How Do You Explain?

He was proud of this

He was proud of this

How do you explain a cough
Caused by flower dust
To a child who’s only scared
Raspy throat and wheezing breath
Violent hacks
Making his stomach ache
Spilling medicine into his mouth
To stem the tide of pollen
Knowing his mood is fragile
One attack can make him scream
How do you explain his cough
When you only wish
For it to go the fuck away

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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28 Responses to How Do You Explain?

  1. Hope he feels better soon.


  2. Sweet boy.. I know how hard it is to listen to that cough. Ugh. Hope it ends soon.


  3. sknicholls says:

    Poor babe. My granddaughter is going through this now, with no end in site. She also can’t eat eggs or dairy and it almost makes me cry when she has to sit and watch others enjoy deserts. She’s so patient about it because she understands.


  4. Olivia Stocum says:

    So sorry. Poor kid. Poor dad.


  5. L. Marie says:

    Oh! It’s hard, isn’t it?? Lovely poem though.
    I was thinking about something similar last week: how frightened children get when they’re sick. When he was 18 months old, my nephew was hospitalized for an asthma attack. He was so frightened. But none of us had adequate words to explain the nebulizer and the need for it.


    • We had my son on a nebulizer for a bit. It was a challenge, but I got him hooked by using it without the medicine a few times. Mostly I made funny voices through the mask and used the hose to blow air on his face. Sometimes you only need to get them to laugh to go along with something.


  6. I hope he feels better soon. It’s really tough when they don’t understand. Hang in there.


  7. Had the same problem with my child. Really gets to you. Hope he feels better.


  8. Rotten colds. If only we could take them for ourselves. It’s a terrible feeling to see the little ones sick. Hope he feels better soon.


  9. Oh noes! Sending an army of well wishes for a speedy recovery for your little one. >_<


  10. Kirsten says:

    Ugh..not fun for the little one or you all! I hope he is doing better!


  11. M T McGuire says:

    I get hayfever so I sympathise. I have to ask though… is he asleep in that picture?




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