Questions 3: Happy Halloween Fun

Dory from Finding Nemo (Meme)

Dory from Finding Nemo (Meme)

An early Happy Halloween to everyone since I’ll be busy on Saturday.  Not easy wrangling a child who still hasn’t mastered trick-or-treating.  He still occasionally tells people if their neighbor wasn’t home to give candy.  At least he hasn’t tried to claim a dog as his treat like he did during his first year.  Anyway, here we go:

  1. If you could dress up as anything for Halloween, what would it be?
  2. If you could invent a candy, what would it be?
  3. What’s that behind you?

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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25 Responses to Questions 3: Happy Halloween Fun

  1. I had a fleeting thought of slicing up a paper lab coat, adding some fake blood, goggles or gas mask, and being a mad scientist. My new candy would taste like cheese… mmm cheese. That thing behind me is a robot girl posing as the grim reaper.


  2. Hahahaha that’s amazing. I would have loved to see the look on your neighbor’s face when your kid tried to steal his dog. As for your question, nothing’s behind me. I’m in my room. This is a safe place. It definitely wasn’t built atop an ancient Native American burial ground that–wait. What was that? I thought I heard something. No, it was just one of the cats. And now they’re scratching at my door. And groaning. Wait. Cats don’t groan. Oh God–the handle is turning! No, get out! Leave me alone! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


    • It was a small wiener dog too. My son was about 2 and we were coming to the end of the night. It just clicked that we say ‘trick or treat’ and get to pick something. The dog was there and he thought it was an option. Neighbor got a good laugh.

      Those crazy Native American spirits. Such characters.


  3. twixie13 says:

    1) This year, I’m more than likely dressing as one of the characters from my books. Already have the ears, tail, and rest of the outfit lying around.
    2) My candy would probably be a bit like some of those extremely sour ones. Only the sour sensation would be replaced with different types of hot pepper, mixed with different types of fruit. Which now leads me to wonder how a combination of raspberry and ghost pepper would taste. I know there’d be a market out there for it, as well as that one cluster of people asking “The fuck were they thinking?!”. Though there’s also a chance that someone else has thought about it, I’m sure.
    3) Behind me? Ah, that’s just Pennywise. Why he’s breathing down my neck and all, I don’t know… I keep telling him to get his demonic ass back to Maine, but does he listen? Nope!


    • 1. Very cool that you’re dressing as one of your own characters. Surprised more authors don’t do that.. I think I’m on candy distribution this year.

      2. Sounds like something a younger me would enjoy. Older me can’t handle spicy food that well. I still eat it though because some days the heartburn is worth it. I had a ghost pepper wine once, so I think it would go really well with raspberries. Strawberries too.

      3. Maybe it’s too cold. Surprised he didn’t become a demon-sicle in a Maine sewer.


  4. L. Marie says:

    My thoughts
    1. If you could dress up as anything for Halloween, what would it be?
    If money were no object, probably a Jedi. I saw some awesome ones online. I love the Jedi!

    2. If you could invent a candy, what would it be?
    I would invent something with chocolate but with the crunch factor of potato chips. I love candy that is a mixture of sweet and salty. Which is why the sea salt chocolate was invented for me.

    3. What’s that behind you?
    My clone. I plan to dress up as someone who is beside herself. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • 1. Any Jedi specifically?

      2. Yum. I have had chocolate-covered potato chips before. They’re really good as long as they are solid enough not to crumble.

      3. That explains why she’s got the ‘How to Steal Your Original’s Life’ manual.


      • L. Marie says:

        The only costumes I saw were copies of Obi Wan’s outfit. And they were the female versions. I wouldn’t want to dress like Aayla Secura or Ahsoka Tano unless we’re talking about the season five outfit for Ahsoka Tano. Even that’s questionable.


      • They’ll probably have Rey and Finn for next year. You don’t see many Luke Skywalker outfits, do you?


  5. L. Marie says:

    Or I would dress up as a minion. I’ve crocheted many minion hats for kids.


  6. If you could dress up as anything for Halloween, what would it be? I have this fascination with Count Dracula
    If you could invent a candy, what would it be? Highballs. They melt in your mouth and as they melt they release appropriate levels of Prozac
    What’s that behind you? Yeeeeeeeaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk *footsteps running away*


  7. noelleg44 says:

    I would be a witch with bright red hair and a big nose with a wart! My candy would look a lot like candy corn (YUM) but taste like bourbon! And so what’s behind me, I think it’s


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