Questions 3: Your Thoughts on the Indie Scene of Today

Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz

Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz

Here we go from last Thursday.  I may have asked this a while back, but it doesn’t hurt to open the floor again.  Feels like the publishing world is always changing, which means our opinions are changing as well.  Some people think reading is a dying art while others think it’s only a temporary lull due to global stress.  Some people swear Amazon is trying to destroy all indie authors while others think Amazon is a benevolent deity that has come to carry us into up to literary Olympus.  Most of us are in the middle though.  So, here are the questions:

  1. What do you think of the current state of indie publishing?
  2. What would you like to see happen to the industry?
  3. Any advice for other authors when it comes to publishing and promoting?

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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34 Responses to Questions 3: Your Thoughts on the Indie Scene of Today

  1. MissKymmiee says:

    Great post… Love this ❤


  2. L. Marie says:

    1. What do you think of the current state of indie publishing?
    I think everyone is struggling to get a book noticed. But I’m still reading books, still interested in books.

    2. What would you like to see happen to the industry?
    I’d like to see a better system in place to alert people about new books. But please don’t ask me what that might look like.

    3. Any advice for other authors when it comes to publishing and promoting?
    Good question. Perhaps reach out to more people with blogs. If you can afford it, hire a good publicist. (Most of us can’t afford that, I know.)


  3. Allie P. says:

    I believe that readers, who love stories more than they love simply knowing what everyone else is talking about, are being turned off by the traditional publishing houses’ current risk adverse strategy of primarily promoting only books that have been written by authors with prior built in name recognition or that are carbon copy retellings of stories that have either made millions already in either book or film format. This gap in perceived supply continues to serve as a growth opportunity for indies. The challenge, however, remains reaching would-be readers while establishing yourself as a credible author and not someone simply out to make .99, coupled with a limited distribution model.

    1. Overall, I would say the indie publishing market is only growing stronger.

    2. I would like to see more indie success stories like the Martian or Wool if only to grow the population’s awareness of how great indies can be.

    3. While we may pride ourselves on our independence, we don’t have to go at it alone. Find a reliable partner or two to help with things like editing and promotion.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. It’s all like being a ghost hunter at times. It seems like every decent tool we have winds up costing us money. I’m not afraid to spend a little, but the results never quite seem to balance that out. There is also no guarantee what worked once will ever work again. I probably couldn’t exist as a published author without Amazon, or one of the other options, so I’m grateful to them. I think the playing field is leveling, it’s not easier on one path or the other. They’re all hard. No idea what I want to see next.


  5. What do you think of the current state of indie publishing? There are so many books being published that the noise bar keeps getting raised. To get above the noise is taking an immense amount of effort
    What would you like to see happen to the industry? I would like those who have not seriously thought about the quality of their work to get out.
    Any advice for other authors when it comes to publishing and promoting? No advice other than it is going to take more money and effort to be heard and discovered.


  6. Helen Jones says:

    These are big questions, Charles! Almost a blog post’s worth of answers, really 🙂 However, in short:

    I think indie publishing is overcrowded, but at the same time indie releases are losing the stigma they once had, opening the market to new audiences.

    I would like to see more tailored promotional options for indie publishers, and more support from indie bookstores

    Advice to authors? If you’re going to spend on anything, spend on a professional edit. The other stuff can come after that, but the key is to make sure your product is the best it can be when it hits the marketplace. Also, network like crazy!


    • Always feel free to use a post like this to make another post. 😀 Forgot to put that note on this one. Sorry about that.

      1. Very good point about the stigma fading. I wonder if the overcrowding helps in that there are more serious indie authors showing up in the mix.

      2. I didn’t even realize there were indie bookstores, but I don’t have much around here. Being primarily an eBook author, I always liked the idea of an online indie library. Not sure how that would be done and I’m still trying to get my book into the local system.

      3. Great advice. Though, I do know many who can’t afford that. Are there other paths to take for those who are lacking in funds?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Helen Jones says:

        Thanks, Charles 🙂 I like the idea of an online indie library too – I suppose Kindle Select is the closest thing to that at the moment. And, interestingly, I’ve had support from my actual local libraries – they’re even running a series of Indie Author Days over the next few months, which I’ll be participating in.
        As for the last one, I appreciate not everyone has the funds for an edit – I know I always have to budget for them myself. So I would suggest get the ms beta read by as many people as possible, and if you know any teachers or language pedants, get them to give it a look over. Plus there are some online editing tools, I believe, that will pull out all those extra useless words and flag any words that are overused. Can’t remember what they’re called at the moment though…


      • True, but I guess I was thinking of one that’s not as corporate as Amazon. Also, it would be only indie. The local libraries seem to try, but there’s more of an interest in local tales or dramas. Fantasy doesn’t get a lot of attention for some reason. Might be changing in some areas though.

        Never thought of teachers. Good one.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Helen Jones says:

        Like a sort of indie collective? That would be pretty cool. A huge thing to manage, though 😀


      • Yeah. Definitely beyond my abilities.

        Liked by 1 person

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