Zoo Pics: Delays On This Too?

So I was hoping to post some pics last night from the Zoo Trip and the Easter Egg Hunt I made for my son.  Small problem is that the Keeper of the Photos in this household is a crafty one.  Takes a lot of negotiating and confusion to get even a few pics, which makes me really wish we had it on a shared computer.  Unless it’s on a portable hard drive, but I’ve long ago been left out of the loop of the stash’s location.  I’m going to try to post some pics on Sunday, but these are the only ones I could get:

Neither of us are very good at smiling for pictures.  I barely try and he over does it.  By the way, be careful calling these buffalo when my son is around.  He’ll tell you that they’re actually bison and refuse to give any ground.

There’s an area of the zoo called ‘Jungleworld’.  One spot has been educational where things are set up and you hit a button to show the answer to a question.  Things like fake bones and fake jaguar prints.  Until this incident, I didn’t even know it was attached to an animal enclosure.  Yet, here a gibbon was sitting on a branch with his feet against the glass.  He didn’t give a damn about the crowd only a few inches away.

I was asked if I wanted a prairie dog pic with the kid in it.  I wasn’t looking and said yes.  This is what I got.  As I said, our photo distribution system needs a lot of work and less red tape.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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27 Responses to Zoo Pics: Delays On This Too?

  1. Darlene says:

    Love these pictures!


  2. What fun. My favorite is the prairie dog. 😀


  3. twixie13 says:

    Best of luck with getting the rest of the pics. Also…PRIMATE!!! Yeah…I may have a bit of an affinity for apes and monkeys. Anyway hope you guys had fun! ^_^


    • This guy was really cool about the pics. The gibbons typically stay out of sight. Got to the point where I thought they weren’t in the exhibit any more. Might be a while before I get more pics.


  4. You need to get a selfie stick. (Joking, please don’t.) Look at all those buffalo burgers on the hoof, I mean bison burgers.


  5. Looks like you and your son had fun.


  6. L. Marie says:

    Awww. These are great! 😀 And what a nice, sunny day. Love the prairie dog photo! Looks like so much fun.


  7. Jack Flacco says:

    Love the observation pics. Great seeing you when you’re spending time with the family!


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