Puzzle Disappointment

Looks like a cool puzzle, right? It was a really tough one too. Unfortunately, it’s back in the box and probably going to get dumped in the trash or recycling. You can see why:

21 missing pieces

I knew it was going to be an issue since I was missing two edge pieces. I didn’t realize it would be this bad. Before you ask, I checked under all the furniture at the end and in the bag right away. Since I had made the edge as soon as I opened the puzzle, I knew it wasn’t me losing anything. Frustrating and disappointing even though it’s the first puzzle I’ve had like this since I started last year. Makes me think about a few things.

1. How do you handle inevitable disappointment?

2. Have you ever continued with a project that you know will be broken or faulty when you finish?

(Added frustration after scheduling this:  I began another puzzle from the same company and it looks like I’ve got the same issue.  2 edge pieces are missing right out of the gate.  I have 4 more puzzles from this company too.  Hopefully, my email to them gets some kind of response because this is ridiculous.)

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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12 Responses to Puzzle Disappointment

  1. C.E.Robinson says:

    Charles, what a disappointment. Hope you get a response from the company—and a refund. Time to find a new company. My expectations about “things” isn’t high to begin with. If something works out well, I’m surprised & happy. Enjoy your Sunday. 📚🎶 Christine


  2. I cannot imagine how a company could let this happen. I hope you get some satisfaction. I have done many projects where the end results were going to be disappointing. Yeah, I finished them.


    • They’re sending replacement puzzles. I know they use machines to cut and bag puzzles. If I had to guess, something went wrong. The alternative is to have people hand count the puzzle before bagging, but that’s not perfect either. Once you’re in the 1,000+ range, a person can lose count.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Anything I make is always a disappointment. It’s because I know every flaw in it. I have some beautiful pistol grips I made for a few years, but I know where the flaws are. We finished our puzzle today, and I’m tempted to share it. It was a wooden puzzle and was the hardest damned one I’ve ever messed with. One missing piece would ruin the project, and that many is a major downer.


    • Good point. Being fully aware of the inherent flaws does come with a level of disappointment. I’ve come to accept that perfection is impossible though.

      Never tried a wooden puzzle. Need to look into that type. Sorry about the pistol grips. What was wrong with them?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I know I’ve already told you about the time a cat jumped on my puzzle and I’m still looking for some of the pieces. So I’ll just reply to your actual question:

    >Have you ever continued with a project that you know will be broken or faulty when you finish?
    Yes. I always at least finish the first draft of my ms, because I know I can fix problems in revision. And generally I try to finish things that I start.


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