Cover Art by Jason Pedersen

Cover Art by Jason Pedersen

Available on Amazon for $2.99!
Listed on Goodreads!
Dive back into a world of fantasy adventure with Legends of Windemere: The Compass Key!

 Book Blurb:

Swords will clash and spells will fly in the newest adventure of young warrior Luke Callindor, Nyx the magic-flinging caster, and their friends.

With Sari captured by their enemies, the champions of Windemere are determined to get her back and destroy the Lich’s castle. Little do they realize, their battles in the Caster Swamp are only the beginning of this adventure. Trinity and her Chaos Elves have invaded the city of Gaia in search of a relic called the Compass Key. Rumored to be the key to rescuing Sari from a magical island, our heroes are in a race to find the mysterious artifact.

Which side will claim the Compass Key? And, what will our heroes do when they’re faced with an enemy whose evil power overshadows anything they have ever faced?

New to Windemere? Then check it Volumes 1-4 of this exciting series by CLICKING ON THEIR COVERS!

Cover Art by Jason Pedersen

Cover Art by Jason Pedersen

“I greatly enjoyed the vivid characters, the gripping plot, and the refreshingly unique writing style (present tense).

“This the start of a great series and i cant wait to read to read more.

“FANTASTIC, RIVETING READING. Great characters, fantasy, magic, mystery and adventure all in one series.” – S/F Old Reader 1962


Cover Art by Jason Pedersen

Cover Art by Jason Pedersen

“There is plenty of drama and action; everyone has a battle or crisis at some point in the story. The adventure, betrayal, loss, and grief throughout this installment makes it a must read for any upper MG or YA.” – Lilysback

“The series kept me on the edge of my seat waiting for more.” – C. Dewey

“This book is a wonderful mix of magic, mystery and adventure. With well developed characters. I look forward to the next installment.” – Amazon Customer


Cover Art by Jason Pedersen

Cover Art by Jason Pedersen

“The action is very well written and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Also the story is engaging and it flows very well and it keeps your attention right up until the very last page.” –

“This book is alive with great action new characters and unexpected twists.” -Eugene Chambliss

“One of the things I love most about this series are all the characters! They are developed so well that I feel like I know them personally. Even the newly introduced characters fit in immediately.” -BarbBookWorm


Cover Art by Jason Pedersen

Cover Art by Jason Pedersen

“This book follows a linear path from the last book in the series, and this series has everything; intrigue, battles, romance(but not too mushy), plot intelligence, and great storytelling. Really looking forward to the next book!” -lala

“This book would easily compare to Brooks, and sets a good pace. Looks forward to next chapters.” -Mark Potterf Sr

“I really enjoy the battle scenes and the inventiveness and creativity of the author. There is also further character development as we get to know them just a little bit more. The fights are fast paced and held my interest.” -Pamela Beckford

Enjoy the adventure!

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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  1. Reblogged this on Year 'Round Thanksgiving Project and commented:
    I just downloaded mine. Hurry and get yours.


  2. Kylie Betzner says:



  3. Reblogged this on Fiction Favorites and commented:
    Now live. Charles Yallowitz’s next Legends of Windemere release. It just has to be terrific if the others are any gage.


  4. Ellespeth says:

    Reblogged this on Views From A Poet and commented:
    Yay! Grab your copy! It’s a sequel… grab ’em all 🙂


  5. Ellespeth says:

    Oh Charles! I’m absolutely thrilled for you!! ***hugs around to all you love***


  6. Gwen Bristol says:

    Reblogged this on Gwen Bristol and commented:
    All fantasy readers should try books by Charles Yallowitz. Here’s the newest in his series.


  7. sknicholls says:

    Reblogged this on S.K. Nicholls and commented:
    Book #5 in the Legends of Windemere Series is now available! Charles Yallowitz has continued the series with The Compass Key!


  8. tjtherien says:

    Reblogged this on The Scrolls of Sion.


  9. Congrats! I’m so glad it all came together for the release 😀 Definitely going on my to-read list, can’t wait to start this series!


  10. LindaGHill says:

    Reblogged this on lindaghill and commented:
    Don’t wait – pick it up today!


  11. Seán Cooke says:

    Reblogged this on Seán Cooke and commented:
    The 5th installment of the ever-growing Legends of Windemere series. Join the adventure today!


  12. Congratulations on the release of your latest installment Charles. 🙂


  13. Looking forward to this. 🙂


  14. Pingback: Check This Out: The Compass Key | El Space–The Blog of L. Marie

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