Time for More Completed Puzzles!

This is going to work out since I don’t have my room for a few days. Comments here tend to be easy and it gives me another week to think of another topic. I can’t do puzzles for a while because had to pack up my stash and table for the room painting. Between those and my notebooks, so the choice was easy. The two circular puzzles are from an 8 puzzle set. I’ll do the rest next.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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12 Responses to Time for More Completed Puzzles!

  1. These are amazing. I love the cereal and cupcake ones. They had to have been difficult.


  2. Elle Knowles says:

    My husband asked me if I was going to do a puzzle this year. I usually do a few during the holiday season but this year I haven’t started one yet. Maybe tomorrow…
    Have a wonderful Holiday and happy new year, Charles. ~Elle


  3. L. Marie says:

    Love these, especially the cereal one. The Detective Pikachu one looks like it was hard to do with all of those black pieces.


    • That was a tough one, so I did as much as I could while avoiding the black. It was surprising how many of the black pieces had tiny flecks of white that I had to match up with the box cover. Then it was a lot of trial and error.


  4. Great visual post. You have a few hours invested in those.


  5. Jigsaws tend to be a summer activity for me, as I’m off school and have full days to fit those in. Maybe I’ll break one of my smaller ones out during the holiday break. I more favor the landscapes and ones with Pikachu and other movie posters. The cereal ones are so busy that they bug me a little. Also, jigsaws are sort of a busy-hands-busy-mind for me, and I can work through plot issues while doing them.

    However, I need to find a different space for my jigsaw table. It’s near a window, which gives extra light, but the cats jump down from the window and dump everything off the table. Ugh!


    • I find the collages to be a real challenge. I’m having trouble finding more popular culture ones too, so I’m hunting for fantasy puzzles. I might get into landscape ones at some point.

      My puzzle space is limited. I can’t do anything bigger than a 1,000 piece. Kind of frustrating.


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