August Interview: Aedyn Karwyn the Priest of Durag

By Kayla Matt

By Kayla Matt

  1. If you had the choice of any occupation, what would you actually like to be?
    I feel that I have chosen the correct path.  Durag’s light has blessed me and I am obligated to do work in his name.  You would be surprised how many people need to feel the sun’s warmth on their life.
  2. Do you have any hobbies that you would like to be able to spend more time on?
    I practice elegant writing in my spare time.  Part of it is because of my work, but many times I do it for fun.  Many beautiful pictures can be made from creatively writing a poem or random words.
  3. What’s your favorite meal?
    There are crackers made from my order’s highest temple.  They are imbued with pure sunlight, which makes them very warm and light.
  4. Do you play any musical instruments–if so, what? If you don’t, what would you like to play?
    Priest of the sun can sing, but only for rituals.  I assume that the mild skill can be transferred if need be.
  5. Is there any one in particular that you wish you didn’t have to be around?
    A man whose name I refuse to utter.
  6. Have you ever been strongly attracted to someone and it never developed?
    I apologize for the short answer, but no.  Romance has never been a focus in my life.  I always felt that it would happen if it was meant to be.
  7. Are you surprised about what you have become? Is this what you expected when you were a child?
    I did hope to be a warrior as a child, but the death of my mother changed my path. I do not know if I would say that I am surprised because that sounds . . . insulting to her memory.  She made me want to help the world through more than violence.  As a Duragian priest, I heal the sick, mend the injured, and destroy the creatures of corruption that threaten others.  Perhaps in a way, I am a warrior.
  8. What is your biggest fear?
    To fail Durag and lose his warmth.  To fall out of favoris the biggest fear for all priests and priestesses.
  9. If you could change places with another person in Windemere, who would it be and why?
    It may sound silly, but I wish I could change places with a friend who died.  He would be upset with that sentiment since he was old and I am young.  I can already hear him scolding me for being foolish and forgetting that I still have work to do.  To be honest, I do have the power to speak with him from time to time.  So when I say I can hear him scolding me, I mean I can hear his words from a distance.
  10. What makes you happy?
    Being in the sun, especially with friends.
  11. What does teamwork mean to you?
    Dedication to the path that everyone has agreed on.  This does hint that one can stray if the group changes direction and you do not feel comfortable.  Teams are not always written in stone since living beings change with experience and time.
  12. How would you define honor?
    Being true to your path and self.  I would normally say that one can only have honor if they are good, but that might not always be true.  Going by my own definition, an evil man can have honor among his peers by staying true to that life.  Perhaps honor is in the eye of the beholder.
  13. What’s the best way to hunt monsters?
    I would recommend caution and bringing a healer.  If you do not have such a person with you in the field then know where to find one quickly.
  14. What’s your first response when someone makes you really, really mad?
    To meditate and not act in anger.  That is when one makes mistakes, so it is a mental state that should be kept in check.
  15. What’s it like working for Charles?
    This person is not familiar to me.

Check out more of Aedyn Karwyn in

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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15 Responses to August Interview: Aedyn Karwyn the Priest of Durag

  1. L. Marie says:

    Aww. I love Aedyn! Thanks for this interview. It sounds like Aedyn is content with this path of service. Fighting with honor and skill is a way of serving others too, right? That’s all part of “destroy[ing] the creatures of corruption that threaten others.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oloriel says:

    Wonderful interview, Charles. I especially liked question number 13, and the answer to it.


    • Very wise advice. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oloriel says:

        Besides that, it is refreshing to see. I see healers and priests trivialised to sentences or simply ignored in most nowadays fantasy (but then again, maybe I am reading the wrong one?). I guess it would have to do with the balance or fights and even smaller number of people conflicts, because if a healer can make anything cured and salvaged, whoever has a healer would be the winner before the battle even started. I think healers and priests in general are and should be much more complex xharacters than what they are often shown, hence why I really liked the interview 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • You’re right about healers. Most times they’re a minor character that shows up, heals, and leaves. Other times they’re the arrogant zealot that irritates everyone. Warriors, thieves, and wizards tend to take the spotlight. One thing I like about priests is that the god or goddess they follow helps play into their actions and thoughts. So you can add an extra dimension in that way.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. “Perhaps in a way, I am a warrior” – to me, that sums up his various personality aspects rather well 🙂


  4. I’m playing catch up, and I’m way behind! I really liked this interview – Aedyn came across really well in the interview – such a strong, intriguing character with a distinct voice. I enjoyed it 😀


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