Cross Promotion for December Tuesdays

Step Brothers

Step Brothers

I’m out for the day since it’s good weather and I promised a little boy in a Superman costume that we can go to the Zoo.  That’s just why I won’t be responding very quickly to comments here.

On Thursday, I mentioned that I wanted to do character interviews in December.  These usually fail, but I wanted to try a new method.  It was suggested that I have my characters chat with characters from other books.  This is similar to C.S. Boyack’s Lisa Burton Radio . . . in a way that a Granny Smith Apple is similar to a Red Delicious.  The only difference here will be that it’s going to be more of a sit down chat in a Windemere location instead of a radio show.  This is also why I’m going to say upfront that, if this happens, Lisa will get first interview and choice of interviewer/ee.  Seems only fair since I’m stepping into her arena.

Now, this is how this would work:

  1. You comment or email that you’re interested.
  2. We discuss the particulars in an email chain before starting up the chat.  Explain the characters involved, who your character will talk with, and the location.  Maybe choose the questions in advance.
  3. I’m still trying to figure out the chat part.  I want this to be a natural back and forth, so it might be we go paragraph/question/answer back-and-forth in the emails then I’ll transfer it to a Word doc.  My goal is to have 3 questions per character.  I’m more than willing to even turn it into a ‘Coffee Talk’ thing instead of an interview.
  4. The post will have a Windemere book at the top (probably The Spirit Well since it should be new at the time) and the guest author’s book, bio, and social media links at the bottom.
  5. Postings will be on the Tuesdays in December.  If I get a bunch of interests then I’ll carry it into January and however long I need to go to give everyone a turn.

I’m going to be honest again here.  I will still be doing a poll to get the top 4 Windemere characters by the end of October.  This is in case things fall through and I need to go with the original plan.  So, please comment below if you’re interested.  Windemere characters will have to be first come, first serve.  Don’t really want 4 Nyx interviews.  Oh, and Fizzle might not be an option since he recently appeared on Lisa Burton’s Radio Show.  If I go this route then he could make cameos if I see an opening.

Hope everyone has a fun day.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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40 Responses to Cross Promotion for December Tuesdays

  1. I’ve a few characters who would be interested in chatting…


  2. I would like Stephanie Savard to chat with Sari. Could be about how difficult life is as part of a cast as opposed to the main antagonist. I think the location should be your current book location. This could also take on the subject of the men in our lives.


  3. Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
    How would your characters like to meet and chat with characters created by another author?
    Charles is offering them exactly that! 👍😃


  4. twixie13 says:

    I’d be interested in this. Though I’d have to figure out some questions. I’d likely go with Travis interviewing someone, but it’s all a matter of who, as well. If there’re still openings, of course.


  5. rijanjks says:

    This is a great idea and I am very interested! My email address is


  6. Janice Wald says:

    Why do character interviews not normally do well?


    • Not sure. I used to try and get people to ask the questions, so it was interactive. Me asking the questions was odd because I already had all the info in my head. The thing that went wrong was that most people would either like without commenting, reply that they didn’t want spoilers, or ask the characters questions about being fictional.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I’d be interested, and I have several characters to choose from for potential interview candidates.

    My eMail address is


  8. Lyn Horner says:

    Hi Charles. Your idea sounds like fun. I’d like my character, Lara Flewellen, to chat with one of your characters. Lara is High Guardian in my Romancing the Guardians series. My email:


  9. Rebekkah says:

    If it’s not too late, I’m interested. I have one of my characters in mind.


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