Eve of an ‘Elsa Storm’

Yahoo Image Search Meme

Yahoo Image Search Meme

Before I get all the ‘Frozen Sucks!’ or ‘Not the song again!’ complaints, this was the only way to explain a blizzard to my son.  All he knew was that snow was coming and thought returning from school would result in playing in said snow.  The word blizzard doesn’t have the weight it does for the rest of us.  So I explained it as an ‘Elsa Storm’ and he got the point.  Though it also means I now have to make an Olaf with him when the weather improves.

Anyway, this post is mostly to remind people that I’m in the northeast.  It’s about to get hit by what the media is calling a ‘historic’ snowfall.  They’re saying 3 feet, which I’m sure is nothing to people who are further north than me.  Unfortunately, this area is routinely under-prepared for this kind of stuff.  We might lose power.  I’ll definitely be spending most of tomorrow shoveling snow and chugging hot drinks.  I’ve prepped tweets through Wednesday, but I could very well disappear from the Internet for a while.  The name ‘Sandy’ is getting tossed around again.

So I hope everyone has a fun week, all authors have great sales/reviews, and that I only lose one day to this ‘Elsa Storm’.  Though would anybody really notice me being gone for a week?  I schedule posts almost a month in advance, so I’m actually wondering if it would take a while for most people to realize I disappeared.  Ah well, off to do more storm prep and wait for the early return of the little guy.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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40 Responses to Eve of an ‘Elsa Storm’

  1. I would notice. There wouldn’t be any comments, likes or reblogs


  2. merrildsmith says:

    We’re supposed to get about a foot or so of snow here. My husband’s school has an early dismissal, and my daughter just texted me that her school in PA just decided to close (fortunately she got the message before she left for work). Hope all goes well with you and your snow building efforts. 🙂


  3. Batten down the hatches.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Kylie Betzner says:

    I love Frozen. You’ll never hear a “Frozen sucks” or “not that song” form me. It’s my ringtone. Now that you’ve lost all respect for me . . . I slid off the road this morning because of the ice. Can’t wait until the weather clears up and we can all enjoy summer again . . . Oh the sky will be blue, and you guys will be there too . . . when I finally do what frozen things do in summer. In summeeeeeer! Sorry couldn’t help myself. You started it;)


  5. elainecanham says:

    well…..I’d love a bit of snow. You can send it here if you like. And you can have our rain. And welcome. Seriously though, hope you don’t have too much disruption.


  6. L. Marie says:

    Oh man. I hope you guys won’t get that much snow. Will be thinking of you! It’s cold here in the Midwest. I’m pretty sure we’ll get some snow too.

    I like Frozen. I wouldn’t complain. I think calling a blizzard an Elsa Storm is a great way to explain it to your son.


  7. sknicholls says:

    That’s so cute! Elsa Storm 🙂 Stay safe and warm. Get out the big blankets and share the love.


  8. C.N. Faust says:

    Stay safe!! I think that is an adorable way to explain things to the little man. He will probably think it’s a great adventure.


  9. MRS N, the Author says:

    Stay safe, Charles! I hear it’s supposed to be brutal! O-o


  10. What we would notice is you wouldn’t return comments and that would be highly unusual. So yes you would be missed. Stay warm


  11. My daughter hasn’t had too much of Olaf yet. But maybe that’s partly because we haven’t had any snow…


  12. mrsgillies says:

    I think that’s a great way to explain it to him! Over here in Australia, the storm in your area was on the radio so i thought of you when i heard about it. Stay safe!


  13. Jack Flacco says:

    Luckily you guys didn’t get the brunt of it like Boston, Charles! What a narrow escape!


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