One Tweet a Day: Good, Bad, or Meh?

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A while back, I stopped doing a promo tweet every 3 hours to having one go live at 12 AM and pinning it once I woke up.  This gave me one tweet a day and the new one was always at the top of the feed.  I haven’t really reported on this since I can never tell if it helps with sales or not.  Yeah, I’m terrible when it comes to this since I focus more on the writing side of things these days.  So, I’m going to do a quick Pro/Con thing here.


  1. Your promo will come and go in other people’s feeds rather quickly.  Unlike the people who tweet multiple times throughout the day (I’ve seen 3, 6, and even 1 hour intervals), you don’t have the flood effect.  So you can’t depend on people stumbling onto it after maybe an hour at most.
  2. You have to put more effort into retweeting to bring attention to your pinned tweet.  This path means you depend a lot on reciprocation and you will have to carve out periods where you tweet by hashtag, your feed, or whatever you want to do.  No sitting on your hands this time.
  3. You need to remember to pin in the morning.  This is one of the first things I do because I have forgotten before.  I’d nearly buried it and it was a pain to scroll in search of it.  Now this really only goes for people using something like Hootsuite.  Those that don’t can easily avoid the trap, but they do have to remember to make a tweet every day.  Imagine forgetting to promote for the entire day?  Oops.
  4. This gives you fewer tweets to cycle through if you begin running out of ideas.  It might just be me here, but I start reusing tweets after a month or two.  It’s been so hard to find my old stuff since I don’t have as much out there.  This is probably just me and could be considered a rather whiny con.


  1. You don’t have to rush to Twitter every hour or three to make a tweet.  It’s a one and done deal that leaves you free to focus more on other things.  Yes, you have to go to retweet at times, but you can do that on a break and it takes less brain power than coming up with a witty promo.
  2. When I was doing multiple tweets, I got maybe 30 retweets on a good day.  I think many people will retweet you once and leave it at that until the next day.  With a single pinned tweet, you don’t have the retweets spread out.  So I range from 60-120 depending on the quality and day of the tweet.  How is this good?  Ever do a search for a hashtag and notice it goes to ‘Top’ before ‘Latest’?  A lot of retweets means you can be higher up that first search option.
  3. You take your time making the tweet and don’t fell like you have to stretch your ideas.  This allows you to focus on one good tweet instead of many average ones.  Sure, the pinned up could still be meh, but at least you aren’t spending the day with 10 meh tweets and 1 good one that shows up at 3 AM.
  4. This really helps with a sale because it keeps the sale info at the top of your feed.  Even if you decide to throw out a few throughout the day, you have less pressure on you because there’s still the one you began your day with.  Everything else can be if you feel like it or see that traffic can use a little boost.

That’s what I could come up with.  Honestly, the big thing for me is the freeing up time and not having to come up with 6-7 tweets a day.  Some people can do it, but I’m more into the one and done thing.  Time and energy is limited these days, so I’ll use whatever tricks I can to get function in both arenas.

What are your twitter strategies?

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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27 Responses to One Tweet a Day: Good, Bad, or Meh?

  1. L. Marie says:

    I don’t have much of a Twitter strategy, other than tweeting videos or retweeting other tweets that my followers might be interested in. Usually I tweet what strikes me at the time.


  2. This is a great idea. Thank you, Charles. I often wonder if anyone can pin tweets to sales.


  3. I fumble along. I post something sporadically and spend most of my time retweeting others.


  4. lilicasplace says:

    I love this idea, Charles. I’m such a horribly sporadic tweeter (almost as bad as my blogging schedule). I’m seriously going to check this feature out. Hope you’re having a great week. BTW, I’m re-blogging this. 🙂


  5. Reblogged this on Don Massenzio's Blog and commented:
    Some pros and cons to promoting your book via Twitter from Charles Yallowtiz on his Legends of Windemere blog


  6. Like you, I find that the volume of posting on Twitter overwhelms announcements. Even so, I have a slightly different group of Twitter followers, so I do Tweet once or twice a week. Then it routes to Facebook, so that group of friends sees it also.


  7. I tweet as and when I read a blog post and will tweet it if I particularly liked it. I do retweet, but probably not as often as I should. If I’m looking for a tweet, I’ll usually just go to one of my own blog posts and retweet it from there (adding in any hashtags). I always try my best and retweet a tweet of anybody who tweets my pinned tweet. Whether it’s got me any sales? I really don’t know and I don’t think there is any way of finding out.


    • I don’t really retweet my own posts. Figure it’s up there once and I don’t always have a book connected to it. I definitely do the reciprocation thing, which I find essential to social media in general. Good to hear I’m not the only one shrugging about the sales effect.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. noelleg44 says:

    I’m with meh. I tweet if there is anything worth saying, same with retweeting.


  9. Pingback: Writing Links in the 3s and 6…1/30/17 – Where Genres Collide

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