A Week of Nada and Noshing

Not really sure what to write here for two reasons:

  1. I didn’t really do much.
  2. These posts don’t get much attention.

To be fair, I’m writing this on Wednesday since I’ll be busy for the rest of the week.  That was always the plan, but Monday destroyed me.  Some health issues have popped up and I’ll be seeing a gastroenterologist in early December to make sure this isn’t something really bad.  That’s only one problem though because I have to see a dermatologist about another issue.  At this point, I think my body is simply falling apart from stress and I just hope to make it to the Legends of Windemere: Warlord of the Forgotten Age release.

People might be wondering when that is . . . December?  I have nearly everything set up to go, but am missing that final piece.  Many people will realize this is the usual song and dance from me, so I hope it’s become standard operating procedure.  At the very least, my internals have taken the hint to imitate squirming eels due to stress.  I hope to get the book out in early December and then get all of those guest posts out.  That’s really all I can say going into this due to various aspects of the situation.

Focusing on all of this has been difficult due to those health issues mentioned before and having to drive my wife everywhere.  I also have to handle her errands as well as everything I typically take care of.  This has left me pretty exhausted because I can’t ease into my day or rest a bit after sending my son off to school.  So, I didn’t get much further than the Ichabod Brooks titles and a little bit of plot work.  I’ll make a separate post about that down the road when I have more.  The working collection title is still The Longbow of Ichabod Brookswhich is starting to grow on me.  Again, that’s really all I’ve done, so I’m fairly boring.

Honestly, the only area of progress I’ve made is in watching ‘Samurai Champloo’ and reading a lot of ‘One Piece’.  Neither of those are worth writing about since I can’t be sure how many people here know what either of them are.

Geez, I’m really not into this, which might be a sign that I’m getting more depressed and pulling back from people.  This has been a looming problem for over a year and I thought I was fending it off to some extent.  Something about the last month has pushed me to a point of nearly breaking and I don’t know what.  Maybe it’s how I can’t find a moment to take a break without being made to feel guilty or fearing that somebody will make me feel guilty.  Perhaps it’s that I feel like I’m not going anywhere other than backwards and am trapped in a lose/lose situation.  I keep hoping for that one break or opportunity that I can take, but that hope is dwindling pretty fast.  Part of me even fears that such a thought has seeped into some of my books.  Not Legends of Windemere since I wrote that before things got bad and the fear there is more about making sure it’s a good ending.

I’m really worried about War of Nytefall because my wife is reading it and seems to always be confused.  Jokes are falling flat and she isn’t getting some parts.  I think part of it is because she’s still used to the way the Legends heroes worked and Clyde can be a pretty big jerk even though he’s a ‘hero’.  Either way, I can’t figure out if this is working or not because of her responses.  I haven’t read it over myself and I have to admit that I’m a tad nervous about going for beta readers.  Mostly because everyone seems to have their own idea about vampires and the few times I’ve tested these ideas with others has seen arguing over the pre-existing mythos vs Dawn Fangs.  I mean, the scenes were meticulously planned out and written with a lot of mystery, so they certainly work together.  I just don’t know if I missed something or having such a large cast to introduce gave me trouble.  Again, I haven’t read it since I wrote it, so I could just be my worst critic here.

So, what are the goals for the week?

  1. Work more on Ichabod Brooks.
  2. Think of posts for January.  What do people think of spending half the month on the Top posts of 2017?
  3. Read more One Piece.
  4. Try to sleep as best as I can.
  5. Try to get back into biking because it’s tough to get into it after running errands and dropping the wife off.
  6. Work towards putting out Legends of Windemere: Warlord of the Forgotten Age
  7. Avoid thinking 2018 will go any smoother.  Learned my lesson since 2017 has been any better than 2016.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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32 Responses to A Week of Nada and Noshing

  1. I am always against repeating posts except in extreme circumstances. I think if you do a top posts of 2017 I would add reasons why they are top. Just redoing a post falls pretty flat for those who have read it. Sure I’ll hit like and comment. I have read everything you have written on your posts so it might be fun to let you know why I thought it was a good one as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. L. Marie says:

    Hoping for a good 2018 for you. Hoping that will start in December. I’m sorry that things have been so frustrating.


    • Hate to say it, but I’m not going to hold my breath for it to start earlier than January 1st. Things might get easier once I release the final ‘Legends of Windemere’ book, but that means I have to get my head in the game for a new series.


  3. Jennie says:

    If you have many new followers this year (like me), I think reposting your top posts is a good idea. I hope your wife’s broken bone is healing, and wish you good news on your Dr. Visit. Best to you, Charles.


  4. noelleg44 says:

    I have another to add to that list – stop and smell the roses now and then. Maybe the GI problem is stress rearing its acidic head?


  5. Sorry you had another bad week,mbut isn’t that how everything happens toward the end of the year? At least it does for me.
    I’m sure War of Nytefall will be better than you expect.


  6. Don’t know what to add here. I’m excited for Ichabod to come back though.


  7. Take care of yourself, Charles. And… Yes! Ichabod!


  8. Yikes. The one thing I’ll say is that I disagree with your assessment that this sort of personal post falls flat. Even though I may not always comment, I await them eagerly.


  9. Sorry for being so slow to check in here. I saw this post the other day, and wanted to comment, but I’ve spent the last several days having to only use my phone and Kindle for online stuff after the puppy ate one of the modem to computer cables, and couldn’t get commenting to work, so I had to wait until the replacement cable showed up today.

    Anyway, I like when you do these kinds of posts. I also know from my own blog readers that people actually do like taking a look in to what the boring day to day stuff is like for others. It may not seem like it, but apparently what passes for boring day to day stuff for one person is considered interesting to another. I believe my readers when they tell me this, because I know I for one like to read posts like this. Exciting or not, it’s interesting to see how someone else spent their day, week, or whatever.

    I’m sorry you’re having such a rough time still, and that the stress is starting to cause other problems. I’m also sorry the depression is getting to you. I know what that’s like, and know how much it sucks. Hang in there!


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