The Last ‘Rivalry’ Volunteer Request Post

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It’s only a few more weeks or less before War of Nytefall: Rivalry will be released.  At least that’s the plan.  Either way, I’m still hoping to get a few more volunteers for guest posts.  I have 11 already.  Trying not to be greedy, but I will admit that blogging seems to be the only thing that seems to work in regards to sales.  Anyway, here are the two types of posts I can do if you’re interested:

  1. Standard ‘Book is Live’ post like I do on my blog.
  2. A specific topic chosen for your blog that we can discuss because you know your audiences better than I do.

The big in question is Volume 3 of my vampire/fantasy series.  I mean, magic and monsters fantasy instead of ‘why is the undead guy lurking around a high school for jailbait?’ thing.  This is an action adventure tale about the Vampire Civil War of Windemere, so the heroes and villains all sport fangs.  Hope this clarifies a few things for anyone curious and maybe it can help us figure out some topics.

I’m going to keep this up as a sticky post through Monday in case there are people out there who may want to help, but are away for the weekend.  Thanks to everyone who has already offered to help and those who are about to.

(An aside: Never be afraid to ask me to post a promo for you.  I’m trying my best to keep up with other authors and watch for these kinds of requests, but I find myself falling behind.  Sorry.)

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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61 Responses to The Last ‘Rivalry’ Volunteer Request Post

  1. Dust off my email address and send me your article, Charles – plus a preferred date of posting 🦍😃


  2. You know it, buddy 🙂


  3. L. Marie says:

    You already have me on the list.


  4. You have me and the topic.


  5. Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
    Have you sent Charles your offer yet?


  6. chris jensen says:

    I found myself now reading those that i follow regularly more often an now others which i follow more recently…

    ifinn you like you may do what which with this link,



  7. HI Charles, I have a special book/author feature running on my blog in April. You have been a guest on my blog before, but I adjusted the rules a little just for the special feature in April. Please have a look and please note the deadline for the post. Thanks, Linzé (Link to the details


  8. Hi Charles, I am running a book/author feature on my blog in April. Slightly different rules than my normal features, but only for April. Please have a look and note the deadline for April. If you want a full feature after April, the usual requirements will apply. Hoping to hear from you soon!


  9. Just send over the stuff for the post when you’re ready, and we’ll sort out a date for it to go live. In the meantime, I shared this post, just in case someone who follows me might be willing to help. You never know, right? 🙂


  10. Our interview spot is ready to go whenever you tell me to move ahead.


  11. V.M.Sang says:

    Put me on the list, Charles. Anything you want me to post is fine, or I could send you some interview questions if you prefer. Up to you. Email me at
    My website is Dragons Rule OK.


  12. Staci Troilo says:

    I’m pretty sure I told you I’m happy to help. If I did, I’m on your list already. If I didn’t, feel free to put me on it.

    I have a series that had alchemy in it, so if you don’t have a subject in mind for my site, why not write a post about the magic in your story? My readers will be used to that. Or feel free to do anything else you’d like. I want it to be as easy and as fun for you as possible.


  13. Jaq says:

    As it happens, I have a Fantasy blog with a tab for a guest post, so adding another and making it plural would be no trouble. Are there vampires throughout your series? I’m going to have to read this! My blog is at My email should be visible to you from this post.


  14. Charles, I’d be happy to post an announcement of your book release. Just send me the content. let me know if you don’t have my email address.


  15. I’ve never done one before, but I’d be happy to help.


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