Resurrection of Monster Maker Fun!

Young Frankenstein Lab

So, it seems I skipped doing this last year.  Not surprised since I was job hunting and thought I had a shot at saving my marriage.  Ah, what a naive youth I was in 2018.  So, I really couldn’t muster the time or energy for this fun event.  Let me explain for my new followers and those who may have forgotten.

This is an October event that involves me getting strange, unreal words and turn them into monsters or magical items/relics.  You can see some examples HERE.  Typically, I have these posts go up on Friday and combine volunteers to cover the entire month.  I always give credit and direct people to blogs, so you might get a little promotion in here.  No guarantees though.  I might spread it to more than once a week if I get a lot of volunteers, but I think I can handle it.  The guidelines are simple:

  1. Give no more than 3 words.
  2. Use nonexistent words instead of things that actually exist.
  3. Have fun with it.

Thankfully, I’ve done this enough to get the kinks out of the system.  So, I won’t get 12 lists with 10 words each or a bunch of animals that already exist.  I mean, a gorilla is a gorilla even in Windemere.

I really enjoy doing a ‘monster’ theme in October, so I think I will do something with my vampires on Mondays and something else monster-based on Wednesdays.  The Monday thing might be interactive interviews.  Typically, I try to get the questions beforehand, but I might test my luck and see if people get into the fun with comments.  I’m going to see what I come up with and post some polls next week.  People enjoyed the write ups of Windemere monsters 2 years ago, so I might do that again.

Thanks to everyone who joins in.  Feel free to spread the word and hopefully enough people appear to cover the month.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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29 Responses to Resurrection of Monster Maker Fun!

  1. Bantersnipe – Groanyhorn – Kaleidopus


  2. Prehenseltaurus, Softagerous, Slandermander

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
    Call over to Charles’ original blog and leave strange, unreal words for him to turn into monsters or magical items/relics – it’s FUN 👍😃


  4. Elyan White says:

    Garedghival, Forsythfilal, Ligengqen.


  5. I’ll play! Khandelis, Spehn, Fanaj.


  6. Always fun. Gullet snipe, butterfume, gravedigger.


  7. This sounds fun! May I join?


  8. You mean things like this? Antillophore. Turbulator. Skaganiffer. I’d love to know what they are!


  9. Ubyion. Oxanbrau. Ehrloth. Go for it.


  10. L. Marie says:

    So many good ones! I’m hesitant to add more.


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