That was a fun post. My favorite picture was the Gyrados one. Maybe your son can keep practicing drawing, so he can be the very best artist like no one ever was.


  7. Grow your own cover artist. Great idea.


  8. L. Marie says:

    Your son is quite the artist! They look exactly like the characters in the games and in the anime. Well done!!!


  9. All of these are fantastic and full of talent! Bravo!


  10. Beautiful art work. Expressions are brought up so clearly. He is an artist.


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