Questions 3: Summer

I’m still recovering from the end of school year fatigue.  It’s like all of the little bits of tiredness that I’d been shoving away since September decided to jump me.  So, I don’t have much brain power to do much here.  Trying to save it up for tomorrow when I get to make my first summer goal post.  Let’s do some questions.

  1. What is your favorite part of the summer?
  2. Got anything exciting planned for this summer?
  3. If you could change one thing about the summer, what would it be BESIDES the heat?

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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28 Responses to Questions 3: Summer

  1. Oloriel says:
    1. When it ends.
    2. A week at the Meditteranean seaside, some swimming, some shell diving, and hopefully some rowing.
    3. I think us grown ups should also have a summer break like schools have; where everything commercial stops working and we all just cook, swim, rest, relax with each other.


  2. L. Marie says:
    1. Hard to say. It doesn’t have the same magical appeal as it did when I was out of school. When I was growing up in Chicago, we got out in mid-June and went back in September. So I felt like we were given a good run at summer. College was the same: got out in mid-June, returned after Labor Day. Job-wise, it was hard, because by the time we got out, everyone who was out in May took a lot of the jobs! I like July  because it is the middle of summer. I also love the fruit!
    2. No vacation plans as yet.
    3. I can’t think of anything. The longer days are nice.


  3. My favorite part of summer is the longer daylight hours
    Nothing planned for this summer
    If I could change one thing about summer, it would be to silence the leaf blowers.


  4. noelleg44 says:
    1. Longer daylight hours
    2. I think I mentioned our trip to Scotland before
    3. Aside from the heat, the humidity!


  5. Jennie says:

    Me, too. Why am I sooo tired?


  6. V.M.Sang says:
    1. The sunshine and long days. But here in the UK we don’t have hot, sultry days of extreme heat. We might have a week, at the most, of temperatures above 25 Celsius.
    2. No. We don’t go away in the high season. Too crowded. Too expensive. We’ve already been to Southern Spain and Brittany, France for 2 weeks each.
    3. Fewer people in the most popular tourist sites and places. It could be arranged by restricting numbers, even into to cities. Not gonna happen though!


  7. Tough questions. Summer is my least favorite season. There are some nice community events like the State Fair. I don’t have any real plans. We’ve been in survival mode for a few years around here. We do have some concert tickets in July that I’m looking forward to. As for my petition, we could do without the wild fires. We get plenty in Idaho, but California usually sends us a lovely cloud to breathe for months.


    1. What is your favorite part of the summer? Being on my own schedule and able to relax.
    2. Got anything exciting planned for this summer? We were talking about Crater Lake National Park, but now we might be staying home to work on the fence. Fun?
    3. If you could change one thing about the summer, what would it be BESIDES the heat? Fewer fireworks. My neighborhood sounds like a firing range.


    • It’s been surprisingly quiet here as far as fireworks go. I’m sure it’ll change by July 1st.

      Liked by 1 person

    • V.M.Sang says:

      Here in the UK we don’t have a National Day like many other countries. We celebrate with Fireworks on November 5th. It’s actually a left over from the pagan festival of Samhain but has been re-established as a celebration of the failure of a group of conspirators to blow up the Houses of Parliament with King Charles 1 on the State Opening. Bonfires are lit (Samhain) and an effigy of Guy Fawkes, one of the conspirators, is burned.

      So fireworks aren’t a problem in summer.

      Liked by 1 person

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