Dear Book Reviewers and Other Authors

First, I should admit a thing or two.  I don’t own a Kindle and currently can’t afford a Kindle.  My mom has a Kindle and occasionally I can convince her to let me borrow it for a week, which is why I haven’t been able to buy and read a lot of books.  She’ll be back from Panama tomorrow, so I can try to negotiate a share plan that will allow me to use the Kindle on weekends.

To this end, I’m asking how many authors wish to trade book reviews.  I’m willing to trade e-book purchases or PDF/Word files for reviews.  Let me know if you’re interested in this deal or if I’m making a fool of myself.

For book reviewers who follow me and I follow them, let me know if you want a free copy of my book and in which format.  Paperback is the only format that I’m going to have trouble with at this time.  I was planning on e-mailing people one-on-one, but my e-mail just crashed and it’s stayed crashed for the last hour.

Thanks to anyone who is listening and hopefully we can help each other out.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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11 Responses to Dear Book Reviewers and Other Authors

  1. Matilda Aya says:

    Please don’t make a big deal out of my ignorance or density :), please, but what do you mean by review?


  2. codywestle says:

    I don’t see myself having finished work until this summer or next winter. But I’ll jump at the chance to help you out in the small ways that I can. I have been reading your blog the past few days and it’s always nice to see someone with the same goals that appear to be coming into fruition. Keep up the good work Charles!


    • slepsnor says:

      Thanks. I’m aiming to own a Kindle by that time, which sounds like a really sad goal now that I read it. I’ll be sure to buy, read, and review your book when it comes out.


  3. Karen says:

    You can d/l the Kindle app to your PC and read stuff from there. Don’t need an actual e-Reader to do this. Here’s a link.

    I read stuff on my phone, on my laptop, and on my e-Reader and it’s neat, ’cause it remembers my place not matter what device I access.


  4. My work isn’t quite ready yet, but I’d love to get a chance to not only read your book, but help out with a review. Let me know.


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