Everything Comes to an End

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Well . . . Here we go.  Today I’m going to start hyping and posting about Legends of Windemere: Warlord of the Forgotten Age.  This is the grand finale of my fantasy series and that has me thinking about endings.  A necessary part of any story, but it can be one of the hardest parts too.  Most times, it comes down to one infamous word:


Not only for the characters and readers, but for the author.  In fact, it’s much worse for the author because they have to create closure for all parties involved.  The characters are the ease ones to appease while the readers can be more complicated because many create their own endings.  Nothing you can do about it outside of doing the best you can and making sure you don’t leave hundreds of plot holes.  Personally, I’ve come to terms with that fact and feel like I’ve brought my characters to their natural conclusions.  That leaves me with only one twitchy, rum and pizza fueled basket case.

I always thought this would be an easy stage and I’d be distracted by a new project.  Things change after 19 years of waking up every day with the same characters in your head.   Even during the 10 years I wasn’t writing new books, I was thinking about them and poring over the outlines.  If not that then I’d edit one of the written books.  Either way, Legends of Windemere has been a part of me for over half of my life.  As you can guess, this makes it much harder to let go and I’m wondering why I thought otherwise.  Youthful optimism, which is hard to associate with me these days.

Can’t say I’ll feel full closure until maybe a few months pass, but it could depend a lot on what happens next.  Not sure about other authors since I’ve yet to meet any that have done a series as big as mine.  Jury is still out on if I’m ambitious or insane since massive series haven’t been a trend for a while.  One thing I’ve done is plan on having the survivors make cameos in future stories.  I guess I’m not really giving myself closure, especially since I’m not leaving Windemere.  My next series takes place in an earlier time than Legends of Windemere, but I can still use the same species, magic system, and maybe hint at a few ‘future’ heroes and villains.  The door is being left ajar for myself and readers who want to visit again, which might be delaying the inevitable.

So, what do other people think about endings when it comes to stories?  Do you have trouble letting go or is it easy to move on to the next adventure?

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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34 Responses to Everything Comes to an End

  1. I do get atatched to my characters, but I also enjoy having their stories come to an end, and knowing they’ve told their tales and I can start playing with the next idea.


  2. I see reaching the end as a pause. If more stories come to me, I’m happy to pick where I left.


  3. L. Marie says:

    Seems natural to want to hang on. I can’t help thinking of J. K. Rowling who said a firm no to other books in her series. But she has approached returning to the world by exploring a different angle with Fantastic Beasts.


  4. I have nowhere near your level of involvement in a series. In my limited experience, when the last word is written it is like the last day of college. There are happy feelings and sad mixed together. A new project does help but there is always a soft spot for the old gang. I tear up easy when I write and had to have a good old tear fest when the series was finished. I did move on and won’t go back.


  5. Jennie says:

    Moving on is easy. Letting go is hard. Make sense? Love the quote.


  6. In my case, it isn’t too hard. I just move on. The characters are always with me, and I started an outline to bring a bunch of them into a team kind of story. I don’t have the investment of a series to deal with.


  7. I’m sure it’s bittersweet for you, congratulations on reaching the end of the series though, that’s quite a feat.


  8. I usually feel great satisfaction at the end of a book. If I’m not happy to be typing “the end” the I know the book needs another draft.


  9. Bookwraiths says:

    I generally get a bit depressed when a story comes to an end, especially a long one. It is really hard for me to let go. 😦


  10. M T McGuire says:

    I had massive trouble letting go of mine after four books because I, too had been writing about them and thinking about them, in various forms, for over half my life. After finally managing to let them drop, I wrote a new book, which bombed so then I started a new series but soon began to learn that what my readers wanted was more K’Barthan stuff. So now I’m doing a spin off about some of the characters people want to know more about and answering a question my editor asked. I’m also planning shorter stories, say 10-20k about events in the different characters’ lives. So far all these are before the original four books take place but there’s also a definite opportunity for two of the characters to come to London on police/espionage business and have a bit of a bromance. Ample opportunity for comedy.

    So I guess you could say that on the letting go front, I have basically done an epic fail!




    • That’s something that worries me. If I try other series that bomb then I’m left with either quitting or returning to the original series. Yet, I can’t really do the latter because those characters have seen the end of the road. I do a lot more in the world of Windemere itself, so I don’t know if that will be a good bridge or people will want the champions to return.


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