A Full Week of Progress: I Sense a Disturbance

Seriously, I got 3 chapter sections done every day this week, except Friday.  Yet, I merged 3 together, so I took the night off because I was drained.  Somehow, I covered all of the *spoiler block* section and nearly 2/3’s of the Shayd part.  The champions and Baron Arthuru Kernaghan might finally meet face-to-face next week.  Been a long time coming and then the real fireworks might start.  Hard to tell because I only have 3 or 4 days to work and there’s Thanksgiving day prep as well.  That’s probably where the universe is going to remember it’s 2016 and humans shouldn’t be positive, so it’ll come after me with a steel-toed boot to the groin.

I got a few volunteers for the next book release, which I’m hoping is December 9th.  Hard to tell because of other things going on around here.  The next couple of weekends are going to be swamped, so I’ll have to depend a lot on my phone.  That means no writing progress.  Hoping to time my progress so that I take a weekend break right before the final battle because it’s going to be rough.  The body count might be higher than expected.  I’m putting ‘bad endings’ in there too.  Still on the fence about one character.  On the plus side, I have enough notes about the final scene that it shouldn’t be too hard.  Never wrote an epilogue before, so that should be interesting.

Okay, so I’m excited about finally having a full week of great writing progress.  It might have been my only one this year too.  There was always an errand, exhaustion, or something that would trip me up.  If I can finish writing Warlord of the Forgotten Age before the next book comes out then I can start editing Chasing Bedlam and then Ritual of the Lost Lamb.  Those two under my belt before January 1st would be amazing.  Leaves me the first month of 2017 to outline the next series, another Raven story, and another Ichabod story.  I should take a poll on what people will want to see him do next since I have so many stories.  Maybe a week from this Thursday.

On the personal front, I found out the kid’s oral surgery isn’t urgent.  He can wait for a year or two, which is great.  Delaying this until he’s old enough to follow instructions and not freak out means no putting him under.  That was something that’s been eating at my brain all week.  Unfortunately, delayed too long and we might have to get a voodoo witch doctor since insurance will have decided that dental work is unnecessary as long as smoothies exist.  I’ve been told not to reveal my more violent thoughts in regards to my opinion on insurance companies.  No reason to as long as you’ve read anything with Lloyd in it.  Have you?  If not then go get Crossing Bedlam for 99 cents.  I’m one verified review away from 10 too, which is rather frustrating.  Not as frustrating as the hyperlink bar blocking what I’m writing.  Seriously, WP? I have to keep going for another line before I’m by . . . and I’m back.

Actually, I should probably start considering posts for January too.  I have a list.  Need to check on those December interviews too.  Think I have a bunch finished that will carry me into January.  It’s going to be delayed by a week though because I realized I need The Spirit Well out to make the marketing part of it work.  Not that I don’t enjoy helping other authors promote their books, but this was designed to help both books.  It’s definitely been an interesting learning experience.

So, what are the goals for the week?

  1. Writing 2-3 chapters.
  2. Thanksgiving survival.
  3. Avoid malls on Black Friday.
  4. Survive late Thanksgiving next Saturday.
  5. Get tickets for ‘Moana’ next Sunday.
  6. Biking at least twice.
  7. Read more ‘Fairy Tail’ because it’s fun.  Still trying to pick a favorite character.
  8. Maybe do a post or two for January.  Think I’m doing ‘Best of 2016’ on the first week though.  Would it be right to do that already?  Maybe I’ll do those last minute and focus on the others.
  9. Figure out what to do about ‘Teaser Tuesday’ because that’s becoming a headache.  So many spoilers.

About Charles Yallowitz

Charles E. Yallowitz was born, raised, and educated in New York. Then he spent a few years in Florida, realized his fear of alligators, and moved back to the Empire State. When he isn't working hard on his epic fantasy stories, Charles can be found cooking or going on whatever adventure his son has planned for the day. 'Legends of Windemere' is his first series, but it certainly won't be his last.
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26 Responses to A Full Week of Progress: I Sense a Disturbance

  1. Glad your writing week went well. Happy Thanksgiving.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. All progress is good. You’ve been very productive. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. The daughter and grandkids are going to GA this year and I’m hoping to lay low and get out of cooking and entertaining. Christmas promises to be a real interesting event this year.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds like progress to me. Are we still on for the first week of December? I’m kind of excited about the post. I always do an assessment of the past year, and a business plan for the coming year. I’ve already been thinking about them. The past is always easier than the future I find.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I find when I write an epilogue they only amount to a page or two and that seems to be too little for those I’ve had read them, Do you ever have that problem?


  5. You know you can count me in for any volunteer work. Nice week, by the way! Makes for a welcome change, I’ll bet 🙂


  6. Ellespeth says:

    Glad to read the stars aligned for you this week 🙂


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